Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah everything free - that be GREAT !!!!
Cept - nothing in life is FREE - somebody’s gotta pay for it. The Green New Deal’s cost has been estimated at 93 Trillion - where you guys coming up with that - is what I wanna know :|

why is it other countries have health care and we cant....could it be greed?
we used to have the best education in the world...now all of a sudden we cat even afford to pay teachers......don't suppose it is the lack of taxes...that we keep cutting taxes for those that don't need it...hell we helped set up and sent teachers to India because at one time they were the least educated o the major countries....now they are he taking the higher paying educated jobs......because thanks to e right we are raising idiots as shown by some of the participation f people on this board....those with...send their ******* to private schools so they can do well....but the avg American......grows up like some here just believing what they are told without ever really knowing better
2bi comes to mind......look at some of the ******* he spouts out....most in high school know better..as for you...surprised pa hasn't kicked your as
why is it other countries have health care and we cant....could it be greed?
we used to have the best education in the world...now all of a sudden we cat even afford to pay teachers......don't suppose it is the lack of taxes...that we keep cutting taxes for those that don't need it...hell we helped set up and sent teachers to India because at one time they were the least educated o the major countries....now they are he taking the higher paying educated jobs......because thanks to e right we are raising idiots as shown by some of the participation f people on this board....those with...send their ******* to private schools so they can do well....but the avg American......grows up like some here just believing what they are told without ever really knowing better
2bi comes to mind......look at some of the ******* he spouts out....most in high school know better..as for you...surprised pa hasn't kicked your as

Lost me da in 2008 - he woulda loved The Donald - he was no fan of communists or socialists - he often said he wished they had unleashed Patton on the Russians at the end of WW 2 - he was in what is the Czech Republic now at the end of the war - that was as far as Patton got and the 3rd from what he told me woulda followed that man anywhere.
Lost me da in 2008 - he woulda loved The Donald - he was no fan of communists or socialists - he often said he wished they had unleashed Patton on the Russians at the end of WW 2 - he was in what is the Czech Republic now at the end of the war - that was as far as Patton got and the 3rd from what he told me woulda followed that man anywhere.

sorry to hear that......I was in the 3rd Army for a while at Ft Knox......he is a hero there....from what you told me in the past he was a Democrat!....and I DO NOT see him supporting Cpt BoneSpurs!
No fa of communists......just what would you call trump...surely not american
as for socialism......all the dems are asking for is a better education....some health care....and livable wage....you people on the right have a way of twisting things to distort the facts...….to try and make yourselves look "right"
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I think the Democrats have put themselves in a position where they would never let a white male win the nomination. She may only have regional appeal but up here lefties love Klobachar but she might be too sane for the kooks who have taken over their party. Wish AOC was old enough. Would love to see her get completely exposed.
shouldn't you be off rooting for your Badgers
sorry to hear that......I was in the 3rd Army for a while at Ft Knox......he is a hero there....from what you told me in the past he was a Democrat!....and I DO NOT see him supporting Cpt BoneSpurs!
No fa of communists......just what would you call trump...surely not american
as for socialism......all the dems are asking for is a better education....some health care....and livable wage....you people on the right have a way of twisting things to distort the facts...….to try and make yourselves look "right"

My ******* wasn’t real political - but he would like Trump - he voted for both Dems and Republicans - whoever he thought was best for the country - loved FDR and Eisenhower when he was President - big fan of JFK - as was I - we both liked Bill Clinton a lot. It really does come down to who ya think will do the best job for the USA - I for sure didn’t think it would be Hillary and pretty sure neither would me da.
My ******* wasn’t real political - but he would like Trump - he voted for both Dems and Republicans - whoever he thought was best for the country - loved FDR and Eisenhower when he was President - big fan of JFK - as was I - we both liked Bill Clinton a lot.
Well, I think maybe you and subhub ought to get a damn room somewhere ... all this lovie2464261dovie talk. 2464262
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NOTICE To The 2017--2019 House Republicans
Over the next 1-2 years, please observe carefully HOW to hold a congressional "oversight" investigation, since you saw no need to do any oversite investigations of the corrupt Trump administration while you held House majority.
Special Note: Now is the time to bring separation from this president BEFORE the 2020 campaigning for those seeking to hold their seats in 2021-2022. To Senate Majority Leader - Mitch McConnell, please IGNORE this notice.
The Four Horsemen
Yeah everything free - that be GREAT !!!!
Cept - nothing in life is FREE - somebody’s gotta pay for it. The Green New Deal’s cost has been estimated at 93 Trillion - where you guys coming up with that - is what I wanna know :|
Where did you get your numbers?
Moving away from fossil fuels only makes sense if we wish to look at the living environment of this planet in the same light 100 years from now. As our own societies create new ways to access energy without creating destructive wastes, we need to move in that direction. From the way I see it, Republicans (and some Democrats) would prefer receiving their oil company subsidies rather than doing what is RIGHT for the betterment and preservation of this planet we live on. The 93 trillion ... not sure about that, unless that's a global cost. Look at where you got your information and simply consider the source(s). It makes sense that republicans would NOT support Green Deals of any kind.

Just backing up @blkdlaur's number with a simple internet query. Peace.
( https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti...o-cortez-s-green-new-deal-costing-93-trillion )
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The actual green deal will go no where.....but we need to get back to trying to clean up the planet and do away with everything trump has done!....coal clean air.…...energy savings....water.....pollution!

just read where 91% of the water surrounding coal using power plants has arsenic.... lithium....mercury... and etc in the water.....you don't think we need some kind of green deal?

trump admin....took the restrictions off diesel trucks...….so now they can put all the black smoke out they want...clean air?
has Flint had it's water fixed yet?....think not!

but for trump this is not an issue.....he has his bottled water....air conditioned limo...etc

If you think the lower water standards don't effect you...….you are wrong!
true story!
My wife works in an ice cream plant.....they have plants in 5 different southern states...2 years ago it was shut down because a few people got sick and they tied it to the ice cream
they shut the plant down and practically steam cleaned the entire plant...changed so you now wear uniforms with only zippers and no buttons...you change clothes right there...uniforms never leave the plant.....changed it so your work shoes have to stay there also...put out chemical soaked mats so you have to step on them when you enter where the ice cream is made....all kinds of things
NOW every morning before any ice cream is loaded on a truck to go to the stores.....samples are sent to dallas to be checked for ecoli and etc.....
they kept finding something not right.....not enough to prevent the sale...so they started checking the tankers of incoming milk...nothing....tanks where milk is stored..nothing...frozen fruit...out side of the preservatives...nothing....checked the fruit after it had been washed and cleaned before going into the ice cream....found the issue...checked the water...very poor...contacted the city to say something....said it was within gov standards...outside of an occasional sewage smell and taste still with in specs!.....so they built their own water treatment site next to plant....who pays for that site...consumer....but what about other foods and etc that use that same substandard water for their food and dishes and etc
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the rethuglicans crying all these investigations will stifle trumps re-election efforts...…..what was 2 years of bengahzi and the email investigations doing to Clinton?.....one republican even admitted it was all to hurt her efforts in politics......and in a city where corruption runs rampant....trump had literally did away with any standards....no limits as to how low he will go....as for the bar he did away with.....probably gave it to Russia also
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Politics is killing this country. I think most people that voted for Trump hoped he would change things. These endless investigations just make the Dems look - weak - vindictive - and so far impotent. I for one think the American people are for the most part sick of it. Be nice if they concentrated on making things better in this country instead of hounding the president ad infinitum. I believe the Dems at this point feel their only strategy is to try to keep things going through the 2020 election cycle because all they have to run against Trump are socialists and old men. I think this is a losing strategy if the economy keeps booming along.
Politics is killing this country. I think most people that voted for Trump hoped he would change things. These endless investigations just make the Dems look - weak - vindictive - and so far impotent. I for one think the American people are for the most part sick of it. Be nice if they concentrated on making things better in this country instead of hounding the president ad infinitum. I believe the Dems at this point feel their only strategy is to try to keep things going through the 2020 election cycle because all they have to run against Trump are socialists and old men. I think this is a losing strategy if the economy keeps booming along.

no one is above the law! He came in as corrupt as they come...fired anyone that questioned it......made fun of any news channel that reported on it.....all in an effort to run this like a dictatorship so he could do whatever......everything he has done has either benefitted himself...or Russia....his health care that was supposed to be so great....haven't seen it....bring jobs back to America....leaving at a higher rate than ever before...drain the swamp.....corruption higher now than ever before...Mexico to pay for the wall.....not so.....even his "I'm going to be so busy not have time to play golf"...this guy is a con artist and has a lot of America believing the con.....and so far that is all it is...
as for the investigations.....what about turning the biz over to his *******.....and then while still campaigning trying to get trump tower in Russia....using Russia to help get in office.....changing the republican platform to help Russia....refusing to sanction Russia...pulling out of Syria...to help Russia...pulling out of NATO...to help Russia...creating another arms race!...had we sanctioned Russia like Obama wanted...they wouldn't have the fucking money to build all these missels!.....even his inauguration....Ivanka and ???? profited a half a million....the tax cut ...who benefitted...not the avg American....this guy is in it for himself and the motherland (Russia) ...he has to take care of Russia.....they give him unlimited amounts of money.....every other pres have shown their tax returns...except Trump....afraid we might see where his money comes from?

and how about his charity...….used to pay his legal bills.....campaign finance...tax fraud...on and on....they are not having anywhere near enough investigations on this crook!....everyone close to him is under indictment or serving time......his family is next!...and I wouldn't be surprised to see trump Jr...the next to get papers from Mueller....then lets see who all trump fires....investigators….judges...?????
no one is above the law! He came in as corrupt as they come...fired anyone that questioned it......made fun of any news channel that reported on it.....all in an effort to run this like a dictatorship so he could do whatever......everything he has done has either benefitted himself...or Russia....his health care that was supposed to be so great....haven't seen it....bring jobs back to America....leaving at a higher rate than ever before...drain the swamp.....corruption higher now than ever before...Mexico to pay for the wall.....not so.....even his "I'm going to be so busy not have time to play golf"...this guy is a con artist and has a lot of America believing the con.....and so far that is all it is...
as for the investigations.....what about turning the biz over to his *******.....and then while still campaigning trying to get trump tower in Russia....using Russia to help get in office.....changing the republican platform to help Russia....refusing to sanction Russia...pulling out of Syria...to help Russia...pulling out of NATO...to help Russia...creating another arms race!...had we sanctioned Russia like Obama wanted...they wouldn't have the fucking money to build all these missels!.....even his inauguration....Ivanka and ???? profited a half a million....the tax cut ...who benefitted...not the avg American....this guy is in it for himself and the motherland (Russia) ...he has to take care of Russia.....they give him unlimited amounts of money.....every other pres have shown their tax returns...except Trump....afraid we might see where his money comes from?

and how about his charity...….used to pay his legal bills.....campaign finance...tax fraud...on and on....they are not having anywhere near enough investigations on this crook!....everyone close to him is under indictment or serving time......his family is next!...and I wouldn't be surprised to see trump Jr...the next to get papers from Mueller....then lets see who all trump fires....investigators….judges...?????

Yeah well what about Hillary - came out recently that the FBI lawyer in charge of that investigation wanted to indict her. Your beliefs in this Russia thing will soon be proven to be absurd. Trump is no angel but in my opinion Hillary would have been the poorer choice.
You owe it to yourself to watch the 1988 interview Oprah did with Trump to see how steady the man is in his beliefs - what his agenda is - goes waaaaaaaaaaay back to when he was a young man. Watch that interview - you’ll be surprised !!!!
You owe it to yourself to watch the 1988 interview Oprah did with Trump to see how steady the man is in his beliefs - what his agenda is - goes waaaaaaaaaaay back to when he was a young man. Watch that interview - you’ll be surprised !!!!
Way back in 1988 ... gesh, over 30 years ago. Anyone's political beliefs can change from year to year, much less over 3 full decades. But, let's pull up what Trump was doing back in 1988 besides chasing pussy as a married man ... I believe this was at the time of his first wife, and she reported that he kept a book of Hitler's speeches at his bedside.
Trump's opinion on anything changes by the moment ... how he feels when he says something. He has NO original opinions supported by FACTS on anything, yet his opinions are admittedly created with discussions he hears on Fox News. Plus, Trump is a vulture capitalist ... he'll change his opinion on anything to make a few extra billion here and there.
you might owe it to yourself to start accepting that Trump is a fake, loser, cheater, liar, and possible traitor.
Please expand your thoughts on this ... ie: why you bring it up, here, etc.
Politics in this day and age lacks a certain nuance by the masses. This lacking of nuance leaves it to be a precious commodity. i.e. why are there two cable news networks dedicated to affirming their masses (customers) because Roger Ailes said it the best “I believe people are too stupid to.....” Roger saw a lack of nuance when Nixon was president. If one side was to truly understand the other.... both sides would learn that they’re not too different.
Way back in 1988 ... gesh, over 30 years ago. Anyone's political beliefs can change from year to year, much less over 3 full decades. But, let's pull up what Trump was doing back in 1988 besides chasing pussy as a married man ... I believe this was at the time of his first wife, and she reported that he kept a book of Hitler's speeches at his bedside.
Trump's opinion on anything changes by the moment ... how he feels when he says something. He has NO original opinions supported by FACTS on anything, yet his opinions are admittedly created with discussions he hears on Fox News. Plus, Trump is a vulture capitalist ... he'll change his opinion on anything to make a few extra billion here and there.
you might owe it to yourself to start accepting that Trump is a fake, loser, cheater, liar, and possible traitor.
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If you watched that interview with Oprah in 1988 and or the last coupla minutes of the 1987 interview with Donohue you would see that Trump’s beliefs are LONG held ones ! I’m not sure but he was prolly a Democrat at the time those interviews were made.
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