Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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"Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people,"
Very good cpl2010 ... first logical comment I've seen you make, however, just one small issue with that, ok? Since only 1% of the entire US population has been screened and tested, how do you determine who is and who isn't infected or a carrier?
Its a very easy virus to get; lives on surfaces many hours, they say. I don't think you realize how many things you touch on any given day when you're away from your home. Thousands of things ... just think every time you open a door, put your hand on a counter, touch the buttons of a credit charge charge, sign your name with a bank pen, push a grocery cart, etc ... only takes one touch, after an infected or carrier touches something for you to come down with the virus.
So, although your statement is logical, it doesn't work HERE because you haven't qualified the sick from the healthy.
Think of this almost as a social disease .... you like bareback sex with the women and you can produce your disease free ******* test to whoever you screw next. Unfortunately, that TEST only is good for that one person you're screwing ... a few days later you're in bed with yet another awesome bitch, BUT you CAN'T produce that "disease free" proof anymore. You're only as safe as the last person you had sex with . So, theoretically, people being tested for the virus SHOULD get a check up pretty regularly, since they've been in contact with many things since their last test.
Very good cpl2010 ... first logical comment I've seen you make, however, just one small issue with that, ok? Since only 1% of the entire US population has been screened and tested, how do you determine who is and who isn't infected or a carrier?
Its a very easy virus to get; lives on surfaces many hours, they say. I don't think you realize how many things you touch on any given day when you're away from your home. Thousands of things ... just think every time you open a door, put your hand on a counter, touch the buttons of a credit charge charge, sign your name with a bank pen, push a grocery cart, etc ... only takes one touch, after an infected or carrier touches something for you to come down with the virus.
So, although your statement is logical, it doesn't work HERE because you haven't qualified the sick from the healthy.
Think of this almost as a social disease .... you like bareback sex with the women and you can produce your disease free ******* test to whoever you screw next. Unfortunately, that TEST only is good for that one person you're screwing ... a few days later you're in bed with yet another awesome bitch, BUT you CAN'T produce that "disease free" proof anymore. You're only as safe as the last person you had sex with . So, theoretically, people being tested for the virus SHOULD get a check up pretty regularly, since they've been in contact with many things since their last test.

If you control who is tested you control masses
If you control who is tested you control masses
This virus doesn't care for politics, Allfor .... if you don't control it, it wipes out a few million people who are doing their part to contain it, by a bunch of selfish fools who aren't doing their part. This virus is moving around the country looking for weak spots to infect ... big cities with large masses is its preference, but it has no problem going rural. Forget about your frik'n businesses for a while or you may not need a business later.

I can assure you, if this was a Democrat President and wanting to open up the economy, and not Trump, he'd be out there yelling and screaming to keep the economy closed down. Look at all the yelling he's done regarding illegal immigration ... the illegals haven't killed near as many people as this virus is.
Which is why we need to be testing everyone.
he has already said that was not going to happen...…..he was shown the price tags for that amount of kits...….not going to do it

this isn't on pricing…….but does say trump not going to

Trump warns governors there's 'no excuses' for not testing ...
Apr 13, 2020 · Trump warns governors there's 'no excuses' for not testing residents despite 'useless' test kits by Angle News April 13, 2020, 2:39 am 17 Views President Trump has now told governors it’s their responsibility to get coronavirus testing ‘perfected’ after several states complained that kits provided by the White House were unusable.
and look what I found while doing some searching......a little "hidden" fact

Just Politics: Trump turned down WHO test kits for corona
Trump turned down WHO test kits for corona because the Kushners own Oscar Health, the company that has now been given the contact to supply the tests. Though Jareds name was on the company as co owner, with his brother Joshua, it has now been removed. Guess Who Previously Owned Health Insurance Co. Operating Coronavirus Testing Website

Jared Kushner Once Controlled a Firm Now Running a ...
Mar 17, 2020 · The site also pointed out that it might be necessary to get a referral from a medical provider in order to obtain a test. Oscar is routinely depicted as …

How the Kushner family is cashing in on COVID-19
The Kushner family is trying to cash in on the pandemic that could ******* millions of us.

Oscar Health, the health insurance company co-founded by Jared Kushner’s younger brother, announced Friday it has launched a testing center locator for COVID-19. It shows where more than 100 centers are in the United States. The company is also offering a risk assessment survey and means to talk to a doctor online.
I can't believe the amount of sheep in this world.

yes the republican party is full of them...….they are called trump supporters....the others have started calling them selves independents and seeing the light

as for the slimy tactics......that would be that cartoon put together by the right

still unable to form any thought process so have to post altered cartoons?
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Republicans took over in what? 2011. So those cuts we're [sic] done through Boehner and McConnell.
Holy *******, you cannot be this stupid can you???? Channeling Mr. Gleason, what we have here is a failure to cogitate! I was clear I was talking about the cuts Obozo requested. I even gave you a damn picture of the CDC budget justification where it clearly showed Obozo's requested cut in 2011 AND highlighted the line.

I then gave you links to the actual CDC budget justifications....but dumascrap party mentality won't let you read those....oh no, bubblehead your way to propublica to be told what to "think"

Let me try to bring it to a level even you and MacnLies might understand. From the 2011 CDC budget justification:

2010 Actual SNS funding = $595,749,000
2011 SNS funding requested by Obozo = $523,533,000
The difference between those is $72,216,000

So given this equation: $595M ? $72M = $523M

Put your thinking cap on little Skippy....should the question mark be a plus sign or a minus sign???? Come on Skippy, I know you can do this....

Trump's Right: His Media Coverage Is Mostly Negative

The Pew Research Center, in a content analysis of the early days of the Trump presidency, found that 62 percent of the coverage was negative and only 5 percent was positive.

In contrast, President Barack Obama's coverage in early 2009 was 42 percent positive and 20 percent negative, the study said.
Wonder why?
Wonder why?

just something about the guy that most see through.....and everything is negative...……..unless you are a trumptard worshipper....then you only see what you are told....your life evolves around support and defense of the snake....you say...do...post anything that will further his cause

it is my sincere hope that his cause will put him behind bars....but then that might be to much to hope for

would certainly seem we will never get rid of the virus here...until we have a change in leadership.....we are being set up for a round 2....just like china doing now
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United States cases
Updated Apr 15 at 3:36 AM local



it would seem trump is shooting for that 100,000 death number.....but he has learned that he may be president.....but he does not run each state.....he can threaten to cut off funding...….but then most states never saw the supplies he said he sent....what some states got in the way of supplies was rotten and un-useable
So the United States of America, led by its brave and courageous leader, continues on its brave campaign to render itself pointless and without influence.

If the US stops funding the WHO permanently, it will cease to become a member. It would not be the first international organisation or agreement it has left:

  • UN Human Rights Council: The US announced its withdrawal in June 2018, accusing the UNHRC of "unending hostility towards Israel"
  • The Paris climate agreement: President Trump confirmed the withdrawal last year - it will take effect this year
  • The Iran nuclear deal: Mr Trump called the deal "embarrassing" when withdrawing in 2018. Remaining European signatories have since accused Iran of numerous breaches
  • International Criminal Court: The US has never been a member of the ICC and in 2018, then-National Security Adviser John Bolton said the US would stop co-operating entirely
  • Trans-Pacific Partnership: Days into his presidency, Mr Trump signed an executive order to withdraw from the 12-nation trade deal
  • Unesco (part three): The US announced its full withdrawal in 2017, citing "anti-Israel" bias.
So the US doesn't care about human rights; it doesn't care about climate change and it doesn't care about the application of justice across international borders. These are the messages America has sent to the world.

The 'ingenious' strategy of self isolation strengthens the power and influence of America in the eyes of its followers. This is how America is made great again.

But in the eyes of the remaining more than 90% of the people on the planet they're doing precisely the opposite. They are surrendering their power and squandering good will. In fact, the good will has all but gone and all that will remain is military power. And with this leader at the helm, this is truly terrifying.
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