Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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How the Republican Party Became The Party of Racism
But it is racism. It is the Republican Party. So, while Black History facts credit Sean “Puffy/P. Diddy/Diddy/Puff Daddy/Brother Love” Combs with convincing people to wear bleached linen ...

The Republican Party Is Existentially Racist
Racism. It is well understood and widely accepted that the shift among Southern voters from the Democratic to Republican Party occurred largely as a result of direct racist appeals by the Republicans, spurred by the civil rights movement. For the Republicans, civil rights were simply an opportunity to capture racist voters. And it worked.

A historian explains why the Republican Party is dead ...
Sep 30, 2019 · Ronald Reagan allowed the “Religious Right’ to have an undue influence in the 1980s. The Republican Party today pushes to end the enforcement of the Voting Rights

The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’ | TheHill
The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’. The Democratic Party’s claim to be the party of the good guys, while the Republicans are the party of the bad guys, hinges on the tale of Richard Nixon’s so-called Southern Strategy.
the guy will never be more than second best

Trump vs. Obama Economy Numbers - ChicagoNow

inherited a good economy with unemployment rate at 4.7 %. Obama came in with the worst jobs loss in 34 years. Trump misleads with fake talking …

The difference between Trump's and Obama's jobs numbers ...
While Trump has touted himself as the ultimate jobs creator the United States has ever seen, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has released the final job growth figures of the first year of Trump’s presidency– and they’re telling. December’s job report shows that a very lukewarm 148,000 jobs were added

Of course, 2.055 million jobs in a year is steady growth, but for a President who bills himself as a job creator, he is doing nothing whatsoever to differentiate himself from his predecessor; in fact, thus far, he’s not even operating at par with him.

Trump Has Created 1.5 Million Fewer Jobs Than Obama
Sep 20, 2019 · Trumps economy is not the best ever. In fact Obama added 1.49 million more jobs than Trump over a comparable timeframe, and on a yearly basis Trump has not generated more jobs than any of Obama’s...

Trump Is Falling Almost 1 Million Jobs Short Vs. Obama
Jul 05, 2019 · Over 29 months Obama added almost 1 million more jobs than Trump. Trump entered office on January 20, 2017, and starting with February 2017 he has been President for 29 months. Total job growth...
still the party of NO....and obstructionists.....

McConnell sits on 100 bills as the GOP tries to blame ...
May 28, 2019 · McConnell sits on 100 bills as the GOP tries to blame Democrats for inaction in Congress Mitch McConnell reached a milestone last week. That’s …

Dem Rep. Says House Has Passed Almost 400 Bills in 2019 ...
Dec 13, 2019 · The House Democratic Policy & Communications Committee noted in late November that the House has pushed through nearly 400 bills, but that around 80% of them have lingered on McConnell’s desk. The...

House passed nearly 400 bills this year — and McConnell is ...
He listed just some of those accomplishments, including legislation dealing with the minimum wage, lowering the cost of prescription *******, fighting corruption in Washington, and protecting coverage for people with preexisting conditions. "All of those bills are sitting on Mitch McConnell's desk
still the party of NO....and obstructionists.....

McConnell sits on 100 bills as the GOP tries to blame ...
May 28, 2019 · McConnell sits on 100 bills as the GOP tries to blame Democrats for inaction in Congress Mitch McConnell reached a milestone last week. That’s …

Dem Rep. Says House Has Passed Almost 400 Bills in 2019 ...
Dec 13, 2019 · The House Democratic Policy & Communications Committee noted in late November that the House has pushed through nearly 400 bills, but that around 80% of them have lingered on McConnell’s desk. The...

House passed nearly 400 bills this year — and McConnell is ...
He listed just some of those accomplishments, including legislation dealing with the minimum wage, lowering the cost of prescription *******, fighting corruption in Washington, and protecting coverage for people with preexisting conditions. "All of those bills are sitting on Mitch McConnell's desk

Do we really need 400 bills passed at this point in history. What else can the Democrat be trying to over regulate and destroy? I wonder how many were under 1000 Pages? I wonder how many were under 25 pages? I wonder how many of any of the Democrats read them.
Do we really need 400 bills passed at this point in history. What else can the Democrat be trying to over regulate and destroy? I wonder how many were under 1000 Pages? I wonder how many were under 25 pages? I wonder how many of any of the Democrats read them.

more ignorance on your part.....one...just one....was a bi-partisan bill to reduce ******* prices.....but McConnell would rather fuck the country instead of letting something out that the Dems may have introduced
Problem is, you don't really know what a Democrat is. You assume that because he is black, and can't stand tRump (like 55% of the voters), he must be a Democrat. It is a main reason you will lose the Presidency. Focusing on Democrats and trying everything possible to suppress their vote, the suburban independents and moderates are coming out strong for the Democrats. They did in 2017, 2018, 2019 and will again this year. Yes, tRump has lost elections and Democrats have made gains every year he's been there. So, by all means, keep doing what you're doing.
Stated perfectly! That is definitely the reason why he said what he said! Yet, he came back talking about playing the "Race" card, which he used himself just like his MENTOR Trump!
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Wow you really have drank the Kool Aid. I guess the race card has got you by a lot.

I assume he is a democrat because of the private and public messages he posted. Based on what he said, I bet he is Independent on registration only. I will bet he has voted Democrat 9.5 times out of 10.

Unlike you, I know there are lots of Black Republicans and Independents. In fact you should listen what they have to say. Try Larry Elder and Candice Owens.
That's right, @cpl2010co, that's all you can do is assume! *******, Trump says a lot of Racist things, yet you don't TALK ******* about that, huh? And 9.5 times out of 10, Trump is a complete Racist, even his ******* was! Or do you prefer to OVERLOOK that? Candance Owens is a FRAUD, who has been CALLED out numerous times by Black Republicans! Did you know that, so she is a BAD example to use in your post! By the way, @cpl2010co, I DON'T vote for someone who CONDONES Racism! Now, you can call it the Race card or any of that BULLSHIT, but a large PERCENTAGE of Blacks feel that Trump is a Racist! I take it though that you DON'T think so because you LOVE the fact that Trump condones Racism, isn't that right? Now, you are probably like ALL the other Trump supporters who have amnesia claiming "what has he done that is Racist?" The Republican Party has always had ISSUES trying to get the Black vote because of the rhetoric from the party! Of course, there may be some Black males that support the Republican Party, BUT there is a SMALL percentage of Black women that support them though!

If you're going to stoop to deflecting using pedantic grammar or spelling nit-picking, you might want to proofread your posts.

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Laughter from posts like ed's....PRICELESS
Ahhhh, fuck you. You got me, After I looked it over. Enjoy your moment.
Point is- this goes back to Joseph McCarthy. He used the term 'Democrat' in place of the term 'Democratic' as a slight, an insult. Usage ramped up in the 1990's with the Republican Revolution and brought back in vogue with the Tea Party and now tRump.
So, don't bullshit me that you are unaware of what you're doing. It's chickenshit.
What laws did the Republicans pass that made it harder for minorities to vote? That was the Democrats that did poll taxes and poll questions. Also Democrats that did voter ID laws first.

So what you are saying? Democrats should be watched by the Feds to make sure they don’t restart poll taxes? You know since they were the ones who did that and Jim Crow…

"Why are Republicans always trying to limit who can vote, and making it harder?" Because Democrats keeping trying to cheat, let 14 to 16 year olds and illegals vote. And dead people. And Democrats keep trying to make elections illegitimate and questionable so they can stay in power. The Voter ID law supporters are trying to make sure the people voting are legal to vote and not cheating. And a good number of Democrats agree. That and really how racist of low expectations of you to think Minorities don't have IDs or can't go get one.

So based on this you support no background checks or ID checks for gun purchases, right?

Oh look here, a bunch of voter fraud examples and backup.

  1. Voter Fraud Map Page | The Heritage Foundation
    Election Fraud Cases
    from Across the United States The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of proven instances of election fraud
  2. Add These Voter Fraud Cases to the Growing List
    Apr 19, 2018 · This week, The Heritage Foundation added 26 new entries to its election fraud database, bringing the searchable ledger to a total of 1,132 proven instances of election fraud. That includes 983 cases that ended in a criminal conviction, 48 that led to civil penalties,...
  3. Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases
    Jul 20, 2017 · Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases As the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity convenes its first meeting on Wednesday, the issue of voter fraud in American elections...
  4. Colorado voter fraud? 48 cases of improper voting ...
    The office said in a news release said that the states involved — including Oregon, Washington, Delaware and Maryland — stopped short of saying fraud was committed in all of the cases because ..

And wasn't it the Democrats that just spent 4 years wasting money screaming Russia interference/ voter fraud?

And right about now your subconscious should be saying- "Doh, Damn those talking points meeting facts."
1. I used Colorado as a sample of your argument.
6 years of tracking.
12,000,000 total votes cast in those years.
14 convictions. Including falsifying names on a petition. Four-fucking-teen. It's so rampant.
2. The only cheaters are the Republicans. And now, the head of their party is the biggest cheater in history to hold that office. You know I can get quotes from Republican party officials in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Maine who have been quoted being racist and honest about voter suppression. The less blacks and minorities that turnout, the better chances the republicans have. Less people= electoral success for Republicans. Why? Most Americans reject their brand of politics.
3. More than 14 people have illegally abused the use of a gun in Colorado over those six years, right? Hell, little tiny Glendale alone has that number beat. When someone abuses a gun, people can die immediately. So yes, getting a gun is a different right and should guided by different rules than voting.
4. Russian interference was proven. It was also proven that their efforts benefitted tRump, Putin's Puppet. The Russians set off a sophisticated propaganda campaign, and the fact that you are defending them is proof it works. The love the simple minded.
Now they’re puttin up an over the hill senile professional politician - with over 40 years of gaffes under his belt - rumbling around in his basement making more every day - these guys are TOO freaking FUNNY - ya just gotta laugh while they cry 😝
Have you not been watching the President's Pressers? He looks like an old man that wandered in the wrong room and just started talking in the mic. It's nothing anyone has ever seen. Such a stable genius that knows all the words.
Why Do the 2020 Democrats Lie About Everything? - Townhall
People, you can’t believe these folks, whether you’re a Republican, an Independent, or even a fellow Democrat attempting to run in their party. There is nothing about them that rings honest ...

How liberal Democrats use lies to get what they want
America’s so-called liberal Democrats resort to the most aggressive tactics out of the Saul Alinsky manual, i.e., destroy any threat to the radical agenda. Truth is beside the point to them.
If Liberals Are The Good Guys, Why Do They Lie So Much?
Mar 31, 2015 · If liberals are the good guys, then why do they have to lie about what the law does? Remember when the Trayvon Martin shooting hit the news? Most …
You calling us liars?!?!
You just said that tRump lies and he over states stuff. And you showed us how it's done over the last two days. Now you are using a know lying rag to prove Dems are the liars?
Do you have some kind of disorder?
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