Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It may even extend further pal.

well I had 3 old cars tore down.....finished one the other day.....still have 2 more....one needs all new wiring....that is a couple weeks....once I get the other 2 together.....and can not go anywhere I will be climbing the walls....doing normal winter time projects now...not something I would do in the summer time....although if no one out....guess I can find more to do
well.....as much as I hate to....off to about 3 different parts stores...before noon...…….hopefully UPS still works.....ordered a bunch of parts off the computer
What are you going to do with all those homeless people you care so little about?
Because, like it or not, they're going to have to be homed and cared for.
1. I used Colorado as a sample of your argument.
6 years of tracking.
12,000,000 total votes cast in those years.
14 convictions. Including falsifying names on a petition. Four-fucking-teen. It's so rampant.
2. The only cheaters are the Republicans. And now, the head of their party is the biggest cheater in history to hold that office. You know I can get quotes from Republican party officials in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Maine who have been quoted being racist and honest about voter suppression. The less blacks and minorities that turnout, the better chances the republicans have. Less people= electoral success for Republicans. Why? Most Americans reject their brand of politics.
3. More than 14 people have illegally abused the use of a gun in Colorado over those six years, right? Hell, little tiny Glendale alone has that number beat. When someone abuses a gun, people can die immediately. So yes, getting a gun is a different right and should guided by different rules than voting.
4. Russian interference was proven. It was also proven that their efforts benefitted tRump, Poroshenko's Puppet. The Russians set off a sophisticated propaganda campaign, and the fact that you are defending them is proof it works. The love the simple minded.

So in your rush to show me how many facts you can quote and trying to paint Republicans as cheaters, along with taking an inaccurate shot at Trump over what wasn't proven, you just proved there is voter fraud. Therefore, your assertion that no voter fraud so we need no ID laws would be inaccurate. And you also just proved the need for voter authentication or voter ID. Or other steps to ensure only citizens vote.

Because, we know without loose voter registration and no voter ID laws democrats can't get illegal aliens, absentee ballot fraud, district jumping and others not allowed to vote illegal avenues to cast illegal votes. We also know without those avenues the democrats are in deep *******. The census is going to shed a lot of light on this. I wonder why the Dems were so keen on getting and keeping the citizen question off the census?

I love how democrats always say, "There is no voter fraud," Then throw in racism charges and minorities don't have IDs, Then you show them voter fraud and call them on the Bullshit of minorities don't have ID. Then they start doing back flips trying to say well not really it is so small because of the conviction rates or yadda, yadda. I also love how dems forget about the Acorn multi state registration fraud that benefited only them. They also forget about the absentee ballots in this fraud, in many cases, using democrat operatives addresses. I wonder why Dems in a voter fraud would have large number of ballots sent to their operatives? And pay them by the ballot or registration?

A right is a right. Not a different right. Your cognitive dissonance is laughable. So you either need and ID for your rights or you don't.
You calling us liars?!?!
You just said that tRump lies and he over states stuff. And you showed us how it's done over the last two days. Now you are using a know lying rag to prove Dems are the liars?
Do you have some kind of disorder?

Here is your problem. You see everything through the delusional rose colored glasses of
I'm Democrat
I'm Union
We are good and yes we had some micro sins like Jim Crow, but we are 'fighting' for the little guy now
And everyone who disagrees with me/ 'us; is an evil trumptard or Republican.

So ask yourself-
Why is it most of the dems go into public office poor or middle class and come out very rich? Especially at the fed level.
Why is it Bernie a socialist democrat, and front runner, has three house and many have none?
Why is it the dem elected officials are good with distributing other peoples money and property but exempt themselves from those laws?
Why is it your pension is under funded and will be probably go bankrupt in your retirement, but your union bosses are multi millionaires and get their bonuses?
Why is it the democrat party is the only party to have super majority in Congress and the White House 5 times and you dem supporters are still poor?
Why is it, if democrat's are so good with finances why have they increased the debt for the last 120 years, leveraging you and your kid's labor, just like those 'evil republicans'?
Why does the dem party want mass illegal and mass immigration especially from socialist third world South American and African failed socialist dictatorships? And not from those white 'socialist' Nordic countries they tell you are so great and you want to be like?
Ask yourself, why have I been supporting the democrats and my union bosses for years, they have been in power all this time, why are they multi Millionaires and I still a poor democrat voter 'fighting' for the little guy?

And shove the Republicans did it Bullshit. Many of these could be direct to Republican voters, but you are the democrat so this were direct to you.
Dude, seriously, I didn't praise him. I compared his life arch with the party's arch. I have been the one writing about the racist past of my party. However, I live in the present and the scene is very different now.
I think you ate the brownies. Your memory is mush.

You rationalized a Klansman and a party of Klansmen as good because they are democrats and they saw the political winds change so they change the party narrative to get "blacks to vote democrat for a generation." The south and most of those Dixiecrats were Democrats until the 90s and even into 2011 when they died as democrat in federal office. Do you really think the rest of the Congressional democrats would have joined the Republicans supporting the Civil Rights bill if their district polls and feedback was against it?
The south and most of those Dixiecrats were Democrats until the 90s and even into 2011 when they died as democrat in federal office.
Did you skip History Class when they taught history at your school? You know NOT of what you're even talking about. I imagine your ass gets pretty jealous at all the ******* your mouth spills out. Go read your history on the Dixiecrats; I believe you'll find you're off by about 5-6 decades.
Here's a link to all the info you'd want on a "long ago gone" political party. You CAN READ, right?

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Read this a while ago. This switch is not the politicians, it's the voters. The millions of voters are the ones that switch parties from Democratic to Republican. Thus, taking their issues with them and sullying up the conservative brand.

Typical- Always the sliding scale of what you said/meant.

See this is that cognitive dissonance again.

Funny how I challenged the Dixiecrat Democrats myth and that none of the Elected Dems left. And then pointed out those Dixiecrats were still Democrats after the bill passed and until the 90s or even 2011. And most left the Democrats by either being retired or dead.

So now you come up with it wasn't the actual elected Dixiecrats/ Democrats, who were also klansmen a year or so before, but the voters that switched to the Republican party who also supported the Civil Rights Bill? In fact worked publicly with Kennedy to get it passed before the Democrats. Really you buy this *******?
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