Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Gee Stiff just did a poll - Trump won by a margin of slightly less than a 3 to 1 ratio.
Silent majority - looks thataway.
Polls don’t work regarding President Trump - was proven without any doubt in 2016 election. Stiff’s was anonymous and fair.
Gee Stiff just did a poll - Trump won by a margin of slightly less than a 3 to 1 ratio.
Silent majority - looks thataway.
Polls don’t work regarding President Trump - was proven without any doubt in 2016 election. Stiff’s was anonymous and fair.

polls are polls...….depends on who you are talking to and where you are talking to them
the poll on this thread......sure all the rump lovers voted....and probably more than once....most dems get on here make a comment and are gone....I didn't even go to the thread and I'm sure I wasn't alone....so I wouldn't rely on your poll....any other poll....just someone asking a bunch of people...if you ask in a red state...yes for trump...you ask in a blue state..no for trump.....although the polls should not have been that far off last election.....I think that's where Russia came in.....they have admitted to Russia getting into 2 counties in Fla....then dropped that...how many more did they get that they are not saying because they don't want to "taint" another election
I really thought the majority of people that visit this site would be liberals. Stiff said only one vote per member was possible and his poll was anonymous and ran for an entire week.
It was fair - I thought Trump would probably lose - he won 23 to 8. Looks like a “silent majority” to me.
I really thought the majority of people that visit this site would be liberals. Stiff said only one vote per member was possible and his poll was anonymous and ran for an entire week.
It was fair - I thought Trump would probably lose - he won 23 to 8. Looks like a “silent majority” to me.

since when have any of you trumpies on here ever been silent about anything!
polls are polls...….depends on who you are talking to and where you are talking to them
the poll on this thread......sure all the rump lovers voted....and probably more than once....most dems get on here make a comment and are gone....I didn't even go to the thread and I'm sure I wasn't alone....so I wouldn't rely on your poll....any other poll....just someone asking a bunch of people...if you ask in a red state...yes for trump...you ask in a blue state..no for trump.....although the polls should not have been that far off last election.....I think that's where Russia came in.....they have admitted to Russia getting into 2 counties in Fla....then dropped that...how many more did they get that they are not saying because they don't want to "taint" another election
Trump will appreciate the same kind of apathy from your team when November 2020 comes @subhub174014. ;)
i almost posted for months before i couldn't hold back and i assumed a republican would be an outcast here so i put my balls on the chopping block . I imagine there are alot of people in the same spot

that applies to a lot of dems also......how many pop in make a comment and gone...nothing for a month or so....I think a lot just look around...see this make a comment and go back to what they were looking for....just because there is a handful of us on here regularly....and the facts that most support trump is not a true indication of the people on this site
that applies to a lot of dems also......how many pop in make a comment and gone...nothing for a month or so....I think a lot just look around...see this make a comment and go back to what they were looking for....just because there is a handful of us on here regularly....and the facts that most support trump is not a true indication of the people on this site
Let's face it @subhub174014 when people register on this site they initially did not do so for it's political debates. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Most people are after something else here.
i almost posted for months before i couldn't hold back and i assumed a republican would be an outcast here so i put my balls on the chopping block . I imagine there are alot of people in the same spot
wish a lot of them would put them on a chopping block....i'm pretty good with an axe...cut a lot of firewood
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