trump running for re-election on the economy

I know It is like shining a flashlight in a blind persons eyes...… people have spent to much time in the cult cave...…..and that famous statement that you all seem to adhere to....."Don't believe what you see and hear....only what I tell you is the truth"

Nothing could be further from the truth - but your a Dem drone so I would expect that is exactly what you would think and say.
journalism can't help the people who have lost the ability to think.....zombies for the republican party.....and the cult bats...who are batshit crazy

You’re use of cult as identity politics - to the extreme - just prove you’re a Dem drone - much like the media has proven they are Dem drones as well.
Nothing could be further from the truth - but your a Dem drone so I would expect that is exactly what you would think and say.

wrong as you can see by my posts....I post more than enough to at least put some doubt in your head if not inform you of what is going on......but not only do you not want to know the don't even have a doubt of any kind...….
this guy is everything a cult leader is like
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You’re use of cult as identity politics - to the extreme - just prove you’re a Dem drone - much like the media has proven they are Dem drones as well.

I think you more than fit the profile.....especially a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or THING...
and throw in obsession just to add to it



  1. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
    "the cult of St. Olaf"
    • a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
      "a network of Satan-worshiping cults"
      sect · religious group · denomination · religious order · church · faith · faith community · belief · persuasion · affiliation · movement · group · body · faction · clique
    • a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
      "a cult of personality surrounding the leaders"
      obsession with · fixation on · mania for · passion for · idolization of · admiration for · devotion to · worship of · veneration of · reverence for
    • a person or thing that is popular or fashionable, especially among a particular section of society.
      "a cult film"
      craze · fashion · fad · vogue · thing
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that would be cult like....only what the leader wants them to see and hear

besides you going to tell me you witnessed all this ******* going on in Wash

You are ridiculous - you’re SO programmed - all ya got is your cult horseshite and Dem propaganda - some people have instincts and reason beyond party and see and feel what is happening around them - they don’t rely on left wing media talking points like you do.
wrong as you can see by my posts....I post more than enough to at least put some doubt in your head if not inform you of what is going on......but not only do you not want to know the don't even have a doubt of any kind...….
this guy is everything a cult leader is like

Geez - beginning to think you’re paid for every time you post cult - what a joke :}
You are ridiculous - you’re SO programmed - all ya got is your cult horseshite and Dem propaganda - some people have instincts and reason beyond party and see and feel what is happening around them - they don’t rely on left wing media talking points like you do.

do you realize people are sooo tired of hearing this left wing bullshit.....cult people just have a problem with facts....they are programmed just how the cult leader tells them.....really have no mind of their own.....I thinks that why you keep saying the same thing...….and people are so tired of hearing it.....hell your party can not come up with a defense for the can't name one thing he has done for you.....CULT!

let me know if you need more information on how the right is gradually losing the election
More work going in a Trump month than an Obama year

that is your bias speaking …..facts and numbers do not support your claim....trump will NEVER beat those numbers.....doubt if anyone will.....thank Bush for the end of his term jobs were in a major decline......Obama comes in stops the ******* and turns add the facts that he stopped the added......comes up to numbers doubt anyone will surpass
that is your bias speaking …..facts and numbers do not support your claim....trump will NEVER beat those numbers.....doubt if anyone will.....thank Bush for the end of his term jobs were in a major decline......Obama comes in stops the ******* and turns add the facts that he stopped the added......comes up to numbers doubt anyone will surpass
Those who report might not keep track but I see it here. Obama coming in causes recession and his leaving stops it . Trump lights fire for boom and keeps stoking it . Go Trump
Those who report might not keep track but I see it here. Obama coming in causes recession and his leaving stops it . Trump lights fire for boom and keeps stoking it . Go Trump

Maybe....but what you are seeing is your little area of the world.....doesn't cover the whole country...…..and for about the 5th or 6th time.....Bush created the recession.....even admitted that he hated to leave the economy in such a state and couldn't figure out why it took a dump on his watch.....Obama repaired the mess.....commonly known as republican trickle down...NEVER works and trump is pushing it now

CNN Official Interview: George W. Bush reflects on economy ...
Nov 14, 2010 · Former President George W. Bush discusses the financial downturn that struck near the end of his presidency. ... Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue. ... George W. Bush reflects on economy CNN ...

From Recession to Collapse: The Bush Administration and ...
From Recession to Collapse: The Bush Administration and the Over-Valued Dollar 1 Introduction Accounts of the economic policy in the George W. Bush administration usually center on the tax cuts in his first year in office and the economic collapse in his last year, a result of his failure to effectively regulate housing finance.

Economic policy of the George W. Bush administration ...
The economic policy of the George W. Bush administration was characterized by significant income tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, the implementation of Medicare Part D in 2003, increased military spending for two wars, a housing bubble that contributed to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007–2008, and the Great Recession that followed. Economic performance during the …

Poll: Blame still goes to Bush for bad economy – CNN ...
Jun 14, 2012 · (CNN) - He left office more than three years ago, but former President George W. Bush is still the target of most Americans' blame for the current state of the economy, according to a survey released Thursday.


trump is following in Bush's footsteps with everything going to the wealthy and no way of covering except to take from the needy...but not enough there to do the job

Trump is driving us toward a big recession: It will be ...
Aug 13, 2019 · (Getty/Shutterstock/Salon) Trump is driving us toward a big recession: It will be ghastly — but is it deliberate? A 2008-style crash may not be far away.
They got you hook line and sinker

just you are blind to the facts......Reagan and bush both gave major tax cuts with no way of paying for them (trickle down economics) it drove us into a recession and trump is pushing the same thing....just a matter of time...….you can't keep writing checks with nothing in the bank

Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work
Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work. It's at the heart of the infamous trickle-down theory. The past 40 years have seen a gradual decrease in the top bracket's income tax rate, from 91% in 1963 to 35% in 2003. It went as low as 28% in 1988 and 1989 due to legislation passed under Reagan,...

How Trickle-Down Economics Ruined the Economy and Helped ...
How Trickle-Down Economics Ruined the Economy and Helped Trump Win ... initiated by President George H. W. Bush and eventually signed into law by President Bill Clinton. ... We have had a long string of very big promises from Reagan to Obama. Tax cuts, trickle-down economics, deregulation, globalization and NAFTA and bailouts all conferred ...

Trump, Republicans revisit Reagan's "trickle-down ...
Nov 17, 2017 · Debate continues over whether "trickle-down" economics delivers on its promises. ... Trump, Republicans revisit Reagan's "trickle-down" policies. ... an official in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush ...

President Trump's Trickle-Down Tax Cuts Further ... - Forbes
Oct 24, 2017 · President Trump's Trickle-Down Tax Cuts Further Fuel Economic Inequality . James H. Carr Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are …
that is your bias speaking …..facts and numbers do not support your claim....trump will NEVER beat those numbers.....doubt if anyone will.....thank Bush for the end of his term jobs were in a major decline......Obama comes in stops the ******* and turns add the facts that he stopped the added......comes up to numbers doubt anyone will surpass

Correct me - if I’m wrong - I know ya will
but dinna your hero Obama say something like - those manufacturing jobs are gone and they’re never coming back.

Guess what - they ARE coming back :}
Correct me - if I’m wrong - I know ya will
but dinna your hero Obama say something like - those manufacturing jobs are gone and they’re never coming back.

Guess what - they ARE coming back :}

ok I will correct you...….they were coming back under the last year of obama

Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Manufacturing Jobs and ...
Mar 14, 2016 · A worker inspects the metal frame of a Ford Escape S.U.V. at an assembly plant in Louisville, Kentucky. Factory jobs are on the rise in the U.S., and many of these new jobs are coming back to ..

Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than ...
Dec 01, 2017 · More than 10,000 jobs at federal contractors have been sent over overseas since Trump was elected. Consider United Technologies, which is the parent company of Carrier, a maker of air conditions ...