Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah well I know about Bishop Evans and you do NOT.

Only news you see is Dem propaganda - pretty clear.

Why that’s ALL you spew in here.

A young guardsman dying a heroic death is REAL news - NOT propaganda.
He died trying save two men who are being reported as ******* dealers actually. How stinking hard would it be to stop illegals coming across that border? When someone tried to cross over the wall between east a west Berlin they got shot, I imagine that kept the crossing down. I am not saying we should shoot them but we need to stop this now.
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Yes - yes they do 😆
What gets me about this issue that Democrats and other far left hypocrites complain out of one side of their mouths about how big corporations getting specials tax breaks and kickbacks, out of the other side they are whining about poor Disney World paying a price for crossing the line by pushy LGBTQ fairyland misinformation to young children in our schools. Has everyone heard about the gender unicorn? Talk about magic kingdom.


My bad, I forgot about the candidate you can run called “not sure”. This dem candidate is leading shits and giggles in polling.
Have you heard of “not sure”? If not check it out

lol you guys are winning big

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Keep diggin', Dopey dodo23, let's see how many asinine things you can roll up with one copy and paste:

* Still can't string competent sentences together.
* Don't know how to use a computer, so you copy everything and then paste it twice ... to make the "I'm a dumbass!" point.
* Election Central is a comic strip, compiled for Neanderthals by Neanderthals.
* Currently, TIPP has Biden at 43%, which is above where TrumpTard was at this time only to drop like a stone thereafter.
* But here is the kicker, RepTards surveyed in the same poll, overwhelming are choosing TrumpTard as their 2024 Cult leader at 53%.
* Better yet, in second place with 16% is your favorite RepTard DuhSantis, from Floriduh.
* Democrats with definitely stomp those two Asswipes, if they are not in jail. Then you can turn to idiots Cawthorn and Greenie.
* Now then, you can refer to my Circle-Jerk list of RepTard Presidential Candidates for the real upside of possibilities. Lol ..

Now do get back to romancing that palm. Dope. :devilish:


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Keep diggin', Dopey dodo23, let's see how many asinine things you can roll up with one copy and paste:

* Still can't string competent sentences together.
* Don't know how to use a computer, so you copy everything and then paste it twice ... to make the "I'm a dumbass!" point.
* Election Central is a comic strip, compiled for Neanderthals by Neanderthals.
* Currently, TIPP has Biden at 43%, which is above where TrumpTard was at this time only to drop like a stone thereafter.
* But here is the kicker, RepTards surveyed in the same poll, overwhelming are choosing TrumpTard as their 2024 Cult leader at 53%.
* Better yet, in second place with 16% is your favorite RepTard DuhSantis, from Floriduh.
* Democrats with definitely stomp those two Asswipes, if they are not in jail. Then you can turn to idiots Cawthorn and Greenie.
* Now then, you can refer to my Circle-Jerk list of RepTard Presidential Candidates for the real upside of possibilities. Lol ..

Now do get back to romancing that palm. Dope. :devilish:
Seems things are fucky in Ole Ohio...;) Mortimer

Board President of Ohio’s Goshen Local Schools District John Gray has quit his job following the release of a video where he admitted to soliciting an 11-year-old girl for sex.

How to WIN elections without an ounce of TRUTH to your platform ... unfortunately, this in-depth report has way too many paragraphs for a normal Trumptard to read, especially at their low comprehension levels. But this report, very detailed, explains how Trump's BIG LIE was created & developed into Trump's primary declaration of a "stolen election". It's easy to see how Trump jumped on this story as it grew in strength & support. What Trump didn't take into consideration was the low credibility of those who were providing the information & stories.

In escense, it came down to this in one short paragraph ... "Byrne acknowledged that no single piece of smoking gun evidence of election fraud had emerged, but he argued that the breadth of evidence (known as LIES to normal people) that he and those with similar views had assembled made it inconceivable that elections weren’t corrupted."
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Dem delusionalism at it’s BEST ☝️
... and your PROOF of Dem delusionalism is exactly WHAT? More of your rhetoric & BS pulled from the depts of your stinking ass hole?
It would behoove you to make an attempt at reading the article "Building the Big Lie" which explains the reason for Trump making it his primary theme after the 2020 election. I would actually feel a bit sorry for Trump being fed bad information, as he accepted it as "factual" instead of digging deeper into the evidence he was being fed. But, I don't feel sorry for him as Trump is known as a habitual liar anyway. He wasn't looking to verify anything, he was looking for excuses to destroy the credibility of the 2020 election AND give his Trumptard followers some red meat to feed on for a while..
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What gets me about this issue that Democrats and other far left hypocrites complain out of one side of their mouths about how big corporations getting specials tax breaks and kickbacks, out of the other side they are whining about poor Disney World paying a price for crossing the line by pushy LGBTQ fairyland misinformation to young children in our schools. Has everyone heard about the gender unicorn? Talk about magic kingdom.

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there is no better playground than the one in your head.....it also seems to be your source for information

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New Details Underscore House G.O.P. Role in Jan. 6 Planning​

WASHINGTON — It was less than two weeks before President Donald J. Trump’s staunchest allies in Congress would have what they saw as their last chance to overturn the 2020 election, and Representative Scott Perry, Republican of Pennsylvania, was growing anxious.

“Time continues to count down,” he wrote in a text message to Mark Meadows, then the White House chief of staff, adding: “11 days to 1/6 and 25 days to inauguration. We gotta get going!”

It has been clear for more than a year that ultraconservative members of Congress were deeply involved in attempts to keep Mr. Trump in power: They joined baseless lawsuits, spread the lie of widespread election fraud and were among the 147 Republicans who voted on Jan. 6, 2021, against certifying President Biden’s victory in at least one state.

But in a court filing and in text messages obtained by CNN, new pieces of evidence have emerged in recent days fleshing out the degree of their involvement with the Trump White House in strategy sessions, at least one of which included discussions about encouraging Mr. Trump’s supporters to march to the Capitol on Jan. 6, despite warnings of potential violence. Some continued to push to try to keep Mr. Trump in office even after a mob of his supporters attacked the complex.

“In our private chat with only Members, several are saying the only way to save our Republic is for Trump to call for Marshall law,” Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican of Georgia, wrote to Mr. Meadows on Jan. 17, 2021, misspelling the word “martial.”

The revelations underscore how integrated Mr. Trump’s most fervent allies in Congress were into the effort to overturn the election on several fronts, including a scheme to appoint pro-Trump electors from states won by Mr. Biden — even after they were told such a plan was unlawful — and how they strategized to pressure their fellow lawmakers to go along.
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