Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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If you watched that interview with Oprah in 1988 and or the last coupla minutes of the 1987 interview with Donohue you would see that Trump’s beliefs are LONG held ones ! I’m not sure but he was prolly a Democrat at the time those interviews were made.

Doesn't matter - it's Russia fault. !
I’m not sure but he was prolly a Democrat at the time those interviews were made.
I don't think you're still getting it, blkdlaur. Trump is not a Republican or Democrat ... he's an opportunist, comprende'? Money and power drive everything this man believes or supports. He's got the captured Trump drones and feels that is power enough for him ... obviously it is, he's the President. He goes with WHO listens and believes his BS ... it could just as well have been the Democratic party, except they didn't want the SOB.
The man's dishonest ... please etch that into your skull!
I don't think you're still getting it, blkdlaur. Trump is not a Republican or Democrat ... he's an opportunist, comprende'? Money and power drive everything this man believes or supports. He's got the captured Trump drones and feels that is power enough for him ... obviously it is, he's the President. He goes with WHO listens and believes his BS ... it could just as well have been the Democratic party, except they didn't want the SOB.
The man's dishonest ... please etch that into your skull!

I really don’t think you get it - they all are !!!
It’s usually just a matter of the lesser of two evils. You think Hillary was / is honest or any of them ???
You think Hillary was / is honest or any of them ???
Nope, but I'm not trying to defend or justify her actions, am I? I voted for Hillary because she was the only option other than Trump. At least she would know what the 3 parts of government are ... ask Trump and then realize the guy is clueless of our US government.
Nope, but I'm not trying to defend or justify her actions, am I? I voted for Hillary because she was the only option other than Trump. At least she would know what the 3 parts of government are ... ask Trump and then realize the guy is clueless of our US government.

I know amazes me the choices we’re faced with of late. Constantly thinking - is this the best we’ve got :|
I know amazes me the choices we’re faced with of late. Constantly thinking - is this the best we’ve got :|

been that way for a while now....pick the lesser of the evils......in this case.....Hillary was by far the best choice......what about the right?...had several good candidates......yet thought it was funny how trump made fun of and belittled all of them...who knew...apparently the right didn't ...that he would continue that policy with all of our allies.....and embarrass us world wide....all his talk on economy....and it is going down the shitter....his draining the swamp....his health care...lobbying.....this guy makes corruption seem like baby play and everyday way of life for him....and yet the right still supports him...88% of republicans think he is doing fine.....funny you guys spent 2 years investigating Bengahzi and how long serving Obama with different subpoenas.....and yet this guy was put in by Russia and been favoring them since taking office and lying about ...on and on....and the right all pissed about some investigations!
the right has made investigations a way of life the past few years....just trying to fuck with people...make them look bad and etc....and now the shoe is on the other foot...with some real needs for investigations and the right crying foul...Mmmmm

damn it's that old double standard again....and this time a real need for some and the right willing to over look the treason...corruption and etc...to protect one their own
Fed deficit.....70% increase
trade deficit 10 year high
jobs going over seas and plant closings all time high
wages...not keeping up with inflation

yeah he gets my vote!...NOT
It’s truly amazing how you see black and I see white - or visa versa - don’t agree with most of what you said. I believe it’s now 93 % of Republicans support Trump. The economy is booming right now. I know it’s not at all presidential but I get a kick out of Trump’s antics - you guys need to lighten up - I doubt - try as you may that you’ll get rid of him with the likes of AOC starting to take the reins of your party :|
Oh yeah keep sucking on those lemons, would ya.
Have you read Donald Trump's book? Need to read it. Every chapter keeps taking you back to Chapter Eleven ... View attachment 2463138 Five bankruptcies, and he thinks he can run a government like a private business ... "run it into the ground" is about all he can do. He couldn't negotiate the sale of a used car, much less negotiating with foreign governments.
If Donald Trump has an opinion, its because View attachment 2463144gave it to him! View attachment 2463146

sorry to hear that......I was in the 3rd Army for a while at Ft Knox......he is a hero there....from what you told me in the past he was a Democrat!....and I DO NOT see him supporting Cpt BoneSpurs!
No fa of communists......just what would you call trump...surely not american
as for socialism......all the dems are asking for is a better education....some health care....and livable wage....you people on the right have a way of twisting things to distort the facts...….to try and make yourselves look "right"
subhub174014, as an outsider, the message I've always gotten from those on the right is that their "Mantra" is, has been, and will always be, as you so clearly state, "Tax the poor for the benefit of the rich so that the rich can give more toward Conservative political agendas so as to protect the rich from the ravages of becoming poor!" If the FACTS, such as approximately 95% of recent Republican Tax breaks went to the top 5% Income earners is sufficient to wake conservative do gooders up, nothing will!
... "US approves 8,500 pedophiles marrying ..."
Again, another misleading article of convenience ... you accuse me of misleading and supporting extreme liberalism, and then you turn around with THIS? Who's misleading who, TwoBi?
For one, this "kid" conveniently 'cookie cuts' dates with Democrat presidents ... and uses events of foreign countries to support his misinformation.
I'm not supporting *******, but only wishing to point out that ******* is not a matter of choice, just like homosexuality is not a choice ... it's brain condition. Please research to understand the difference between ******* and baby*******, ok? Big, Big difference, and this kid wishes to exterminate people with pedophilic tendencies? So, what exactly is YOUR understanding of what ******* is?
And lastly, even though it is appalling, its not the US governments place to go into foreign countries to change their culture. In some countries, the "age of consent" laws are much lower than that of the US. Heck, the age of consent from state to state in the US is different. Plus, we have asylum laws here IF people are willing to come here under our country's laws to live. The kid was right on that ... people can't come to the US and bring their culture & laws here IF they violate our own culture & laws.
Again, another misleading article of convenience ... you accuse me of misleading and supporting extreme liberalism, and then you turn around with THIS? Who's misleading who, TwoBi?

Misleading ? In what way Mac? please be specific. Are you stating that these things didn't happen? What is misleading about it? Can you dispute the dates?

Please research to understand the difference between ******* and baby*******, ok?

I know the difference Mac, So whats your point? Are you claiming that people with ******* don't act on it? That they are not a threat? or should we excuse their actions because it wasn't a "choice". You seem to get deeply offended anytime normalization of ******* is brought up - something you want to tell us? And yes - EVERYTHING is a choice. It's a choice for a ******* to take action on their urges - or not. Would you trust your ch[ld with a *******?

The kid was right on that ... people can't come to the US and bring their culture & laws here IF they violate our own culture & laws.

Exactly - His claim is that these people ARE coming to this country that violate OUR laws. Did you fail to comprehend the video?

This isn't the only one, there are many, many more. Do you own research Mac - deny it all you want. It's becoming more and more mainstream.

And do some digging into the consent age, you will find articles like this,
Efforts of groups like NAMBLA {North American Man Boy Love Association} and the Irish Travelers are seemingly being coordinated with unseen forces on Capitol Hill to ******* the consensual sex age down to as low as 8 years old.
How many *******'s would become predator if the consent age was that low?
It was once written, and I quote, "No country is destroyed from without unless it is first destroyed from within!"
I can only suggest, "Wake up! Take time out to smell the roses! Please recognize what's going on around you!"

I really don't want to bemoan the obvious but the credibility of the United States has obviously reached an all
time low, at least it's obvious to most people around this world! Neither am I taking political sides in the current
debate, I'm past that point, however what's currently going on within your borders affects everyone living outside
your borders! Unfortunately that affect is all negative! Sadly, when all is said and done, it's the United States that
will eventually suffer the most! Your current leader(s) is/are determined to attack and isolate your closest friends
and allies as they snuggle up to those dictators around the world who would like to see your country denigrated
to less than a third world poverty stricken isolationist piece of real estate!

I'll close by saying, especially for those Ostriches who may be capable of reading but not understanding, "burying
your head in the sand is no longer an option", the situation is past that, just look at the happenings of this past
week! (week ending July 20/18). I won't denigrate myself by including defamatory adjectives to the "one" person
hell bent on destroying any and all influence, good will and integrity the U.S. had enjoyed, so hard won and
justifiably earned through the supreme sacrifices of its many military! Unfortunately this demise is being perpetuated
and led by someone who had refused to serve! THINK ABOUT IT! PLEASE! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

P.S. I have family and friends who have served in the U.S. Military, several of whom have paid the Supreme Price, so
if it's your intent to throw stones and ignore the facts, please make sure you're not living in a glass house, because you are! Whether you want to believe it or not is another matter.
People did stop burying their heads and finally showed at the polls to vote for the best president this country ever had, Donald Trump.
The Democrats cant take it and have shown by their actions that they are the evil party in this country.
God Bless Trump
It’s truly amazing how you see black and I see white - or visa versa - don’t agree with most of what you said. I believe it’s now 93 % of Republicans support Trump. The economy is booming right now. I know it’s not at all presidential but I get a kick out of Trump’s antics - you guys need to lighten up - I doubt - try as you may that you’ll get rid of him with the likes of AOC starting to take the reins of your party :|

Is the economy booming right now?....the 88% is what I hear on the tv...have no idea...but I know not all republicans support the man...…..maybe those in congress but they are not in touch with reality!
yes a lot of people working....but still not making ends meet.....most still living off their credit card...jobs going overseas at a higher rate than ever before...plant closings....trade deficit.....federal deficit…..takes time for all that to catch up...but it will....

trumps antics? that's what put him in office....and is going to ******* the country...and you think he cares...NOT...he made a statement once before he was pres about a bad economy just makes him richer....and I think if he destroyed our economy Russia would be very pleased with him

Lighten up? we have a man running the county that doesn't have the countries best interest at heart....that should concern you

BTW have you read Trump's new overtime law?....not benefitting the worker that's for sure
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People did stop burying their heads and finally showed at the polls to vote for the best president this country ever had, Donald Trump.
The Democrats cant take it and have shown by their actions that they are the evil party in this country.
God Bless Trump

just another one of Trump's sheep...…..actually does not have a clue to what is going on....do you really think 11 people close to trump and trump advisors going to jail....and trump knew nothing??????….he has been buying property and building on it...at taxpayer expense....not paid ANY taxes in who knows how long...gets his money from a country which is trying to control this country and one of our biggest enemies…..keep your head in the sand...that's the position the republican party likes you in...…...who knows you might see something....or while your head is in the sand......feel that fucking trump is giving the country...your state alone....where before he was pres...made all those promises about jobs coming back and wages going up.....you might want to talk to those that are losing their jobs with the GM plant closings....all over his famous tariff plan!...once they move overseas...hard to get them back

wake up and smell that ******* you are being fed!
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just another one of Trump's sheep...…..actually does not have a clue to what is going on....do you really think 11 people close to trump and trump advisors going to jail....and trump knew nothing??????….he has been buying property and building on it...at taxpayer expense....not paid ANY taxes in who knows how long...gets his money from a country which is trying to control this country and one of our biggest enemies…..keep your head in the sand...that's the position the republican party likes you in...…...who knows you might see something....or while your head is in the sand......feel that fucking trump is giving the country...your state alone....where before he was pres...made all those promises about jobs coming back and wages going up.....you might want to talk to those that are losing their jobs with the GM plant closings....all over his famous tariff plan!...once they move overseas...hard to get them back

wake up and smell that ******* you are being fed!
Like no one around Clinton went to jail? Or suddenly found dead in national park. Obama and his ******* economy really helped America right? How about them Obama phones? How about every nation laughing at us because he was a joke. Guess what? You do not see them countries starting ******* with Trump do you? Why? Because they now fear the USA.
Maybe you Democrats can try that reset button Hillary gave to Russia. Wake up
People did stop burying their heads and finally showed at the polls to vote for the best president this country ever had, Donald Trump.
The Democrats cant take it and have shown by their actions that they are the evil party in this country.
God Bless Trump
You just might deserve more pity than just to be laughed at! No, I am not a Democrat or Republican, I'm just a guy from within a neighbouring country with, I trust, an unbiased view of reality! When you wake up and reality hits, I'll respond further to anything you might say, till then, au revoir!
Like no one around Clinton went to jail? Or suddenly found dead in national park. Obama and his ******* economy really helped America right? How about them Obama phones? How about every nation laughing at us because he was a joke. Guess what? You do not see them countries starting ******* with Trump do you? Why? Because they now fear the USA.
Maybe you Democrats can try that reset button Hillary gave to Russia. Wake up

Just one question, "WHAT PARTY PASSED ONTO OBAMA HIS ******* ECONOMY?"
If you can, the truth please!
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