Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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nothing new here

The Me President: Trump uses pandemic briefing to focus on himself

President Trump stepped to the lectern Monday on a day when the virus death toll in the United States ticked up past 23,000. He addressed the nation during a period where unemployment claims have shot past 15 million, and lines for food banks stretch on toward the horizon.

Yet in the middle of this deadly pandemic that shows no clear signs of abating, the president made clear that the paramount concern for Trump is Trump — his self-image, his media coverage, his supplicants and his opponents, both real and imagined.

“Everything we did was right,” Trump said, in a sometimes hostile 2-1/2 hour news conference in which he offered a live version of an enemies list, brooking no criticism and repeatedly snapping at reporters who dared to challenge his version of events.

Trump has always had a me-me-me ethos, an uncanny ability to insert himself into the center of just about any situation. But Monday’s coronavirus briefing offered a particularly stark portrait of a president seeming unable to grasp the magnitude of the crisis — and saying little to address the suffering across the country he was elected to lead.

'Total authority': Trump's claim about presidential power gets pushback across political spectrum

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump's claim that he has total authority over governors to "reopen" states drew pushback Monday, including from some fellow conservatives.

During Monday's press briefing on the coronavirus pandemic, Trump said, “When somebody’s president of the United States, the authority is total. And that’s the way it’s got to to be. It's total. It’s total. And the governors know that."

Federal law allows the federal government to impose quarantines in some circumstances and limit travel between states, but the Trump administration has not invoked those powers. The Supreme Court has struck down attempts by the federal government to intervene within states and Trump would not offer specifics about the source of this power when pressed by members of the press.

sign of things to come

risked their lives to make that statement

Upset Victory in Wisconsin Supreme Court Race Gives Democrats a Lift

Democrats scored a significant victory in Wisconsin on Monday night when a liberal challenger upset a Trump-backed incumbent to win a State Supreme Court seat, a down-ballot race that illustrated strong turnout and vote-by-mail efforts in a presidential battleground state.

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now this gal knows how to deal with the virus

'Got more beer!': 93-year-old Pennsylvania woman receives ...
Apr 13, 2020 ·
A Pennsylvania woman gained national attention by asking for more beer while practicing social distancing amid the coronavirus crisis. On Monday, she got her …

Pennsylvania woman, 93, makes coronavirus plea for more ...
9 hours ago · Pennsylvania woman, 93, makes coronavirus plea for more beer amid lockdown in viral photo. 93-year old woman goes viral after making a request for more beer in viral video.
You guys are unbelievable. You have an absolute madman as a leader who daily lies and fucks up and you lap it up and adore him.

Your heading for one hell of a fall.

you have heard the statement about not feeding the monkeys...it makes them go crazy.....well the same applies to him...most don't talk to him he goes off on crazy rants....so far out there most have given up on talking to him
Did that warning include the fact that Obozo raided the Strategic National Stockpile of 75% of its N95 respirators during the swine flu pandemic and didn't replenish them....in fact requesting budget CUTS for the SNS in 2013, 2014, 2015?

you do not have a clue what you are talking about....just spouting *******....but hey.....you got likes from the trump drones...but that is not saying a lot!.....so don't think you have accomplished any major post...just rants from the demented and cheers from those that don't know better
Yes subhub come over here mate. Your captain is mad and your shipmates too.

I fought for this country...it is my country right or wrong...…..just right now it is headed into a downward spiral by a bunch of fools and idiots...thinking they have something to prove...…..they are...how far down we can slide and out of control we can get...and how many lives lost in the process...…..pretty sure things will change in Nov

trump might get back in with Russia's help......but I think the popular vote will be soo much the other way it might draw scrutiny......and if he loses the senate this election also......he doesn't have the power to do more than run off at the mouth...…….they won't be able to gag him....but they will handcuff him...……………….

and who knows....he could be the first president to be impeached TWICE

but I think he would just go home to Russia rather than face the prospect of being removed from office
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I find it bizarre that folks so set on their freedoms should worship a president who is so keen to grab power for himself.

"When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total.
It's total. The governors know that."

Very undemocratic and worrying. He sounds exactly like P. Utin. Actually, not even he would dare be so brazen.

Fucking wake up America.
You write that like the fact that he was an athlete means his severe asthma was lie like tRump's bone spurs.
You write nothing about the decades of medications and surgery to address it. Just that he played sports. Well, many athletes have asthma including some professionals like David Beckham and Jerome Bettis.
Trump has no record of medication for the pain, surgery, or back problem. He just had it appear on his medical records, though he played baseball. He golfs more than any other president and still, not a thing about his bone spurs. Several, not just one supposed growth.
They,both dodged the draft but you give biden a pass. I have bone spurs served with guys with asthma
I fought for this country...it is my country right or wrong...…..just right now it is headed into a downward spiral by a bunch of fools and idiots...thinking they have something to prove...…..they are...how far down we can slide and out of control we can get...and how many lives lost in the process...…..pretty sure things will change in Nov

trump might get back in with Russia's help......but I think the popular vote will be soo much the other way it might draw scrutiny......and if he loses the senate this election also......he doesn't have the power to do more than run off at the mouth...…….they won't be able to gag him....but they will handcuff him...……………….

and who knows....he could be the first president to be impeached TWICE

but I think he would just go home to Russia rather than face the prospect of being removed from office
Of course you love your country. Yours is a great country, but this man is a nightmare for it.

they have been selling at swap meets and flea markets down here for years...….bought several at a flea market
Not here. Fingerprints FBI background check

red......redneck state

I was going to iowa to visit relatives...and a guy in a Missouri truck stop came over showing me this fantastic aluminum Taurus 9mm *******....said he needed money wanted 200 bucks....bought it....later get it home and proud of my purchase....showed it to a friend......he asked where the serial numbers were....we looked....they did a very good job of removing them....find out big jail time for owning gun with removed numbers....took it to flea market to trade for something I could at least use....had people offering great deals for it....so traded it for Remington 870...
hard to believe what you see and can buy down there
Wrong calling out double standard call them both out if they did same thing I hate double standard . like blue stripe flags

well if you are pointing out biden and leaving out trump.....what else would you call it

if it is not an issue for trump...it should not be one for Biden

although there are a lot of issues I would have with one....that I'm sure the other would not have.....guessing you can figure out what I am talking about there......
red......redneck state

I was going to iowa to visit relatives...and a guy in a Missouri truck stop came over showing me this fantastic aluminum Taurus 9mm *******....said he needed money wanted 200 bucks....bought it....later get it home and proud of my purchase....showed it to a friend......he asked where the serial numbers were....we looked....they did a very good job of removing them....find out big jail time for owning gun with removed numbers....took it to flea market to trade for something I could at least use....had people offering great deals for it....so traded it for Remington 870...
hard to believe what you see and can buy down there

Got a friend faceing jail time for assembling mail order gun kits they call them ghostguns no serial numbers or registration
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