Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Damn….that line of bullshit sounds familiar…….

Hillary Clinton’s health just became a ... - Washington Post
Sep 11, 2016 · Hillary Clinton falling ill Sunday morning at a memorial service on the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks will catapult questions about her health from the ranks of conservative conspiracy ...

Secret Service Leaks Hillary’s Health to Press
Aug 15, 2016 · Sources inside the Secret Service initially contacted Infowars reporter Joe Biggs at the Republican National Convention and followed up with details about Hillary’s health out of respect for the public’s interest and national security.

Sean Hannity Demands Hillary Clinton Rebuttal of Debunked ...
Republicans continued their relentless attacks on Hillary Clinton’s health Monday with Donald Trump’s particular friend, Sean Hannity, demanding Hillary Clinton, who got a clean bill of health from her doctor last year, rebut already debunked claims about her health. He wants her to prove all the invented stuff they say about her isn’t true.
More lies from Biden (leties just triggered)

From Politifact:

During Sunday night’s debate, while levelling criticism at President Donald Trump’s handling of the national response to the coronavirus pandemic, former Vice President Joe Biden said the Trump administration refused to get coronavirus testing kits from the World Health Organization.
“Look, the World Health Organization offered the testing kits that they have available and to give it to us now. We refused them. We did not want to buy them. We did not want to get them from them. We wanted to make sure we had our own,” Biden said.
This lie has been seen a lot on social media. But it has no basis in reality.

The Biden campaign later claimed that we weren’t one of the countries that got WHO kits at the end of February.

That’s true. But what they left out was that we were never offered them because WHO sends its kits to poorer countries that are in need. They never send such things to us and they never offered the kits to us. So no, we never turned them down.
More lies from Biden (leties just triggered)

From Politifact:

This lie has been seen a lot on social media. But it has no basis in reality.

The Biden campaign later claimed that we weren’t one of the countries that got WHO kits at the end of February.

That’s true. But what they left out was that we were never offered them because WHO sends its kits to poorer countries that are in need. They never send such things to us and they never offered the kits to us. So no, we never turned them down.

and then......and then......and then along came Joe.........Honest...factual...all American Joe
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