Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Like no one around Clinton went to jail? Or suddenly found dead in national park. Obama and his ******* economy really helped America right? How about them Obama phones? How about every nation laughing at us because he was a joke. Guess what? You do not see them countries starting ******* with Trump do you? Why? Because they now fear the USA.
Maybe you Democrats can try that reset button Hillary gave to Russia. Wake up
OOPPPSS! I did have one question to ask, "Is it difficult walking when your head is stuck in where the sun don't shine?"
Your total comments are without any basis of fact whatsoever! Time for you to get some professional help and come out of that comatose state you're existing in!
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People did stop burying their heads and finally showed at the polls to vote for the best president this country ever had, Donald Trump.
The Democrats cant take it and have shown by their actions that they are the evil party in this country.
God Bless Trump
Doesn't matter - it's Russia fault. !
Oprah LMAO
Winning state of California's popular vote = more votes.
One shitty liberal states choice does not equal choice for president. Which is why the the Electoral College was created.
Know your ******* before you spread your pollution.
And who is the President???? TRUMP
Like no one around Clinton went to jail? Or suddenly found dead in national park. Obama and his ******* economy really helped America right? How about them Obama phones? How about every nation laughing at us because he was a joke. Guess what? You do not see them countries starting ******* with Trump do you? Why? Because they now fear the USA.
Maybe you Democrats can try that reset button Hillary gave to Russia. Wake up

I have to think....any living brain cells you have are borrowed!
I'm gong to take a wild guess here and say you are a graduate of trump University!
People did stop burying their heads and finally showed at the polls to vote for the best president this country ever had, Donald Trump.
Let's see how GREAT your yellow haired alt-president has done thus far ....
The current Trade Deficit is over $890 billion now ... the highest in US History. He sure knows how to WIN, doesn't he?​
Budget deficit is set to hit $1 trillion this fiscal year thanks to his $1.5 trillion tax cut for the wealthy, totally financed by you and me.​
Jobs this month lowest in a very long time ... 20,000 new jobs. Just to break EVEN we need 160,000 jobs a month.​
Illegal immigration is INCREASING this very year. Trump couldn't even get his WALL, even with a trifecta for the first 2 years.​
N Korean nuclear agreement .... Zilch! Just this week our space cameras show the N Koreans continuing to build their nuclear arsenal.​
Trump Health Care plan that was to be much less expensive and better benefits .... "oh where oh where has that discussion gone?"
Draining the Swamp in Washington .... do you really think Trump has done that? Members of his administration continue to leave weekly, either by resignations, firing, or going to jail.​
So, please enlighten us liberals just what you see that makes Trump the best president this country ever had! List all his accomplishments thus far.
I agree with some of the others here, you have your head so far buried up your ass, you simply smell the ******* Trump keeps telling you to believe. You might wish to pull your head out for a few breaths of fresh air.
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The big problem here that I see is that you liberals want and expect the government to do everything for everbody. Conservatives on the other hand want the government to stay the fuck outta everybody’s business - the less government the better. As your party pushes hard towards socialism the American spirit and capitalism which built this country is under attack. I know which side I come down on - and why Trump is President and why you liberals are now filled with such hate and anger. Pretty sure most Americans prefer freedom from government over government control - this push towards socialism will sound your party’s death knell.
I know which side I come down on - and why Trump is President and why you liberals are now filled with such hate and anger. Pretty sure most Americans prefer freedom from government over government control
No you don't, that's the brainwashing the Republicans are good at doing to their voter base. One thing I give Republicans credit for, they're like pack animals ... wolves or lions ... they get on the same page and harmonize on any threat to their politics. For instance, the Trumpcare that was suppose to be less expensive and better coverage ... where is that? It was never going to happen, and republicans knew that. But, they needed to entice votes by lying to the voters, and obstruct the PPACA's failure.
Democrats, on the other hand, are miserably lazy at doing that. I believe its because they know the policies/legislations that Republicans install benefit them as well ... but, they prefer the Republicans take the heat on cutting taxes for the wealthy & starving government of revenues so entitlements are made easier to justify cutting. All they seem to do is increase the national debt as they are rarely successful at making the deep cuts to entitlements necessary to offset the trillion dollars of tax cuts they give their wealthy contributors.
We're not anger that Trump won, we're angry at HOW he run. I still believe that before his term is over, the truth about Trump will come out, starting with his tax returns in the near future.
I'll come back to you when Mueller opens up the details of his findings ... collusion? No law broken with collusion unless it was to disrupt the legalities of the 2016 election ... we'll see where it goes. I'm just hoping that, if Trump is found guilty of breaking laws, his sentence will be a hell of a lot stricter than what Manafort just got from that bribed judge. The sentence Manafort received was a mockery & insult to our legal system.

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Let's see how GREAT your yellow haired alt-president has done thus far ....
The current Trade Deficit is over $890 billion now ... the highest in US History. He sure knows how to WIN, doesn't he?​
Budget deficit is set to hit $1 trillion this fiscal year thanks to his $1.5 trillion tax cut for the wealthy, totally financed by you and me.​
Jobs this month lowest in a very long time ... 20,000 new jobs. Just to break EVEN we need 160,000 jobs a month.​
Illegal immigration is INCREASING this very year. Trump couldn't even get his WALL, even with a trifecta for the first 2 years.​
N Korean nuclear agreement .... Zilch! Just this week our space cameras show the N Koreans continuing to build their nuclear arsenal.​
Trump Health Care plan that was to be much less expensive and better benefits .... "oh where oh where has that discussion gone?"
Draining the Swamp in Washington .... do you really think Trump has done that? Members of his administration continue to leave weekly, either by resignations, firing, or going to jail.​
So, please enlighten us liberals just what you see that makes Trump the best president this country ever had! List all his accomplishments thus far.
I agree with some of the others here, you have your head so far buried up your ass, you simply smell the ******* Trump keeps telling you to believe. You might wish to pull your head out for a few breaths of fresh air.
View attachment 2472126
You speak of Debt? Did that $890 billion you speak of started the day Trump took office?
Your other ******* head Democrat Bill Clinton and NAFTA did wonders to ******* our trade.
"Illegal immigration is INCREASING this very year. Trump couldn't even get his WALL" NO *******!!! Because you Democrats blocked him every time and say that they love illegal immigration and Republicans are Satan for trying to stop it.
Could you be any more ignorant?
Trump for second term!!
You just might deserve more pity than just to be laughed at! No, I am not a Democrat or Republican, I'm just a guy from within a neighbouring country with, I trust, an unbiased view of reality! When you wake up and reality hits, I'll respond further to anything you might say, till then, au revoir!
So your not American, ** rude and inappropriate remark.**

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View attachment 2472115
Let's see how GREAT your yellow haired alt-president has done thus far ....
The current Trade Deficit is over $890 billion now ... the highest in US History. He sure knows how to WIN, doesn't he?​
Budget deficit is set to hit $1 trillion this fiscal year thanks to his $1.5 trillion tax cut for the wealthy, totally financed by you and me.​
Jobs this month lowest in a very long time ... 20,000 new jobs. Just to break EVEN we need 160,000 jobs a month.​
Illegal immigration is INCREASING this very year. Trump couldn't even get his WALL, even with a trifecta for the first 2 years.​
N Korean nuclear agreement .... Zilch! Just this week our space cameras show the N Koreans continuing to build their nuclear arsenal.​
Trump Health Care plan that was to be much less expensive and better benefits .... "oh where oh where has that discussion gone?"
Draining the Swamp in Washington .... do you really think Trump has done that? Members of his administration continue to leave weekly, either by resignations, firing, or going to jail.​
So, please enlighten us liberals just what you see that makes Trump the best president this country ever had! List all his accomplishments thus far.
I agree with some of the others here, you have your head so far buried up your ass, you simply smell the ******* Trump keeps telling you to believe. You might wish to pull your head out for a few breaths of fresh air.
View attachment 2472126
How did OBAMA handle N Korea?
Or that organization called ISIS?
Or any other terrorist groups?
Or health care? He just fucked middle class over and doubled our premiums.
Or in illegal immigration?
I see more $$$ from Trump than Obama got for the middle class. But I'm sure your referring to the handouts being cut like tax payer Obama phones right?
Winning state of California's popular vote = more votes.
One shitty liberal states choice does not equal choice for president. Which is why the the Electoral College was created.
Know your ******* before you spread your pollution.
And who is the President???? TRUMP

Yes, he supposedly is, and he'll he go down in history as the worse of the worse that the United States has ever suffered through. Wait my friend until reality strikes and Trumpians are bought back to reality and has to deal with the mess he has created and left behind!
Yes, he supposedly is, and he'll he go down in history as the worse of the worse that the United States has ever suffered through. Wait my friend until reality strikes and Trumpians are bought back to reality and has to deal with the mess he has created and left behind!
Wow, you definitely need that Obama care, hope they cover extensive psychiatric care.
been that way for a while now....pick the lesser of the evils......in this case.....Hillary was by far the best choice......what about the right?...had several good candidates......yet thought it was funny how trump made fun of and belittled all of them...who knew...apparently the right didn't ...that he would continue that policy with all of our allies.....and embarrass us world wide....all his talk on economy....and it is going down the shitter....his draining the swamp....his health care...lobbying.....this guy makes corruption seem like baby play and everyday way of life for him....and yet the right still supports him...88% of republicans think he is doing fine.....funny you guys spent 2 years investigating Bengahzi and how long serving Obama with different subpoenas.....and yet this guy was put in by Russia and been favoring them since taking office and lying about ...on and on....and the right all pissed about some investigations!
How many subpoenas for Obama? Wow you definitely need psychiatric help.
You just might deserve more pity than just to be laughed at! No, I am not a Democrat or Republican, I'm just a guy from within a neighbouring country with, I trust, an unbiased view of reality! When you wake up and reality hits, I'll respond further to anything you might say, till then, au revoir!
Unbiased? Fuck your neighbor country. Canada, now they are a world power. Figures your French.
Let's see how GREAT your yellow haired alt-president has done thus far ....
The current Trade Deficit is over $890 billion now ... the highest in US History. He sure knows how to WIN, doesn't he?Budget deficit is set to hit $1 trillion this fiscal year thanks to his $1.5 trillion tax cut for the wealthy, totally financed by you and me.Jobs this month lowest in a very long time ... 20,000 new jobs. Just to break EVEN we need 160,000 jobs a month.Illegal immigration is INCREASING this very year. Trump couldn't even get his WALL, even with a trifecta for the first 2 years.N Korean nuclear agreement .... Zilch! Just this week our space cameras show the N Koreans continuing to build their nuclear arsenal.Trump Health Care plan that was to be much less expensive and better benefits .... "oh where oh where has that discussion gone?"Draining the Swamp in Washington .... do you really think Trump has done that? Members of his administration continue to leave weekly, either by resignations, firing, or going to jail.So, please enlighten us liberals just what you see that makes Trump the best president this country ever had! List all his accomplishments thus far.
You speak of Debt? Did that $890 billion you speak of started the day Trump took office?
That's the trade deficit, you moron! Surely you know the difference between a trade deficit and budget deficit. And it rose to its current level when the self professed "negotiator" implemented his tariffs war ... you know, the one that Trump said is "easy to win"? Remember?
"Illegal immigration is INCREASING this very year. Trump couldn't even get his WALL" NO *******!!! Because you Democrats blocked him every time and say that they love illegal immigration and Republicans are Satan for trying to stop it.
Ahhhh, way too much Fox News and Trump. So where did you hear THAT ONE? believe, the best part of you ran down your momma's legs when she conceived you.
Could you be any more ignorant?
Well, as a matter of fact, I could be more ignorant ... I could be as ignorant as you. No, I take that back, I can't remove my brain like you can. 2473899

Now, extrafun ... I'll ask that question again ... You said "Trump is the best president that this country ever had", and I ASKED YOU ... to please tell us what accomplishments he's had thus far. I mean, he has failed on practically ALL of his campaign promises ... I figure you have some inside information as to great things Trump has done thus far .... please enlighten us poor liberals as to what those accomplishments are! What campaign promises has he fulfilled thus far?
Hurry please, I'm getting sleepy!
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