Lol at all this. Seriously the party of #metoo still seriously thinking about running with Biden. Oh man the cognitive dissonance is off the charts!
It's still early days and already he's had one scandal about his inappropriate behavior towards women. Hell I was able to find dozens of allegations against him going back decades! And I was just using open source info found on the internet!
What do you think is going to happen when the RNC political machine gets geared up, with their lawyers, investigators and political operatives. The left tried to fry Kavanaugh over some chicks word from decades ago. Hell they tried to bring down Trump over A pee tape that no one has ever seen! Do you think the gloves will be on?
Nominate Biden and here's what happens. The Republicans hold their fire until he's the firm candidate then let loose with with A fusillade of accusations, they convince accusers to come forward, he's dragged through the mud incessantly.
Even members of the media have admitted they covered for him, he's part of their tribe afterall!
I'm telling you ya can go to YouTube, type in "Creepy Uncle Joe" you don't even have to put in his last name, and get dozens of hits. Many of them going back years as well.
Members of the secret service are also on record stating that they had to protect women from him numerous times, again you can search that, ya don't have to take my word for it.
Go ahead and run with the guy, but I wonder what happened to #believewomen.
His campaign bus Does look sweet though!