trump running for re-election on the economy

Did you see japan deal this is economy thread

yes and I posted a response....notice inflation?
do you think a new trade deal....with someone we already did trade with.....since we already did trade with japan and have for years...I'm sure this administration is inflating the numbers just a bit

do you think the money from japan will offset the amount we paid to the farmers to offset their losses?

Trump plans $12 billion bailout for farmers hurt by tariffs
Jul 24, 2018 · “Last year. our country lost $817 billion, with a ‘B,’ on trade. These countries have been ripping us off for decades. It doesn’t take a week [to fix]. It takes a little longer.

Trump's Tariffs Are Screwing Farmers. Many Still Won't ...
Here in central Illinois ― the number one soybean-producing state ― grain farmers have lost a whopping 20 to 25 percent of the value of their crops since March, when President Donald Trump unexpectedly announced $60 billion in tariffs on Chinese imports.

you surely don't think what we will make off japan will offset just what the Farmers lost....not even counting what other companies have lost
Yeah your polls are so accurate ???

How come it’s not President Hillary then ???

Just one excerpt from the Mueller report

.” The Kremlin’s goal was to impede Hillary Clinton and, consequently, boost Trump. And, Mueller added, “a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election.”
yes and I posted a response....notice inflation?
do you think a new trade deal....with someone we already did trade with.....since we already did trade with japan and have for years...I'm sure this administration is inflating the numbers just a bit

do you think the money from japan will offset the amount we paid to the farmers to offset their losses?

Trump plans $12 billion bailout for farmers hurt by tariffs
Jul 24, 2018 · “Last year. our country lost $817 billion, with a ‘B,’ on trade. These countries have been ripping us off for decades. It doesn’t take a week [to fix]. It takes a little longer.

Trump's Tariffs Are Screwing Farmers. Many Still Won't ...
Here in central Illinois ― the number one soybean-producing state ― grain farmers have lost a whopping 20 to 25 percent of the value of their crops since March, when President Donald Trump unexpectedly announced $60 billion in tariffs on Chinese imports.

you surely don't think what we will make off japan will offset just what the Farmers lost....not even counting what other companies have lost
I bet Chinese buy corn in wheat from japan they can't go without and they save face
anyone see where several other countries got on trump over this china deal....he tanks our economy...….several others will tumble also...he has really fucked this up...and NOW knows it and trying to back track...….should have got with other countries and did this as a group project....sure everyone around the world hoping he wins......but not looking that way right now....and with him mumbling around about regrets......just showing his hand to china as a sign of weakness....right now he is not going to survive this without a major loss to our economy
is that anything like all these trumptards that still wave the rebels flag?....have you made that same statement to them?...besides we didn't lose...the country did you are just to "slow" to figure it out yet

Yeah I know - we’re all White Supremacists.

Country doing way better now than it did under the last President.

You guys need to pick one thang and stick with it.

Your shotgun approach shows desperation.

Pick one / stick with it:

He’s a Nazi
Russian agent
Russian plant
White Supremacist
Cause of everything wrong in your world
Last edited:
Just one excerpt from the Mueller report

.” The Kremlin’s goal was to impede Hillary Clinton and, consequently, boost Trump. And, Mueller added, “a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election.”

No proof even one vote was effected.
Yeah I know - we’re all White Supremists.

Country doing way better now than it did under the last President.

You guys need to pick one thang and stick with it.

Your shotgun approach shows desperation.

Pick one / stick with it:

He’s a Nazi
Russian agent
Russian plant
White Supremist
Cause of everything wrong in your world
Liberalism/progressivism at its core will always be outraged. Politics is most essentially the effort to convince others that your ideas are sound. Liberals/progressives are currently self-defining by their outrage, because they cannot.

This is also why lib/progs so publicly favor the tin-pot dictators in history (Mao, Castro, etc). Those with ruthless authority allow them to indulge their fantasy that their ideas have wide appeal.
Yeah I know - we’re all White Supremacists.

Country doing way better now than it did under the last President.

You guys need to pick one thang and stick with it.

Your shotgun approach shows desperation.

Pick one / stick with it:

He’s a Nazi
Russian agent
Russian plant
White Supremacist
Cause of everything wrong in your world

whaaaa booo hooo sob snif whaaaa

he made that statement yesterday about china wanting to talk...….but china knew nothing about wanting to talk...more of trumps BS....when he said he regretted doing this now...….that sent them a message he is weak on all of this....this not looking good for china.......and you do know when he did all of the tariffs on Mexico....they started shopping around and are now getting some corn from spain...he is doing all of this and some of that biz will NEVER come back