Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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we should have been paying a lot more attention o CHINA....far bigger threat than Russia

China launches two new Type 052D destroyers as it ...
May 14, 2019 · China has launched two new Type 052D guided-missile destroyers as it continues its push to upgrade its naval power. However, some analysts now …

China Launches New Intelligence Gathering Ship - VOA
Jan 12, 2017 · China has launched a new intelligence gathering ship in the latest addition to the country’s growing navy fleet. The official China Daily reported China’s navy

US Shocked : China Navy Will Soon Have Aircraft Carriers Same With US Aircraft


· 5,000+ views
· 5/7/2019
· by
US Military
China warns US after warships sail in disputed South China ...
Warships in the South China Sea. US guided-missile destroyers Preble and Chung-Hoon traveled within 12 nautical miles of Gaven and Johnson Reefs.

Chinese military chief calls for ATTACKS on US warships in ...
Dec 11, 2018 · Chinese military chief calls for ATTACKS on US warships in disputed waters of the South China Sea amid fears of all-out war ... CHINA should ram US ships sent to challenge its control of the South ...

US warship sails by contested island chain in South China ...
A U.S. warship sailed Sunday near two contested Chinese man-made islands in the South China Sea, the location where Beijing has built up military fortifications despite a pledge not to do so, a U ...
as you can see all of this put into motion by Obama....and now the chump ends some testing and etc....more wall money?
or just trying not to hurt his dictator friends feelings?

just goes to show we need a leader with more balls than mouth!

US Navy’s New Naval Strike Missile to Deploy in 2019 | The ...
Oct 26, 2018 · The U.S. Navy currently deploys the Boeing RGM-84 Harpoon Block II and the French-designed MBDA Exocet aboard its surface combatants. Boeing and Lockheed Martin

Norway-based Kongsberg Gruppen and U.S. missile maker Raytheon Company are expected to deploy and integrate their fifth-generation over-the-horizon Naval Strike Missile (NSM) in the U.S. Navy’s fleet of littoral combat ships (LCS) a few months ahead of schedule, defense industry executives revealed earlier this week at the at the Euronaval naval trade show in Paris.
The U.S Navy selected the NSM for its LCS ******* and future frigates, designated FFG(X), in June of this year.
“In that initial over-the-horizon award for LCS, the installation timeline was on a two-year delivery cycle,” Octavio Babuca of Raytheon company told Defense News. “But we are now working with the Navy to support an accelerated timeline to the deploying to littoral combat ships. That is mid-to-late 2019 time window.”
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You can't be that naive

sorry...didn't mean to push your buttons...I was looking for mute

...….ever hear of a defense budget?....funded by congress and the senate....surely you don't think the president can just put all the money he wants on???????

are you sure you live in this country? sometimes I feel like I am talking to someone from??????????Bumfucked, Egypt

2019 Defense Budget Signed by Trump - Military Benefits
Updated September, 2018 – The 2019 Defense Budget has been approved by Congress and signed by President Trump in record speed with a 2.6 percent pay increase and …

Senate Approves Defense Spending Bill, Which Includes ...
The Senate on Thursday approved a massive spending bill that would direct more than $670B towards a wave of DoD increase. Senate Approves Defense Spending Bill, Which Includes Troop Pay Boost ...

House Approves $733B Defense Spending Bill for Fiscal 2020
Jul 15, 2019 · The House voted 220-197 Friday to pass a $733B defense policy bill for fiscal year 2020 amid a veto threat from President Donald Trump, Reuters reported Saturday.

Allforwifey approved for re-education
https://www.jokes on you 4 being stupid/2019
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Indian People know that American government is stupid and useless and even fake priests keep coming from India to United States. Many Indian temples are running this illegal lucrative business and ICE should deport these people.
curious as to why trump will ban some flavors of e-cigarettes' because they are dangerous and have killed 6 people

but yet nothing wrong with guns that have killed ?????? say it is not the gun....why isn't it not the cigarette?

just being a phoney about things...…..
Just more regurgitated parrots...

Anyone else notice a common theme among all these news outlets? --- Fear.
we don't pay for good stuff with official money
WTF ..... D-U-U-H-H!!!!
How do you pay for it ..... With GOP "Trump Funny Money", eh!
BTW .... What degree did you get when you graduated from "Trump University"? Economics? Finance? Stupidity?
Your right we would never misappropriate funds or funnel money off shore to avoid treaties I must be a moron

well it must be the tooth fairy that appropriates the money for defense

with your logic I don't think any facts will repair the damage to that noggin of your....the right has made more than a few crazy statements on here before...but your is up there on the stupid list
Hire Sean Hannity ... just about everyone else, there, is working for Trump. Maybe hire Rush Limbaugh, too. View attachment 2838899
MacFries, you neglected to include, or may have had forgotten, to include some of Trump's belated friends! The fact that they're deceased shouldn't matter, yet fit right in with Trump's penchant to fire anyone who doesn't tow his story line, disagree with him or fail their daily obligation to praise him and his (lack of) accomplishments!
As ridiculous as this may sound, it's no less ridiculous than any living self-respecting qualified individual accepting an appointment from Trump and expecting to survive without sacrificing their entire integrity to his every whim!
Your right we would never misappropriate funds or funnel money off shore to avoid treaties I must be a moron

misappropriate funds....is like what trump is doing with the wall....the money still went through congress and the senate......and the gov is not going to funnel money off shore to avoid taxes....you do know that is why money gets funneled off shore....as for avoiding treaties......just like with the missal we just fired......they didn't invent that over night....must have had it on the drawing board for a while now...and until trump pulled out of the treaty they had a reason to fire it....and yes all of that makes you a moron
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