Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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just to set it straight...hate to have the selective version

Warren Endorses Ban on Gun Purchases Without License ...
Jul 02, 2019 · Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) endorsed a national gun licensing proposal as well as a national gun registry on Monday. In a series of tweets, the Democratic presidential candidate said she ...

Warren Proposes Renewing Assault Weapon Ban, Hiking Gun ...
7 hours ago · Proposals released ahead of gun control forum in Iowa ... Warren would limit the number of guns that can be purchased to one per month, and require bulk sales of …

Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control - ontheissues.org
Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control; Senators. Huge difference between sportsmen's guns and assault weapons There is a huge difference between the guns of a sportsman or homeowner and high- powered assault weapons with 100- cartridge magazines.
you left out taxs and hold ceos personally liable
Remember where those taxes came from if they ram this threw this the bullshit we deal with in a blue state they want nation wide Warren sucks and not on a good way
Remember where those taxes came from if they ram this threw this the bullshit we deal with in a blue state they want nation wide Warren sucks and not on a good way

right now warrens answer for everything is taxes....all of it is not going to fly....but then again she does have a few good answers...I have always been against assault weapons...there is nothing in the second amendment that says you need an assault rifle to protect yourself or home
and do not like the NRA at all they mind fuck a lot of people into sending them money if no pone sent them a cent they would still have plenty....take away all these vacations and big payrolls they have would help....even without that the NRA is Browning...Remington ...Ruger...and a bunch of others,,,,,,,they are the ones that benefit by letting everyone have a gun...any type gun...everyone always wants to blame the Dems for trying to regulate some of the guns......and yet do you know who was the first to do it....Reagan in California...and chief justice scalia backed him on it

Federal regulations will not let you have a duck gun that holds more than 3 rounds to save the ducks

But if you want to shoot your fellow Americans you can get a military grade rifle and all the ammo you can carry....shouldn't we have at least the same concerns we show for the ducks!
right now warrens answer for everything is taxes....all of it is not going to fly....but then again she does have a few good answers...I have always been against assault weapons...there is nothing in the second amendment that says you need an assault rifle to protect yourself or home
and do not like the NRA at all they mind fuck a lot of people into sending them money if no pone sent them a cent they would still have plenty....take away all these vacations and big payrolls they have would help....even without that the NRA is Browning...Remington ...Ruger...and a bunch of others,,,,,,,they are the ones that benefit by letting everyone have a gun...any type gun...everyone always wants to blame the Dems for trying to regulate some of the guns......and yet do you know who was the first to do it....Reagan in California...and chief justice scalia backed him on it

Federal regulations will not let you have a duck gun that holds more than 3 rounds to save the ducks

But if you want to shoot your fellow Americans you can get a military grade rifle and all the ammo you can carry....shouldn't we have at least the same concerns we show for the ducks!

I deer hunt and my 30-30 only holds 5 rounds......I also quail hunt...again 5 rounds.....there is no need for any more rounds in any gun that we use to hunt with and those same guns will more than protect your self and home...I do have a .45 and a 9mm and a .380 all that will hold 8-9 rounds....more than enough!
10 round magazine in ma unless you get your hands on pre ban auto is a waste of ammo i was a fan of three round burst though . Start banning types of guns and youll have none before you know what happened this rhetoric makes me what to shop
10 round magazine in ma unless you get your hands on pre ban auto is a waste of ammo i was a fan of three round burst though . Start banning types of guns and youll have none before you know what happened this rhetoric makes me what to shop

that is just NRA talk....the second amendment will stop that.....3 judges have already ruled that you can ban the assault rifles...I do have several .22 rifles and pistols the ******* and I go "plinking" with they hold more....but hard to ******* someone with one of those...you could but hard....

thinking gun control will take away all your guns....is a dumb as thinking birth control will take away your dick!
My ltc cost 500 for 5 yrs and is up to the chief of police weather you get at all .had to take a safety course even as returning vet you want the liberal bullshit keep listening to her
22 is one of the worst rounds to take go in one spot end up anywhere clean thru better of if your ok handing yours over go ahead ill keep mine

I heard of a man in tree stand hunting deer ….heard someone shooting .22 squirrel hunting later went home with a head ache and found he had 3 rounds in the head....can't find that article...but there are several if you do a search of people getting shot with a .22
.22 is the professional hitman’s caliber of choice - put one in the head turns the brain to Swiss cheese :|

never heard of such a thing....you know professional hit men do you.....think not.....just some bullshit story people tell

yes the .22long rifle mag has some ******* to it and can more than *******...but professional hitman....bullshit!
I got my NRA ******* Instructor’s certificate and certified my entire family and everyone I know ;}

wow...I'm sure that is worth a lot....can you buy a cup of coffee with it?
think not....but I'm sure the NRA was more than happy to take your money
I shot expert in the Army and got a little badge.....still worthless!
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