Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump ...
wellll it's starting...…..who is trump going to blame for the economy going down?
China....the Dems....Epstein?.....dow and rest way down....not a good sign

several have predicted it to happen this year......a bunch expect it next year......but it is not far off......reaganomics just doesn't work....employers keep the money and fuck their workers....its the republican way......just can't get it through their head a well paid worker spends money and stimulates the economy
wellll it's starting...…..who is trump going to blame for the economy going down? China....the Dems....Epstein?.....dow and rest way down....not a good sign
It seems to be a trend ... Democrats get the economy growing, then ReThuglicans start promising workers big tax cuts which are really no more than trickle down tax cuts for the 1%ers ... the tax cuts never reach the middleclass, and results in another shortage of revenue, creating more debt and deficits. Then Republicans get voted OUT for fucking everything up, Democrats "right the ship again" ... then here come the ReThuglicans with more promises that never materialize. Yeah, that "supply side economics" really works, doesn't it Trump Drones?
I think this recession is going to be a lot bigger than the 2007 recession PLUS our "Great Negotiator" President Trump has managed to create a new high of $1 TRILLION in the DEFICIT. Impressive huh? Just think what it'd be if Trump didn't care, right? This time, however, Trump won't be losing his OWN money, he'll be betting using the country's money. Farmers are already losing and paying the price of his awesome Trade War strategy with China ... ohhhhh yeah, sure ... China will pay for it, not the US, Trump says. Therefore, it MUST BE SO ... Trump said it. Just like his frik'n Mexican WALL ... ohhh yeah, Mexico will pay for that WALL ... oh yeah. This is no different than Reagan's Arms Race of the 1980's ... its a game of "chicken" to see who's economy crashes FIRST, is all. Trump has NO PLAN, just using OUR MONEY to bet China caves in FIRST.
Come on, Trumptards, tell us how Trump is going to FIX this mess that he personally caused? No, wait a minute, ... its Obama's fault, most definitely. No, its Hillary's fault, I'm sure of it. Hell, this country can't stand another FOUR YEARS of Trump style prosperity.
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Trump Tower NYC: Thousands of people sign petition to ...
12 hours ago · Petition aims to rename Trump Tower street for Obama If successful, Trump Tower's new address would be: "725 President Barack H. Obama Avenue, New York, NY 10022" 37M ago. Reality TV stars plead ...

Petition aims to rename Trump Tower New York City streets ...
17 hours ago · A petition on MoveOn.org to rename a New York City street in front of Trump Tower after former President Barack Obama has attracted more than 90,000 signatures. The petition, addressed to …

Online petition seeks to rename Trump Tower street after ...
Aug 14, 2019 · It started out as a joke, but an online petition to rename the street outside Trump Tower after former President Barack Obama has amassed nearly …

Petition to rename Trump Tower street after Obama has more ...
15 hours ago · More than 100,000 people have signed an online petition proposing to rename the portion of a New York City street that houses Trump Tower in a way that pays tribute to Barack Obama.

currently up to 135,000 signatures
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promoting white supremist site...…...

8chan owner subpoenaed by House Homeland Security ...
13 hours ago · The chairman and top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee said Wednesday they have subpoenaed the owner of website 8chan for testimony on extremist online content. Committee ...

US House Committee Subpoenas 8chan Owner for 'Extremist ...
13 hours ago · The US House Homeland Security Committee revealed on Wednesday that it has subpoenaed 8chan owner Jim Watkins over "extremist content" emerging on the social media platform. Our website uses cookies to improve its performance and enhance your user experience. Through cookies, certain personal data is collected and may be stored temporarily.

Thompson & Rogers Announce Subpoena of 8chan Owner …
12 hours ago · August 14, 2019 Thompson & Rogers Announce Subpoena of 8chan Owner Watkins (WASHINGTON) – Today, Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) and Ranking Member Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) issued a subpoena to Jim Watkins, the owner of the website 8chan, for testimony related to the Committee’s ongoing oversight work on countering extremist

8chan owner Jim Watkins called to testify before Congress ...
8 days ago · Online message board 8chan’s fortunes worsened on Tuesday, as the site was once again made homeless by a technical services provider and its owner was called to …
trump raising all kinds of hell about changing the name of the street trump tower is on to Obama ave.

‘New York hates you’: Protesters greet the president at ...
Aug 15, 2017 · When President Trump returned to his home town of New York City on Monday night, he received anything but a warm welcome. Trump was returning to his eponymous tower

Thousands Chant 'New York Hates You' As Trump Returns To ...
Aug 15, 2017 · Thousands of New Yorkers crammed as close as they could to Trump Tower on Monday night to shout down President Donald Trump on his first trip to his ... "New York hates

Trump Tower Protest: Watch Thousands Of Angry New Yorkers ...
Aug 14, 2017 · police & fire Trump Tower Protest: Watch Thousands Of Angry New Yorkers Greet The President Chants of "New York hates you!" and "You have ******* on your hands!"

but I suppose in his twisted mind that is just people greeting him on his return home!
I post what I feel from reading your drivel -it’s called an opinion - and thankfully you lefties haven’t stopped free speech - - - yet.
Ok, I get it ... that's kewl!
So, you're not HERE to make a POINT ... just criticize liberals, thats it?
Here you go ... a sign-off pen name to every "factless remark you make, because I care.

No - my point is lefties are what my ******* used to call a blivit - 10 pounds of shite in a 5 pound bag. Illustrated in here daily.
I'm really disappointed you didn't use the special pen name I designed especially for you in your last post ... feel free to use it. If you'd like it logo'd, please let me know. My staff will make up something really special to place at the end of each pointless post you make.
So now your the pointless police!!!

I just LUV how lefties assume they can determine who has a point and who doesn’t or in Sub’s case who is right and who is wrong. Who bestows these powers of being omniscient upon the left???? I really wanna know!!!!!!!
So now your the pointless police!!!

I just LUV how lefties assume they can determine who has a point and who doesn’t or in Sub’s case who is right and who is wrong. Who bestows these powers of being omniscient upon the left???? I really wanna know!!!!!!!

Americans really hate Trump - The Washington Post


Oct 14, 2016 · It’s the opposite for Trump, as 63 percent think he lacks the temperament and 56 percent say he isn’t qualified. For 49 percent, he is “not at all” qualified.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds


Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump ...
Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds


Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump ...

So, Rublican voters are less likely to be college-educated. And what does that mean? That they are not as smart? Or they have a poorer background and can't a college education and think that Republicans are better for the poor?
Americans really hate Trump - The Washington Post


Oct 14, 2016 · It’s the opposite for Trump, as 63 percent think he lacks the temperament and 56 percent say he isn’t qualified. For 49 percent, he is “not at all” qualified.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds


Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump ...

also when it comes to trump.....we just supply the facts…….and you don't want to hear them...makes you look silly for supporting a loser
So, Rublican voters are less likely to be college-educated. And what does that mean? That they are not as smart? Or they have a poorer background and can't a college education and think that Republicans are better for the poor?

you didn't read it all...….trump supporters are less likely to be educated....and a lot of trump supporters are not very educated

there are a lot of educated republicans.....that just support the party...and not trump...they have been silent for a while now...but think that is coming to an end also......starting to see a few speak up against trump

as for republicans doing anything for the poor....they haven't in a looooong time....they take away things the poor need to give the wealthy breaks in taxes and etc
also when it comes to trump.....we just supply the facts…….and you don't want to hear them...makes you look silly for supporting a loser

The Washington Post - what a laugh - and you believe that hack rag - even FUNNIER!!!!
I get belly aches laughing sometimes from the shite posted in here : }
The Washington Post - what a laugh - and you believe that hack rag - even FUNNIER!!!!
I get belly aches laughing sometimes from the shite posted in here : }

everything against your man is fake news?....why is that?

Who Are Trump's Supporters? | RealClearPolitics


In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half are women.
The Washington Post - what a laugh - and you believe that hack rag - even FUNNIER!!!!
I get belly aches laughing sometimes from the shite posted in here : }

he is your president not mine...….personally I don't think he is qualified to be pres...….actually I don't think he could be president of the hair club for men!

he is like a turd that won't flush!
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