Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You ducked or tried to strawman on all of those questions- In the process:

- You admitted you believe it is ok for elected public servants to enrich themselves while they or their spouses are in public office. I guess you forgot the dems shitting themselves over Citizens United. And the law.

- You Said "That's what every government on earth does, distribute resources from the people back to the people. Job of government is to address the needs of the collective." That is socialism and Not the Legal and Constitutional Role of Federal Gov't in America.

-And in America the Federal government has very few jobs. Now they have, over years, unconstitutional made up more jobs to enrich themselves. But, outside of interstate commerce and national defense they really have very few additional 'rights' per the Constitution.

- AND you just asserted, by mistake, the Democrats are the party of the rich.

-Then tossed in the good ole victim or race card, not sure, I lost track of all the whoa is me, you got it easy cards. How about you explain: So other Black People choose whites over Blacks? What about quotes and affirmative action? What about mandatory education quotes for “minority” students and grade leveling against Asians and white in favor of ‘minority’ students? What about all those millionaire and billionaire Black People? If what you say is true in America and with "evil Republicans" how did that happen?

-Yeah you should take my response on subhub’s horseshit 70 Years Dems are better post and answer my questions. I want to see you in detail defend that load of *******.
Dumbest thing I've done was to let you decide what is a legit question and then answer it. Fool me once, and fuck you. I'm sure your legal training is better than mine, probably from so many years of watching Judge Judy, and I know nothing of I write.

And, the make-up of the Democratic Party today is many people of different races, faiths, ages, regions, both genders, and all along the socio-economic scale. The Republican Party is majority white men. Those demographics leak over into their worldview and public policy.

Your last four Presidents have been celebrities and/or wealth inherited individuals. Reagan was a celebrity and wealthy but still accepted a multi million dollar ranch in Southern Cal as a gift from supporters. Nixon accepted gifts and advancements from his book equaling millions. Bush I took a couple of million immediately for one speech to Japanese businessmen and then charges Congress for his travel and office His last years, his office was receiving over 1 million from Congress- a year. And tRump, well, subhub has documented the hundreds of millions he and his family makes from his time in office. Not bad for a failed developer who couldn't get one American bank to make him loan. i guess when you can't make money off a casino, you're a bad bet.

Carter sold off his farm before becoming President and lived a modest life since. Clinton had no money, and made his from memoirs and donations AFTER the presidency. Obama was middle class, and didn't become a millionaire until his book was published. Being the most popular former world leader has its benefits and he has signed some very big deals. It's called Demand. A staple of capitalism. Making that money while in office, like Nixon, Reagan and Bush is a crime. Seeing that all three were criminals anyway, you just accept that.
So again, you keep ducking some key facts. If what your saying is true. How did the Democrats hold most, if not all, of the Local, state and federal elected and appointed positions in the South for the 1960s, 1970s, much of the 1980s and in many areas until 1990s and longer? And the Dems have and still are the main parties in several large urban southern cities.

If all the racist left the Dems over the Civil Rights act and moved to, the other party who also supported the Civil Rights bill, how did the Dems stay in power for 30 + years and in some spots a 'former' grand dragons stayed dems and in power in the Dem Party for up to 50+ years?

Why did Goldwater oppose them? Did he say? For example maybe he thought voting rights were already covered in the Constitution or SCOTUS rulings, which they were and still are. Maybe he thought they were bad bills or had intentions other then what the title said? Maybe he thought MLK didn't do something to warrant a national holiday. I am don't know for sure but the simple act of opposing these does not make you a racist right out of hand. Don't forget the Democrats have a track record of over 180 years of nominating and voting for racist and klanmen.

Moving on to today. No one said the Republican Party is racist. We only point out that people who are proudly racist, support the Republican Party. Oh, and the Republicans have done nothing to discourage that. Draw your own conclusion. If you keep smelling ******* when you walk in the house, and check your shoe, and nothing is there, eventually, you deduct that house smells like *******.
Most of the Dem arguments in here smell like a royal batch of horseshite to me :}

I’m better’n you kinda crap the Dems always like to tout.
How did the Democrats hold most, if not all, of the Local, state and federal elected and appointed positions in the South for the 1960s, 1970s, much of the 1980s and in many areas until 1990s and longer? And the Dems have and still are the main parties in several large urban southern cities.
I think I'm starting to see your problem of not knowing crap about history, cpl2010. When you were in grade school, if you didn't know the answer to something during tests, you'd simply ask someone for the answers to the questions. Hell, I guess you didn't even attend READING classes either, as its obvious, when you are confronted with PROOF, you simply ASK another question that isn't even relevant to the discussion.
You DO know how to use your search engines, don't you? I gave you the ENTIRE lists of available information to the Dixiecrats and you didn't even say "thank you" .... maybe you want me to send you a free "MAGA" t-shirt or hat??????? Damn, maybe you're computer illiterate, too!
If you're going to come into a political forum, and you don't know your history, at LEAST do a web search to confirm the response you're giving OTHERS, make sense?
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Funny how I challenged the Dixiecrat Democrats myth and that none of the Elected Dems left. And then pointed out those Dixiecrats were still Democrats after the bill passed and until the 90s or even 2011. And most left the Democrats by either being retired or dead.
Earth to cpl2010, there ARE NO Dixecrats anymore, bird brain. NONE .... they are ALL fucking pic_Tombstone.jpg ............. GET IT? gif_Yellowball-smackingYellowball.gif
Most of the Dem arguments in here smell like a royal batch of horseshite to me :}
You're the POT calling the KETTLE black, if ever I seen one. All you do is constantly toss out your insults and sarcasms. NEVER does ONE factual or logical thought make it to the posting boards. You need to take the advice you've received at least 100 times already ... just don't post if you have nothing to really add to the discussions, OTHERWISE you just confirm what we ALREADY know.
If you're the BEST Republicans have we'll need to change your party to ReTardlican!
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So again, you keep ducking some key facts. If what your saying is true. How did the Democrats hold most, if not all, of the Local, state and federal elected and appointed positions in the South for the 1960s, 1970s, much of the 1980s and in many areas until 1990s and longer? And the Dems have and still are the main parties in several large urban southern cities.

If all the racist left the Dems over the Civil Rights act and moved to, the other party who also supported the Civil Rights bill, how did the Dems stay in power for 30 + years and in some spots a 'former' grand dragons stayed dems and in power in the Dem Party for up to 50+ years?

Why did Goldwater oppose them? Did he say? For example maybe he thought voting rights were already covered in the Constitution or SCOTUS rulings, which they were and still are. Maybe he thought they were bad bills or had intentions other then what the title said? Maybe he thought MLK didn't do something to warrant a national holiday. I am don't know for sure but the simple act of opposing these does not make you a racist right out of hand. Don't forget the Democrats have a track record of over 180 years of nominating and voting for racist and klanmen.

Again what equality laws are they opposing now, today? In the last 4 years?

posted once....but your train of thought left the station a long time ago

Dumbest thing I've done was to let you decide what is a legit question and then answer it. Fool me once, and fuck you. I'm sure your legal training is better than mine, probably from so many years of watching Judge Judy, and I know nothing of I write.

And, the make-up of the Democratic Party today is many people of different races, faiths, ages, regions, both genders, and all along the socio-economic scale. The Republican Party is majority white men. Those demographics leak over into their worldview and public policy.

Your last four Presidents have been celebrities and/or wealth inherited individuals. Reagan was a celebrity and wealthy but still accepted a multi million dollar ranch in Southern Cal as a gift from supporters. Nixon accepted gifts and advancements from his book equaling millions. Bush I took a couple of million immediately for one speech to Japanese businessmen and then charges Congress for his travel and office His last years, his office was receiving over 1 million from Congress- a year. And tRump, well, subhub has documented the hundreds of millions he and his family makes from his time in office. Not bad for a failed developer who couldn't get one American bank to make him loan. i guess when you can't make money off a casino, you're a bad bet.

Carter sold off his farm before becoming President and lived a modest life since. Clinton had no money, and made his from memoirs and donations AFTER the presidency. Obama was middle class, and didn't become a millionaire until his book was published. Being the most popular former world leader has its benefits and he has signed some very big deals. It's called Demand. A staple of capitalism. Making that money while in office, like Nixon, Reagan and Bush is a crime. Seeing that all three were criminals anyway, you just accept that.

You: “Dumbest thing I've done was to let you decide what is a legit question and then answer it.”

Me: Why because you can’t answer reasonable logical questions without trying to blame republicans, scream orange man bad the whole time, tying yourself in knots, trying to cover for democrats who do the exact same thing or worse and by your claims longer?

You: My party is diverse and you are only white guys.

Me: 1) Then if that is the case why are all the of the minorities out and you’re left with two old white people, again? 2) I am glad your party is so ‘diverse’ it is truly entertaining to watch the useful politically correct idiots eat their own.

You: Oh and democrats are so much better with money and we are richer than you, but we are not the party of the rich. But republicans were stars and rich, but not rich like us. And one of them took a ranch from American supporters and that is bad, But Clintons taking millions from Russia so Bill could speak at the company Hillary approved Uranium sales to is ok. They are democrats.

Me: And? They both seem to be doing the same thing for the same bankers and the same group of rich people.

And me again: I predict you will say, in some version, but it is Trump's fault and the Republicans are worse.
posted once....but your train of thought left the station a long time ago

1) This argument has been posted at least 3 times in this one thread.
2) AND you and MacNFries tried this debate with me early last year.
3) Same out come. Nothing but you posting current propaganda repeating the same ignorant myth and still no valid answer, but plenty of deflecting and feeble attempts at insulting my intelligence, by you two.
You: “Dumbest thing I've done was to let you decide what is a legit question and then answer it.”

Me: Why because you can’t answer reasonable logical questions without trying to blame republicans, scream orange man bad the whole time, tying yourself in knots, trying to cover for democrats who do the exact same thing or worse and by your claims longer?

You: My party is diverse and you are only white guys.

Me: 1) Then if that is the case why are all the of the minorities out and you’re left with two old white people, again? 2) I am glad your party is so ‘diverse’ it is truly entertaining to watch the useful politically correct idiots eat their own.

You: Oh and democrats are so much better with money and we are richer than you, but we are not the party of the rich. But republicans were stars and rich, but not rich like us. And one of them took a ranch from American supporters and that is bad, But Clintons taking millions from Russia so Bill could speak at the company Hillary approved Uranium sales to is ok. They are democrats.

Me: And? They both seem to be doing the same thing for the same bankers and the same group of rich people.

And me again: I predict you will say, in some version, but it is Trump's fault and the Republicans are worse.
You never really latched on to school did you? Hated reading comprehension I bet. Your ******* reads like you're talking in the mirror to some created democrat that only exist in the minds of tRumptards.
1. It's about equal access, not equal outcome. You republicans don't understand that. You don't have to be poor to acknowledge government should have a safety net. You don't have to be black to understand racism is bad and should be addressed. You don't have to be a woman to support equal pay for equal work. You can be rich, old and white, and still be an advocate on those issues and positions. Equal opportunity to succeed or fail. Joe is a guy that never had much money, was the poorest Senator in the Senate often. Everyone knows his blue collar upbringing. He was active in the civil rights movement before he was elected to the Senate at 30. People feel comfortable that they know Joe. He is everything that tRump is not.
2. You have the privilege and luxury of mocking diversity. It's exactly why you're not worthy of a serious conversation from me. Talk to yourself. And your other mentally disturbed buddy who will be liking your post soon enough.

You are a fucking liar. Putting words and positions to me, than fighting back on them. That is some kind of psychotic workings you got going on there. Go ahead, entertain yourself. Fuck off.
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Most of the Dem arguments in here smell like a royal batch of horseshite to me :}

I’m better’n you kinda crap the Dems always like to tout.
Hey, can't you write the word *******? Will that computer do an auto shut down and alert the institution?
I think I'm starting to see your problem of not knowing crap about history, cpl2010. When you were in grade school, if you didn't know the answer to something during tests, you'd simply ask someone for the answers to the questions. Hell, I guess you didn't even attend READING classes either, as its obvious, when you are confronted with PROOF, you simply ASK another question that isn't even relevant to the discussion.
You DO know how to use your search engines, don't you? I gave you the ENTIRE lists of available information to the Dixiecrats and you didn't even say "thank you" .... maybe you want me to send you a free "MAGA" t-shirt or hat??????? Damn, maybe you're computer illiterate, too!
If you're going to come into a political forum, and you don't know your history, at LEAST do a web search to confirm the response you're giving OTHERS, make sense?
View attachment 3256928
I am picking up on this after a couple of days of direct engagement. The internet has made him feel smart. And, that Blkdlaur is clearly a mental health patient for life. It's the same empty statements. That's two legs of the tRump three legged stool, the poorly educated and the mentally ill.
1) This argument has been posted at least 3 times in this one thread.
2) AND you and MacNFries tried this debate with me early last year.
3) Same out come. Nothing but you posting current propaganda repeating the same ignorant myth and still no valid answer, but plenty of deflecting and feeble attempts at insulting my intelligence, by you two.
3 of us now. I wanted to give you a chance but, you've proven that to be foolish/
Give your President 7 minutes. And hear him say it himself.

Watched it live.
He dropped the fucking ball. He did nothing to help in the two months he stopped flights from China. Well, he lied about the severity and the US preparedness. He lied about consulting with experts. He has lied every single day he does that clown show of a press conference.
Now, he doesn't know how to take leadership. FEMA and the Pentagon are experts but are stuck, they are getting no direction from the White House and not allowed to operate on their own.
States are told to handle their state, but the virus doesn't respect borders, so there must be a federal order, not a suggestion. Why? Because his red state yahoo Governors are still laughing that its a big city problem and they are alright.
When states bid on equipment, they find themselves bidding against other states and the federal government. That's the clusterfuck that is tRump management.
Millions of equipment is being shipped out of the country to other countries because tRump has not used his power completely so while these hospitals are overwhelmed, and testing is severely undercounted, companies are selling and shipping to other countries.
Oh, he lies every time he comes to the mic. He's killed the market, and local economies because he didn't prepare.
But, he had time to exact revenge on an Indian reservation and roll back emission regulations for vehicles. Good job.
Funny how Dems seem to know everything and can do everything better yet they couldn’t win the freaking election to be in the position to do so. Talk is sooooooooo freaking cheap - and that’s all ya got - lots and lots of flowing HORSESHITE !!!!
Funny how Dems seem to know everything and can do everything better yet they couldn’t win the freaking election to be in the position to do so. Talk is sooooooooo freaking cheap - and that’s all ya got - lots and lots of flowing HORSESHITE !!!!
I guess it seems like that when you truly know nothing. Now take your meds and go back to bed before they do rounds.
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