Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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News just full of Trumps "accomplishments" today
now he attacks someone who has been defending him since he was fired even....all because he agreed the El Paso trip was not good...that is what he gets for supporting a man with no loyalty to anyone or anything

Trump attacks Anthony Scaramucci for criticizing him in ...
10 hours ago · Donald Trump attacked his former aide Anthony Scaramucci for claiming that the President's visits to the scenes of mass shootings were a 'catastrophe.' Scaramucci, who …
P.utin can interfere in other countries election....especially here and get away with it.....but the people in his own country are tired of his interfering in their elections.....maybe trump can send his best propaganda people over

Google: Russia warns against election 'interference' on ...
Aug 12, 2019 · Google has been warned by Russia's state communications regulator to stop "advertising" protests on YouTube ahead of local elections in Moscow.

UPDATE 1-Russia tells Google not to advertise "illegal ...
1 day ago · It said Russia would consider a failure by Google to respond to the request as "interference in its sovereign affairs" and "hostile influence (over) and obstruction of democratic elections in Russia". If the company does not take measures to prevent events from being promoted on its platforms, Russia reserves the right to respond accordingly ...

Russia Accuses Google of Meddling in Upcoming Elections
Sep 04, 2018 · Russian authorities have accused Google of interference in upcoming regional and municipal elections by allowing opposition leader Alexei Navalny to buy advertising space on YouTube.
those damned regulations just seem to get in the way of everything....maybe we need to cut a few more

Lead crisis in Newark leads to distribution of bottled ...
1 day ago · The Environmental Protection Agency told Newark city officials in a letter on Friday that residents should be drinking out of bottled water after recent lead testing results showed their water

Newark distributes bottled water to residents after lead ...
Aug 12, 2019 · The City of Newark handed out bottles of water to residents on Monday after the Environmental Protection Agency determined water filters failed to reduce elevated levels of lead in drinking water.
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why is it the Obama administration prosecuted almost 90 different employers for hiring illegal immigrants....and yet with all trump is doing against immigrants....has prosecuted 0 zero...none!

and now he wants to deport all those that are here working if they don't make enough money....risk of drawing money off the gov
now it comes out...the truth from our dicktator wannbe

"anyone want to see the next election cancelled....who knows hash tag 3rd term...hash tag 4th term!"

and just to throw this in......he blinked on the tariffs....said all along the American people were not paying for this....now he is going to postpone the new tariffs until after the shopping season!...must mean he knows who is paying for his fucking tariffs....does this also mean he has put so many farmers bankrupt or near bankrupt...and now it's over?
now it comes out...the truth from our dicktator wannbe

"anyone want to see the next election cancelled....who knows hash tag 3rd term...hash tag 4th term!"

and just to throw this in......he blinked on the tariffs....said all along the American people were not paying for this....now he is going to postpone the new tariffs until after the shopping season!...must mean he knows who is paying for his fucking tariffs....does this also mean he has put so many farmers bankrupt or near bankrupt...and now it's over?
no he's just smarter than you hang on you will see and trust me i sell a lot of china stuff we have what said utem will cost compared to today . it really isn't that bad.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Trump & his thug Senate didn't suddenly declare a fair, national election impossible for now, and didn't try to put a hold on the 2020 election. Give them more time to come up with another thug solution to screwing the voters again. This President is becoming desperate now ... knowing that once he's not in office, his ass is grass and the judicial system is the lawn mower. The Senate knows when the election goes down they're probably in a world of "hurt" as well ... personally, I think that Mitch McConnell is done in Ky, as well as others. Here in NC we are hoping to toss out Thom Tillis in this election cycle. Richard Burr recently announced he would not be seeking re-election in 2022.
Many Republicans with a conscious are realizing just how crooked & corrupt their party has become with Trump.
word_YEP.jpgtime for KARMA to soon play its music.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Trump & his thug Senate didn't suddenly declare a fair, national election impossible for now, and didn't try to put a hold on the 2020 election. Give them more time to come up with another thug solution to screwing the voters again. This President is becoming desperate now ... knowing that once he's not in office, his ass is grass and the judicial system is the lawn mower. The Senate knows when the election goes down they're probably in a world of "hurt" as well ... personally, I think that Mitch McConnell is done in Ky, as well as others. Here in NC we are hoping to toss out Thom Tillis in this election cycle. Richard Burr recently announced he would not be seeking re-election in 2022.
Many Republicans with a conscious are realizing just how crooked & corrupt their party has become with Trump.
View attachment 2780258time for KARMA to soon play its music.

I think there will have to be some skullduggery for them to stay....think trumps knows it...he thinks he is making his base happy when he shits on all these people...maybe he is...but his base is getting smaller....latinos have normally voted republican for some crazy reason they like the republican policies...but the republican's have long forgotten those policies....and you know he won't get any latino vote...….saw yesterday he is dropping in the black vote...surprised he had that much to begin with...and the religious right.....some not happy with what he is doing at the border

as for McConnell hope you are right.....but with his wife working for trump she has pushed through a lot of McConnell's pet projects to help Kentucky...trying to buy his way back in....last election he spent millions trying to beat the movie start and almost didn't pull it off....and the El Paso shooter...one of his worries was that the state was going blue this election

pretty sure the only way trump stays it will have to be with Russian help...and a lot of it....and there will be a few Senators lose their seats....the closer we get to election time think you will see some of that senate support trying to distance them selves from him....they are afraid to rile him....don't want all that bad twitter ******* this close to election...but trump to stupid to know if he slams them he will just get a Dem

hell if you look even Warren is beating Trump in several states.....it wouldn't surprise me if she doesn't win Iowa....even most Iowans think Biden has the best shot at beating trump...but like Warren...hell she has even been going to ALOT of backyard parties at peoples homes...she is working Iowa pretty hard...she is taking away a lot of those Sanders voters that's for sure

I also see where he is losing millions by being pres now...….Russia doesn't want him laundering their money right now afraid of being caught and losing it....he is still making a lot fucking the country out of money....and with no more campaign funds who is going to pay all those lawyers to keep the law away?
doubt he goes to jail....to big a fish to fry....but he will go bankrupt again
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no he's just smarter than you hang on you will see and trust me i sell a lot of china stuff we have what said utem will cost compared to today . it really isn't that bad.

he knows another round of his tariffs just might be the straw that broke the camels back...inflation already going up at a bigger pace under trump....deficit really up there and he and the right don't seem to care.....he is doing a lot of juggling to make things look good but that only works so long and then you get hit with what you are juggling....a lot of economists think we will get hit this year....but most think it will happen before election time!

people are just not seeing all his bullshit in their pocket books....they may like his "your fired"...but you can't spend that
Pollster: GOP base is shrinking | TheHill
Pollster Lee Miringoff said on Wednesday that Republicans are in danger ahead of November's midterm elections due to a shrinking base. "In addition to [President] Trump's approval rating, it's the ...

Trump base shrinking
Trump’s base does appear to be shrinking, but the people who are sticking with Trump are true diehards. The idea of a shrinking Trump base is not new. In May, Nate Silver pointed out that the group of people who “strongly approve” of Trump was down.
Trump's Shrinking, Energized Base - The Atlantic
I think there will have to be some skullduggery for them to stay....think trumps knows it...he thinks he is making his base happy when he shits on all these people...maybe he is...but his base is getting smaller....latinos have normally voted republican for some crazy reason they like the republican policies...but the republican's have long forgotten those policies....and you know he won't get any latino vote...….saw yesterday he is dropping in the black vote...surprised he had that much to begin with...and the religious right.....some not happy with what he is doing at the border

as for McConnell hope you are right.....but with his wife working for trump she has pushed through a lot of McConnell's pet projects to help Kentucky...trying to buy his way back in....last election he spent millions trying to beat the movie start and almost didn't pull it off....and the El Paso shooter...one of his worries was that the state was going blue this election

pretty sure the only way trump stays it will have to be with Russian help...and a lot of it....and there will be a few Senators lose their seats....the closer we get to election time think you will see some of that senate support trying to distance them selves from him....they are afraid to rile him....don't want all that bad twitter ******* this close to election...but trump to stupid to know if he slams them he will just get a Dem

hell if you look even Warren is beating Trump in several states.....it wouldn't surprise me if she doesn't win Iowa....even most Iowans think Biden has the best shot at beating trump...but like Warren...hell she has even been going to ALOT of backyard parties at peoples homes...she is working Iowa pretty hard...she is taking away a lot of those Sanders voters that's for sure

I also see where he is losing millions by being pres now...….Russia doesn't want him laundering their money right now afraid of being caught and losing it....he is still making a lot fucking the country out of money....and with no more campaign funds who is going to pay all those lawyers to keep the law away?
doubt he goes to jail....to big a fish to fry....but he will go bankrupt again

Latinos support Republicans because they are strong Catholics and don’t support abortion.

You have the strongest case of TDS imaginable - hope your head doesn’t explode when President Trump gets re-elected - I’d miss your laughable rants ;}
Latinos support Republicans because they are strong Catholics and don’t support abortion.

You have the strongest case of TDS imaginable - hope your head doesn’t explode when President Trump gets re-elected - I’d miss your laughable rants ;}

whaaa booo hooo snif sob

Trump Dip *******
Trump’s popularity is falling in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania ...
Oct 10, 2017 · Approval ratings are volatile at best — only late last month, Trump’s popularity was increasing slightly. But overall, the polls have painted a bleak picture for the president, who has run a ...


Trump owns a shrinking Republican party - brookings.edu
Jun 14, 2018 · Trump has succeeded in appealing to his base, but under his presidency there have been continued declines in the number of people are identifying …


Donald Trump’s Base Is Shrinking | FiveThirtyEight
May 24, 2017 · Donald Trump’s Base Is Shrinking. A widely held tenet of the current conventional wisdom is that while President Trump might not be popular overall, he has a high floor on his support. Trump’s sizable and enthusiastic base — perhaps 35 to 40 percent of the country — won’t abandon him any time soon, the theory goes,...

facts are what they are
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