trump running for re-election on the economy

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? | The New Republic


Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? ... Trump’s supporters are better educated and wealthier than the American average. Rather than characterizing them as losers who are easily fooled, Trump ...
Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds

Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump ...

Calling half the country uneducated idiots - now there’s a strategy to win an election - you people are unbelievable - clowns for candidates and insulting the general population - good luck with that
Donald Trump was golfing with Barack Obama. The Donald said, “Listen Barack, I’m getting older and I’m having trouble sexually satisfying my young wife. I know that you black guys are supposed to be magic in bed. Can you give me a few pointers?” Barack gave Donald a few ideas and that night Donald made love to his wife. He did everything he was told. He started out slowly entering his wife gently then finished hard. Melania came quickly screaming. “Oh Donald, You f... just like Barack Obama.”
Economy is strong

Bond markets valued at $16 trillion now show negative yield. That figure doubles what it was 8 months ago.

Since the mid-70s, finance has increasingly replaced production as the basis of corporate profit. Since then, corporate profits made by financialization rose from 8% to 40%. So when the financial sector turned South in 2008, plunging profits put the whole capitalist system at risk. Did we learn? No.

Trump wants to cut interest rates and restart Obama’s ‘quantitative easing’ [cheap money for the wealthy]. Obama’s emergency measures were never intended to be a permanent policy. Why? They…

– deepen dependence on ultra-cheap money.
– promote fiscal speculation and parasitism.
– undermine money’s role as a store of value.
– lead to crisis in confidence in fiat currencies.

Moreover, easy money does not reverse contraction or decline in production. And markets are so addicted to mountains of cheap cash that any move to cut it off threatens to trigger a new crisis. Think of the Chinese proverb: A man who rides a tiger dare not get off it.

World economies are slowing, or about to enter or have entered recession. Greta Britain, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil – none fair well. What matters is that the countries on the edge of recession are G20 players – the world’s major economies.

It’s understood that a US-China trade war has potential for a very deep downturn. Not so well grasped is that dollar devaluation is an economic attack on foreign currencies with which we are in competition. This anticipates world war.

The next downturn, the one after that or the following one – no one can predict when our profit-based economy sham will collapse. But that collapse hangs over the heads of the world by a hair like Damocles’ Sword. When that happens, the whole ruling class is utterly determined protect its ill-gotten wealth by heaping social misery on the working class

All this happens against the backdrop of universally rising working class consciousness. There is a reason for ubiquitous domestic spying, the militarization of police forces everywhere, and turn to authoritarian forms of rule. The reason for this is that our glorious Capitalist system can produce not one solitary solution for any of these crises.

Regimes can rule two ways. They persuade through propaganda, and they coerce through the gun barrel.

The propaganda isn't working.

And 2020 will change this not one whit.
Bond markets valued at $16 trillion now show negative yield. That figure doubles what it was 8 months ago.

Since the mid-70s, finance has increasingly replaced production as the basis of corporate profit. Since then, corporate profits made by financialization rose from 8% to 40%. So when the financial sector turned South in 2008, plunging profits put the whole capitalist system at risk. Did we learn? No.

Trump wants to cut interest rates and restart Obama’s ‘quantitative easing’ [cheap money for the wealthy]. Obama’s emergency measures were never intended to be a permanent policy. Why? They…

– deepen dependence on ultra-cheap money.
– promote fiscal speculation and parasitism.
– undermine money’s role as a store of value.
– lead to crisis in confidence in fiat currencies.

Moreover, easy money does not reverse contraction or decline in production. And markets are so addicted to mountains of cheap cash that any move to cut it off threatens to trigger a new crisis. Think of the Chinese proverb: A man who rides a tiger dare not get off it.

World economies are slowing, or about to enter or have entered recession. Greta Britain, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil – none fair well. What matters is that the countries on the edge of recession are G20 players – the world’s major economies.

It’s understood that a US-China trade war has potential for a very deep downturn. Not so well grasped is that dollar devaluation is an economic attack on foreign currencies with which we are in competition. This anticipates world war.

The next downturn, the one after that or the following one – no one can predict when our profit-based economy sham will collapse. But that collapse hangs over the heads of the world by a hair like Damocles’ Sword. When that happens, the whole ruling class is utterly determined protect its ill-gotten wealth by heaping social misery on the working class

All this happens against the backdrop of universally rising working class consciousness. There is a reason for ubiquitous domestic spying, the militarization of police forces everywhere, and turn to authoritarian forms of rule. The reason for this is that our glorious Capitalist system can produce not one solitary solution for any of these crises.

Regimes can rule two ways. They persuade through propaganda, and they coerce through the gun barrel.

The propaganda isn't working.

And 2020 will change this not one whit.

I do believe we are headed towards an economic's just a matter of time......we can't keep cutting our income and writing checks we can't cash...…….will this happen under trump...don't know.....a lot of people say a recession is coming..and soon....but I think at some point in time we will be in a lot more than a the end of the two parties fighting...they will have to work together for one thing

if this does happen under trump there will be a lot of other countries fall also....and not real happy with the US...look at stocks world wide...when ours has trouble...theirs is not far behind...if it does happen under trump I think there will be hell to pay
Why Aren't Wages Keeping Up? It's Not The Economy, It's ...
Oct 31, 2018 · Point 1: Wages Are Not Keeping up. Let’s just discuss the issues of wages: they are not keeping up with inflation. Consider the data below. While the GDP has risen (after inflation), real ..

In U.S., wage growth is being wiped out entirely by inflation
Aug 16, 2019 · The average U.S. “real wage,” a federal measure of pay that takes inflation into account, fell to $10.76 an hour last month, 2 cents down from where it was a year ago.

For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for ...
Aug 07, 2018 · In fact, despite some ups and downs over the past several decades, today’s real average wage (that is, the wage after accounting for inflation) has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. And what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to …
President Trump's Tariffs Will Hurt America More Than China
Sep 18, 2018 · So the 10% tariff on $200bn of Chinese imports that President Trump has just imposed is in reality a new tax on Americans. And it will hurt America much more than China.

How Trump tariffs are hurting U.S. consumers -
Jun 23, 2019 · It’s not just the nation’s farmers who are feeling the negative effects of the tariffs that Donald Trump has imposed on imports from China. The resulting trade war between the two countries ...

Trump tariff, trade war with Canada, China hits inflation ...
President Donald Trump's tariffs on steel, aluminum, Chinese products, and more are raising some prices for consumers and causing uncertainty for US businesses.
Calling half the country uneducated idiots - now there’s a strategy to win an election - you people are unbelievable - clowns for candidates and insulting the general population - good luck with that

how many times do I have to tell you...that is a false statement...and you keep referring to it....maybe it's just your math...39% is NOT half the is the percentage of fools in america

The Total Cost of Trump’s Tariffs - AAF
May 23, 2018 · This hike would bring the total cost of President Trump’s new tariffs to nearly $140 billion annually. Two-thirds of these imports are used by U.S. businesses to produce goods in America, meaning that new tariffs will also increase domestic production costs.

Trump’s Tariffs to Cost Households $1,000 Annually, JP ...
5 days ago · Trump’s Tariffs Will Cost You As Much as a New iPhone, Says JPMorgan The president’s tariff war with China is a tax hike on families of $1,000 a year, according to the financial firm’s analysis

New China Tariffs Increase Costs to U.S. HouseholdsLiberty ...
Mary Amiti, Stephen J. Redding, and David E. Weinstein Tariffs on $200 billion of U.S. imports from China subject to earlier 10 percent levies increased to 25 percent beginning May 10, 2019, after a breakdown in trade negotiations.In this post, we consider the cost of these higher tariffs