Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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NO - NO we don’t know President Trump is guilty of anything - nothing has been proven - there are NO indictments. Only lefties can’t let go of their impossible dream of delegitimizing the 2016 election. I do believe the plot to subvert this President will be made clear and then the real criminals will be prosecuted and the REAL criminals will go to prison. The left at this point with their attempt at a soft coup and their ridiculous candidates just look soooooooooooooo BAD to the average American - I being one.

the coup was pulled in 2016....by Russia....and all their "bots"sold you a bill of goods and the snake charmer just added to it

the people that don't believe?...those that follow the swinging jewel
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The pee tape | Trump/Russia
May 21, 2019 · This had been recorded by Russian intelligence for purposes of blackmailing Trump. But this claim about a pee tape wasn’t news to Cohen. Thanks to a newly released transcript from the House intelligence committee, we now know that Cohen first heard about the pee tape shortly after Trump returned from Russia.

Donald Trump ‘Pee Tape’ Exists, Multiple Witnesses Back ...
Sep 04, 2017 · The so-called “pee tape,” an alleged video recording of Donald Trump in a highly compromising situation with prostitutes in a Russian hotel room, may actually exist and multiple witnesses say so — according to a bombshell report by award-winning BBC correspondent Paul Wood in an article published in August, but just receiving widespread notice today.

Trump-Putin meeting: Putin doesn’t deny the “pee tape ...
Jul 16, 2018 · The reference is to a claim in the Steele dossier that Russian intelligence has a secretly recorded tape of Trump in a Moscow hotel with prostitutes whom he hired to pee on the bed Barack and ...

Trump 'Pee Tape' Dossier Researcher Tells Investigators He ...
Trump 'Pee Tape' Dossier Researcher Tells Investigators He 'Stands By' Explosive Allegations About Russia Links ... whose firm compiled an infamous and salacious dossier about President Donald ...
NO - NO we don’t know President Trump is guilty of anything - nothing has been proven - there are NO indictments.
Of course not, Trump wouldn't even allow himself to be questioned by Mueller, BUT, Mueller's report was clear ... 11 counts of obstruction, and when presidency is over, he won't have the option of avoiding questioning and trial(s) <~ (note plural) , won't have the TAX PAYERS money to help him, or his lying alibis either. Could come as early as mid-2021. He better HOPE he wins the 2020 election.
The pee tape | Trump/Russia
Trump-Poroshenko meeting: Poroshenko doesn’t deny the “pee tape ...

The PEE TAPE probably does exist ... unfortunately, there are no laws that make it illegal to pee on or be peed on ... unless the girls involved were ******* to begin with, then, I would expect Russia to step forward and demand the crime be tried THERE .... then they just let Trump OFF. I imagine the Russians are more worried about getting their MONEY BACK.
Trump needs to go DOWN with a ton of illegalities against him ... misuse of campaign funds, misuse of charity funds, obstruction of witnesses, witness tampering, violations of the constitution, etc ... all tried separately. They're ALL there and I doubt they are going away any time soon.
NO - NO we don’t know President Trump is guilty of anything - nothing has been proven - there are NO indictments. Only lefties can’t let go of their impossible dream of delegitimizing the 2016 election. I do believe the plot to subvert this President will be made clear and then the real criminals will be prosecuted and the REAL criminals will go to prison. The left at this point with their attempt at a soft coup and their ridiculous candidates just look soooooooooooooo BAD to the average American - I being one.

most people in the know call him......the "urinator"
Of course not, Trump wouldn't even allow himself to be questioned by Mueller, BUT, Mueller's report was clear ... 11 counts of obstruction, and when presidency is over, he won't have the option of avoiding questioning and trial(s) <~ (note plural) , won't have the TAX PAYERS money to help him, or his lying alibis either. Could come as early as mid-2021. He better HOPE he wins the 2020 election.

Yeah - we’re supposed to believe he obstructed justice in an investigation that cleared him of the “supposed” underlying crime - that being conspiracy - it’s incredible how gullible to the left wing media you people are - you look ridiculous now holding on to the idea that you can delegitimize the 2016 election anymore - completely ridiculous.
Yeah - we’re supposed to believe he obstructed justice in an investigation that cleared him of the “supposed” underlying crime - that being conspiracy - it’s incredible how gullible to the left wing media you people are - you look ridiculous now holding on to the idea that you can delegitimize the 2016 election anymore - completely ridiculous.

again you haven't been paying attention....he was NOT cleared of anything

Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA ...
Jun 11, 2019 · Re: Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA Originally Posted by Goobylal What frightens me most is how much opposition research that was clearly bogus, if not outright lies, was relied-upon to launch this whole farce.

Conservatives Stunned by Mueller Suggesting Trump Is Not ...
May 30, 2019 · Unless he has had his head in the sand I don’t know how Mueller could conceive that a “could not exonerate” conclusion would not be twisted by Trump and his administration. Now we are left with Barr claiming Mueller should have identified a crime if he found one and Mueller saying it wasn’t his job due to OLC. JUST TOO CONVENIENT.

Mueller Is Telling Us: He’s Got Trump on Collusion
THE END GAME Mueller Is Telling Us: He’s Got Trump on Collusion. The special counsel is connecting the dots and it doesn’t paint a pretty picture for the president.

Donald Trump Jr. May Be Indicted Soon | Law & Crime
https://lawandcrime.com/high-profil...e-true-michael-avenatti-will-be-proven-right/ · Aug 04, 2019

just let me know if I can be of any further help in making a fool of yourself!
we’re supposed to believe he obstructed justice in an investigation that cleared him of the “supposed” underlying crime - that being conspiracy
I believe you might be forgetting something, blkdlaur ... when new evidence is submitted. The investigation was hampered by obstructions and witness tamperings. That's a "given". There's more information out there, you know it, and when Trump isn't president anymore, anything can happen. Also, the crimes of embezzling & spending charity & campaign funds are NOT linked to the Russian investigation.
So, don't brag too loudly ... there are some of us here who will definitely REMIND you of your gloating when the hammer of KARMA comes down, and it WILL come down.
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Dinna come down on Hillary - - - yet ;}

Doubt it will on the Donald

Only - we the people - take it in the shorts from the government :|
You’ll still be hoping against hope when Trump wins in 2020 - must be some kinda mental defect - possibly genetic.

the only winning he MIGHT do is in court changing his execution to life in jail
but I think before that election even you will change your mind about him....facts are piling up

feel free to speak up and I will try to further your education....lord knows you trumpies need it
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just to set it straight...hate to have the selective version

Warren Endorses Ban on Gun Purchases Without License ...
Jul 02, 2019 · Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) endorsed a national gun licensing proposal as well as a national gun registry on Monday. In a series of tweets, the Democratic presidential candidate said she ...

Warren Proposes Renewing Assault Weapon Ban, Hiking Gun ...
7 hours ago · Proposals released ahead of gun control forum in Iowa ... Warren would limit the number of guns that can be purchased to one per month, and require bulk sales of …

Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control - ontheissues.org
Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control; Senators. Huge difference between sportsmen's guns and assault weapons There is a huge difference between the guns of a sportsman or homeowner and high- powered assault weapons with 100- cartridge magazines.
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