Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You mean like Trump's children molester friend, Jeffrey Epstein, who mysteriously hung himself under surveillance? Do you think Epstein really hung HIMSELF or was he 'helped' just a little bit? Can't imagine who would want HIM silenced ... not like he was filmed with Trump at Mara Largo with young strippers and women making lewd remarks.
There's not one person, short of Hitler, that could be more evil and disgusting than Trump. His public life and political life ONE AND THE SAME. Certainly no proof that the Clintons had anyone snuffed ... if so, show it here.
View attachment 2915315
Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob? - POLITICO
May 22, 2016 · Wayne Barrett, author of a 1992 investigative biography of Trump’s real-estate dealings, has tied Trump to mob and mob-connected men. No other candidate for the White House this year has anything close to Trump’s record of repeated social and business dealings with mobsters, swindlers, and other crooks.

Donald Trump's Alleged Mob Ties: 5 Damning Revelations
  • Author: Brian Flood
    1. Trump reportedly used “mobbed-up” concrete. Trump allegedly bought “ostensibly overpriced” …
    2. After 27 years covering Trump, Johnston is convinced he has mob ties. “I’ve encountered multiple …
    3. Trump allegedly had links to Gambino Family associate John Cody. A friend of Cody supposedly …
    4. Trump reportedly underpaid non-union workers. According to the report, in 1979 Trump hired a …
    See all full list on thewrap.com
Trump’s résumé is rife with mob connections - The ...
Aug 10, 2018 · State officials merely shrugged when Trump bought a piece of land from associates of Philadelphia mob boss “Little Nicky” Scarfo for roughly $500,000 more than it was worth.

EXPOSED: A scary list of Donald Trump’s mob ties in ...
Sep 01, 2016 · Cohn and Trump also had a tight relationship with Teamsters official John A. Cody, who had ties to mob bosses Carlo Gambino and Paul Castellano, a Justice …

See more images of Trump's Mob Ties
What is your problem Subby? We the people are sick of worrying about other countries problems in the middle east most of all,The people are all ******* relatives in one form or another and they have fought each other for thousands of years.
I understand, I really do understand that you want to keep out of other people's business. On its own that's a positive thing, as the us has been accused of putting their nose in where it isn't wanted.
But there are ways of withdrawing to within your borders that don't compromise long held alliances and obligations that have kept the peace for generations. Trump is ripping up and ignoring arrangements that have kept the peace and kept stable the geopolitical landscape of Eurasia for 70 years.
So, as a citizen of a country with close and long held diplomatic and ******* connections, I have found the erosion of these arrangements and safeguards quite worrying and I'm not the only one.
I know, you want me to shut my limey mouth, but I think that the fact that you don't want to hear views from outside encourages me to continue.
USA is ceding its influence in the world to Russia and to an extent China. I sense that America is concerned at the growing power of these countries, so it is puzzling that you are handing them the initiative.
I understand, I really do understand that you want to keep out of other people's business. On its own that's a positive thing, as the us has been accused of putting their nose in where it isn't wanted.
But there are ways of withdrawing to within your borders that don't compromise long held alliances and obligations that have kept the peace for generations. Trump is ripping up and ignoring arrangements that have kept the peace and kept stable the geopolitical landscape of Eurasia for 70 years.
So, as a citizen of a country with close and long held diplomatic and ******* connections, I have found the erosion of these arrangements and safeguards quite worrying and I'm not the only one.
I know, you want me to shut my limey mouth, but I think that the fact that you don't want to hear views from outside encourages me to continue.
USA is ceding its influence in the world to Russia and to an extent China. I sense that America is concerned at the growing power of these countries, so it is puzzling that you are handing them the initiative.
I didn't say to shut up, I just don't understand your concern. But there are ways of withdrawing to within your borders that don't compromise long held alliances and obligations that have kept the peace for generations. Decades of Presidents have failed to bring our service people home, they were suppose to be there for 30 days. Stupid wars that that have accomplished nothing but death. Blame Turkey not the USA.
I understand, I really do understand that you want to keep out of other people's business. On its own that's a positive thing, as the us has been accused of putting their nose in where it isn't wanted.
But there are ways of withdrawing to within your borders that don't compromise long held alliances and obligations that have kept the peace for generations. Trump is ripping up and ignoring arrangements that have kept the peace and kept stable the geopolitical landscape of Eurasia for 70 years.
So, as a citizen of a country with close and long held diplomatic and ******* connections, I have found the erosion of these arrangements and safeguards quite worrying and I'm not the only one.
I know, you want me to shut my limey mouth, but I think that the fact that you don't want to hear views from outside encourages me to continue.
USA is ceding its influence in the world to Russia and to an extent China. I sense that America is concerned at the growing power of these countries, so it is puzzling that you are handing them the initiative.
when was there peace in the middle east
I didn't say to shut up, I just don't understand your concern. But there are ways of withdrawing to within your borders that don't compromise long held alliances and obligations that have kept the peace for generations. Decades of Presidents have failed to bring our service people home, they were suppose to be there for 30 days. Stupid wars that that have accomplished nothing but death. Blame Turkey not the USA.

well let's see here....if you think this is not about the money you are even dumber that you appear.....he pulled out of Syria for the soul purpose of giving it to Russia......his money source...…….if you want to buy into he pulled the troops out because of a campaign promise...ok...…..then why did he just send 15,000 troop to Saudi arabia?.....where does that fit into bringing all the troops home......wouldn't be about the money there also would it

wake up and smell the roses...……..
I didn't say to shut up, I just don't understand your concern. But there are ways of withdrawing to within your borders that don't compromise long held alliances and obligations that have kept the peace for generations. Decades of Presidents have failed to bring our service people home, they were suppose to be there for 30 days. Stupid wars that that have accomplished nothing but death. Blame Turkey not the USA.
Well, the problem is that trump had literally thrown the Kurds to the wolves, straight after they fought and lost, I think, about 11000 fighters, fighting as proxy us troops.
Your talking about Turkey thats middle east. I spent 03 to 04 just south of there
The way trump treats the Kurds affects the way in which America is viewed in the wider world. All I'm saying is, fine if you are sick of foreign wars, but don't kid yourself that, because they're far away, situations in these countries are irrelevant to the interests of the states. Russia will ally itself with anyone and p.utin has a plan. Power vacuums are filled.
The way trump treats the Kurds affects the way in which America is viewed in the wider world. All I'm saying is, fine if you are sick of foreign wars, but don't kid yourself that, because they're far away, situations in these countries are irrelevant to the interests of the states. Russia will ally itself with anyone and p.utin has a plan. Power vacuums are filled.
Whether half the people in the US realize it or not, this country belongs to us not our government, if the democrats again gain power in America it will be a socialistic nightmare. our government has become way to large, we need to reel it in. President Donald Trump is a hardcore business man, he has told the world no more taking advantage of our generosity. It is not an issue what the so called allies want, this is not a one world government yet, it is headed in that direction very rapidly, you people in England are as messed up as everyone else, how are you going to stop the ******* in your own country.
Whether half the people in the US realize it or not, this country belongs to us not our government, if the democrats again gain power in America it will be a socialistic nightmare. our government has become way to large, we need to reel it in. President Donald Trump is a hardcore business man, he has told the world no more taking advantage of our generosity. It is not an issue what the so called allies want, this is not a one world government yet, it is headed in that direction very rapidly, you people in England are as messed up as everyone else, how are you going to stop the ******* in your own country.
You mean Britain - England is just the largest country in the union.
*******? Do you mean Brexit? It'll be sorted soon. We're a difficult lot. I think it's because we live on an island. The germans call us island monkeys lol. There was no way we'd ever become part of a larger state, which has unelected leaders. It started out as a free trade zone, but soon theyll want a European army and a common fiscal policy. Time to bail out.
Said we were pulling out in advance didn't see anyone else stepping in you just like to bitch

you have a serious problem with facts....blind to them actually
Whether half the people in the US realize it or not, this country belongs to us not our government, if the democrats again gain power in America it will be a socialistic nightmare. our government has become way to large, we need to reel it in. President Donald Trump is a hardcore business man, he has told the world no more taking advantage of our generosity. It is not an issue what the so called allies want, this is not a one world government yet, it is headed in that direction very rapidly, you people in England are as messed up as everyone else, how are you going to stop the ******* in your own country.

there you go...in utter confusion....and again blind to what is going on around you except what you right wing NUTS tell you....think for yourself sometimes....use what god gave you

the right has done nothing NOTHING for the good of the country....who do you think gave you that social security you are drawing....and that medicare?

why do you think you and your wife only made 50 thou a year?

last time the dems were in they tried to give you health care for the rest of your family....until the right did all they could to stop/block it.....you think this country belongs to us....think again....the right gerrymanders...restricts voting for some.....all some thing this country was founded on...ever hear of the boston tea party.....no taxation without representation?
then once in office they vote how they are paid to.....who do you think puts all those lobbyist in wash......it certainly isn't the working man!
and what do all those lobbyist do?....they pay our politicians to vote how they want them to!

Donald trump is a flat out crook...milking the country for all he can get....using his office and power to influence biz deals around the world....look at his golfing trips....remember when he said he wouldn't have time to golf....already golfed more than the last 3 pres put together....and why does he golf so much...…..at his own resorts...wouldn't be because he is making a mint off the taxpayer would it?

remember when he said he was going to drain the swamp....he restocked it....every member of his cabinet has been caught in corruption

remember when he said he was going to do away with lobbyist.....three times as many now as when he took office

going to bring jobs back...….jobs leaving at a higher rate than ever before

how is his health care plan working for you?

it just amazes me how some of you can be so blind.....stupidity has to play in there also!
The way trump treats the Kurds affects the way in which America is viewed in the wider world. All I'm saying is, fine if you are sick of foreign wars, but don't kid yourself that, because they're far away, situations in these countries are irrelevant to the interests of the states. Russia will ally itself with anyone and p.utin has a plan. Power vacuums are filled.

P.utin wants everything back to what Stalin had and more....all those states that broke away..he wants back...needs the land and the population...Crimea...gives him a nice seaport...Ukraine and others just back so there is nothing on his boarders.....that is why he hates NATO so much....Nato moves into those countries he feels it weakens his boarder...wants it all back just like when stalin was in control.....his expanding into other countries...he could care less it is all about dwindeling the US influence around the world....and with the help of trump and Moscow mitch and a few others.....he is accomplishing all that!
you have a serious problem with facts....blind to them actually

there you go...in utter confusion....and again blind to what is going on around you except what you right wing NUTS tell you....think for yourself sometimes....use what god gave you

the right has done nothing NOTHING for the good of the country....who do you think gave you that social security you are drawing....and that medicare?

why do you think you and your wife only made 50 thou a year?

last time the dems were in they tried to give you health care for the rest of your family....until the right did all they could to stop/block it.....you think this country belongs to us....think again....the right gerrymanders...restricts voting for some.....all some thing this country was founded on...ever hear of the boston tea party.....no taxation without representation?
then once in office they vote how they are paid to.....who do you think puts all those lobbyist in wash......it certainly isn't the working man!
and what do all those lobbyist do?....they pay our politicians to vote how they want them to!

Donald trump is a flat out crook...milking the country for all he can get....using his office and power to influence biz deals around the world....look at his golfing trips....remember when he said he wouldn't have time to golf....already golfed more than the last 3 pres put together....and why does he golf so much...…..at his own resorts...wouldn't be because he is making a mint off the taxpayer would it?

remember when he said he was going to drain the swamp....he restocked it....every member of his cabinet has been caught in corruption

remember when he said he was going to do away with lobbyist.....three times as many now as when he took office

going to bring jobs back...….jobs leaving at a higher rate than ever before

how is his health care plan working for you?

it just amazes me how some of you can be so blind.....stupidity has to play in there also!
would say the same of you
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