Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Don't forget to thank Chuck and Nancy who made it possible. And taxpayers like me, who paid in but won't be receiving one. Punishing success is what you republicans call it. Us Dems see it as keeping the economy going. Enjoy that taste of socialism. Sweet huh?

I knew you were a socialist. You were trying to cover up for your commie beliefs. I bet all that bluster about China was cover for your beliefs.
Don't forget to thank Chuck and Nancy who made it possible. And taxpayers like me, who paid in but won't be receiving one. Punishing success is what you republicans call it. Us Dems see it as keeping the economy going. Enjoy that taste of socialism. Sweet huh?
I would have had it last month if it wasn't for them. It's my money paid back I think I'll buy another firearm
Damn….a total shocker!....bet trump is surprised

and then there was one!

Obama to endorse Joe Biden on Tuesday - nbcnews.com
42 minutes ago ·
Former President Barack Obama will endorse his former vice president Joe Biden in a video to be released Tuesday, according to a source close to the former …

and then...….and then...…..and then along came joe...….slow walkin……...non-lyin……..honest Joe

Bout freakin time - he only was his #2 !!!!
Strict 'Stay-at-Home' Orders Spur Protests Across the Nation

"Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people," said protest organizer Meshawn Maddock. "Every person has learned a harsh lesson about social distancing. We don’t need a nanny state to tell people how to be careful."

Newsflash! The CDC budget history isn't exactly a closely guarded state secret. You could easily find & review them yourself. If you seriously thought I was wrong, It would be a simple task to go find proof to the contrary....but deep down you know I'm right so deflect, denigrate, deny....cus duh orangeman bad....obozo good!

cpl2010co already gave you a link to the 2011 data which showed Obozo requested a 12% cut to the budget for the Strategic National Stockpile.

In 2013, Obozo requested a 9% SNS budget cut, followed by 1.6% and 1.5% cut requests in 2014 and 2015.

View attachment 3287192

Interesting digging into these budgets. The 2009 budget (which was the last GW handled) specifically mentioned the 104 million N95 respirators in the Strategic National Stockpile: "Built Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) inventory to 37 million antiviral regimens, 104 million N95 respirators, and 51 million surgical masks." The 2010 budget which was Obozo's first also mentioned the 104 million N95 respirators.

After Obozo raided 75% of the supply, the 2011 budget highlighted the deployment of 75% of the N95 respirators.....at the same time Obozo was requesting to CUT 12% from the stockpile budget.

Starting in 2012, they conveniently left out the depleted status of the N95 respirator stockpile from these budgets.
I don't engage with CPL2010. It's a waste. so I'm glad you brought this back so I can remind you of what went down.
First and foremost, newsflash, what the President signs off on is what both houses of CONGRESS passes. Basic Constitutional duties Thought you were an American.
The national stockpile was not a left or right issue until the Tea Party takeover in 2011.
Pelosi and Reid passed the well financed budgets allowing for the stockpile.
Republicans took over in what? 2011. So those cuts we're done through Boehner and McConnell.

Dire shortages of vital medical equipment in the Strategic National Stockpile that are now hampering the coronavirus response trace back to the budget wars of the Obama years, when congressional Republicans elected on the Tea Party wave ****** the White House to accept sweeping cuts to federal spending.

Among the victims of those partisan fights was the effort to keep adequate supplies of masks, ventilators, pharmaceuticals and other medical equipment on hand to respond to a public health crisis. Lawmakers in both parties raised the specter of shortchanging future disaster response even as they voted to approve the cuts.

“There are always more needs for financial support from our hardworking taxpayers than we have the ability to pay,” said Denny Rehberg, a retired Republican congressman from Montana who chaired the appropriations subcommittee responsible for overseeing the stockpile in 2011. Rehberg said it would have been impossible to predict a public health crisis requiring a more robust stockpile, just as it would have been to predict the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

There were, in fact, warnings at the time: A 2010 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-funded report by the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials urged the federal government to treat public health preparedness “on par with federal and state funding for other national security response capabilities,” and said that its store of N95 masks should be “replenished for future events.”

But efforts to bulk up the stockpile fell apart in tense standoffs between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans, according to administration and congressional officials involved in the negotiations. Had Congress kept funding at the 2010 level through the end of the Obama administration, the stockpile would have benefited from $321 million more than it ended up getting, according to budget documents reviewed by ProPublica. During the Trump administration, Congress started giving the stockpile more than the White House requested.

After using up the swine flu emergency funds, the Obama administration tried to replenish the stockpile in 2011 by asking Congress to provide $655 million, up from the previous year’s budget of less than $600 million. Responding to swine flu, which the CDC estimated killed more than 12,000 people in the United States over the course of a year, had required the largest deployment in the stockpile’s history, including nearly 20 million pieces of personal protective equipment and more than 85 million N95 masks, according to a 2016 report published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

“We recognized the need for replenishment of the stockpile and budgeted about a 10% increase,” said Dr. Nicole Lurie, who served as the assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services during the Obama administration. “That was rejected by the Republican House.”

Republicans took over the House of Representatives in the 2010 midterms on the Tea Party wave of opposition to the landmark 2010 health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The new House majority was intent on curbing government spending, especially at HHS, which administered Obamacare.

Congressional Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate and House Speaker John Boehner, leveraged the debt ceiling — a limit on the government’s borrowing ability that had to be raised — to insist that the Obama administration accept federal spending curbs. The compromise, codified in the 2011 Budget Control Act, required a bipartisan “super committee” to find additional ways to reduce the deficit, or else it would trigger automatic across-the-board cuts known as “sequestration.”

Even in the aftermath of the swine flu pandemic, the stockpile wasn’t a priority then. Without a full committee markup, Rehberg introduced a bill that provided $522.5 million to the stockpile, about 12% less than the previous year and $132 million less than the administration wanted. “Nobody got everything they wanted,” Rehberg said.

The Senate version of the funding bill offered $561 million for stockpile funding. Senators said they regretted the cuts even as they voted for the bill.

In the bill’s final version, Congress allocated a compromise $534 million for the 2012 fiscal year, a 10% budget cut from the prior year and $121 million less than the Obama administration had requested.

In 2014, the Obama administration asked for and received billions of dollars to respond to the Ebola outbreak, but only $165 million went to the CDC’s public health emergency preparedness programs, including the stockpile. And in 2016, Congress granted emergency funding to respond to the Zika virus, but it gave the CDC less than half of what the Obama administration requested.

During the Trump administration, the White House has consistently proposed cutting the CDC and the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, which took over stockpile management from the CDC. (Pelosi's)Congress approved more stockpile funding than Trump’s budget requested in every year of his administration, for a combined $1.93 billion instead of $1.77 billion, according to budget documents.
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I'm telling ya, if the Orange Idiot was to get re-elected with Republican congress, this nation is in very deep *******. He already sees himself as above the laws of the country & constitution. He desperately wants to be a total control dictator.

You keep spewing this BS but currently - as you so pointed out - Red states are reluctant to impose stay at home orders while Blue states are pushing the stay at home BS a bit too far and are all too eager to do it. Tell me again who are the Fascist.
Links?...or just more of your crazy rants!
I just provided the links and history. We made the first mistake of forgetting the budget process and who was in control. Obama was president, but it was the tea party republicans slashing budgets and everything under HHS because they were going after Obamacare, hell everything Obama.
I don't agree with these churches. So much wrong with this. Our church has not had services for many weeks now, our church isn't Evangelical, we are a Protestant Church.

People shouldn't replace their faith with stupidity.

A man went to church and prayed "Protect me from the virus o'Lord"
He went to the pot luck dinner and preyed "Protect me from the virus o'Lord"
He went to evening mass and preyed "Protect me from the virus o'Lord"
The next day he was in the Hospital, sick with the virus and he preyed "Why have you not guarded me from this Evil?"
and the Lord replied:
"My *******, I gave you the knowledge and wisdom to wear a mask in public, use hand sanitized, and you were even told you to stay home - but you didn't listen"
Keep thinking it will help why do you think he waited till biden was last
Who cares that Barry Obama supports Joe Bidden. Our country would be so much better off if B. Hussein Obama, Joe sleepy Biden, ( I don't Hate anybody) Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff , Gerald Nadler, Maxine Waters and most of all Bill and Hillary Clinton would take all their Millions or Billions of wealth, achieved while being life time public servants, would ride of into the sunset and never be heard from again.
You keep spewing this BS but currently - as you so pointed out - Red states are reluctant to impose stay at home orders while Blue states are pushing the stay at home BS a bit too far and are all too eager to do it. Tell me again who are the Fascist.

They want you under there thumb Trust them it's dangerous out here they will let you back out to vote take let you take your gov money to gov store get what they allow you and repeat don't worry it's for your own good .
I don't agree with these churches. So much wrong with this. Our church has not had services for many weeks now, our church isn't Evangelical, we are a Protestant Church.
Evangelicals are also Protestant. Some say non-denominational. Others say bible based church.
I just provided the links and history. We made the first mistake of forgetting the budget process and who was in control. Obama was president, but it was the tea party republicans slashing budgets and everything under HHS because they were going after Obamacare, hell everything Obama.
he is blind to anything against the right....it is always the left
common sense would apply...….oh never mind...……..as the leader of the party he can not show favoritism......trump likes to make an issue of it......not working...it is down to one now...…..let the ******* stomping begin!

Here I was thinking this guy was the head
I knew you were a socialist. You were trying to cover up for your commie beliefs. I bet all that bluster about China was cover for your beliefs.
I will engage to state this:
I have always been about America. All of it.
Socialism to a degree, has ALWAYS been a part of this republic (when the English crown allowed the granting of land by squatting), pointing that out doesn't make one anti-American. No more than you ignoring parts of it's history or citizens make you pro American.
China is a communist country. China suppresses all threats to it narrative, government and or economy with lies, silence and death.
I have been vocal about China since 1997 when Hong Kong went under Chinese rule. I was awakened to the ways of China as a young almost 31 years ago to the day, when the protest in Tiananmen Square began.
I have been consistent over the years on my position with China, Russia and Saudi Arabia. I'm a fucking hardliner and feel we have coddled them too much. Too many carrots, not enough stick.
Politically it didn't line up with some people I've worked for in the political circle but, my viewpoint was never shut out. I'm not Bolton, because I still believe in International Organizations and NGO's bridging gaps.
Using taxpayers dollars, to pay businesses and people to make it through tough time- is a form of socialism. Capitalism does not favor government handouts. Nobody did this more than Roosevelt, by actually creating jobs and saving white farmers from losing their property. It worked. Americans like cheap gas and food, we use socialism to keep it that way- not the markets in a pure sense.

So what part of that makes me seem like the type to throw on sandals, light up a joint and save the whales? You support all of that too.
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