trump running for re-election on the economy

more of that right wing trickle down.....that doesn't work!

In a Strong Economy, Why Are So Many Workers on Strike?

At first glance, it may seem like a paradox: Even as the economy rides a 10-year winning streak, tens of thousands of workers across the country, from General Motors employees to teachers in Chicago, are striking to win better wages and benefits.

But, according to those on strike, the strong growth is precisely the point. Autoworkers, teachers and other workers accepted austerity when the economy was in a free fall, expecting to share in the gains once the recovery took hold.

Increasingly, however, many of those workers believe that they fell for a sucker’s bet, having watched their employers grow flush while their own incomes barely budged. Corporate profits are near a record high, up nearly 30 percent since the pre-recession peak in 2006. During the same time, the income of the typical household has increased by less than 4 percent. Some workers are responding with measures like strikes partly as a result.

“That was the understanding — that if we gave up the concessions back in 2007 and 2009, that once G.M. got back on their feet, we would slowly get those things back,” said Tammy Daggy, who worked at the now-idled G.M. plant in Lordstown, Ohio, for nearly 25 years. But on many issues, “we never did.”

Overall strike activity has fallen sharply since the 1970s, as the ranks of unions have been depleted, dropping to about 10 percent of the work ******* from over 25 percent. Employers have also responded more aggressively — for example, by permanently replacing striking employees.

Now, though, workers appear increasingly willing to walk off the job. Last year, the number of workers who participated in significant strikes soared to nearly 500,000, its highest point since the mid-1980s, while the total duration of such strikes reached a 15-year high.

because dems told unions to strike
you are willing to go to any exrfeme and say anything to keep the money and not pay a decent living....and you call it bankrupting the economy.....when what it boils down to is republican greed.....but you can't say that being a republican
democrats will do anything not to lose again at the cost of the country imagine what would have been acomplished if our president wasn't having to defend not only every decision but also made up *******
democrats will do anything not to lose again at the cost of the country imagine what would have been acomplished if our president wasn't having to defend not only every decision but also made up *******

think you got that wrong.....trump will do anything to win include colluding with a foreign gov to win...again
Trump Rages Over Republican Defections as Democrats Press on Impeachment

WASHINGTON — President Trump, increasingly embittered by an impeachment inquiry that Democrats are intensifying by the day, complained on Monday that Republicans were not united enough in defending him against what he called “vicious” adversaries bent on removing him.

Mr. Trump lashed out at Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, the only member of his party who has signaled he may be open to impeaching Mr. Trump, arguing that the senator’s defection showed weakness in the party.

Launching into a series of attacks on Democrats, Mr. Trump said approvingly that they were “vicious and they stick together. They don’t have Mitt Romney in their midst — they don’t have people like that.”

China doing what Trump should have done at the start...….now they are trying to turn world against US......using more sanctions on US...should China win this other countries will be applying sanctions on US...…...doesn't matter who is right or wrong....again the American consumer to pay!

China asks WTO for $2.4 billion sanctions against U.S. in latest clash

GENEVA (Reuters) - China is seeking $2.4 billion in retaliatory sanctions against the United States for failing to comply with a World Trade Organization ruling in a case that highlights White House complaints about the global trade body.

WTO appeals judges said in July the United States did not fully comply with a trade body ruling about tariffs it put on Chinese solar panels, wind towers, and steel cylinders. They said Beijing could impose retaliatory sanctions if Washington did not remove them.

The dispute comes as the Trump administration, which is pushing the WTO to revamp rules allowing China to call itself a "developing country," battles Beijing in a wider trade war.

China doing what Trump should have done at the start...….now they are trying to turn world against US......using more sanctions on US...doesn't matter who is right or wrong....again the American consumer to pay!

China asks WTO for $2.4 billion sanctions against U.S. in latest clash

GENEVA (Reuters) - China is seeking $2.4 billion in retaliatory sanctions against the United States for failing to comply with a World Trade Organization ruling in a case that highlights White House complaints about the global trade body.

WTO appeals judges said in July the United States did not fully comply with a trade body ruling about tariffs it put on Chinese solar panels, wind towers, and steel cylinders. They said Beijing could impose retaliatory sanctions if Washington did not remove them.

The dispute comes as the Trump administration, which is pushing the WTO to revamp rules allowing China to call itself a "developing country," battles Beijing in a wider trade war.

we don't need Chinese *******
we don't need Chinese *******

true....and our buying it just helps their military against us......but greedy comp have gone over there for the better profits....inflation here and stagnate wages have people buying their ******* because they can not afford to buy american ….American greed has put them on the map....big time...but if china should win this ruling...other countries will also apply sanctions on us...…..and you say we don't need china...but we do need to sell our goods....

U.S. Exports to China - Statistics & Facts | Statista
Oct 18, 2019 · This dossier provides figures and statistics on U.S. exports to China, with a focus on federal states that have taken the lead in exporting various goods to China. The United States and China

US Exports to China | US-China Business Council
US services exports to China included travel and education, transportation, financial, business and professional services, among other industries. Goods exports to China rebounded in 2017. Following two years of declines, US goods exports to China increased by $14 billion in 2017—growing twice as fast as exports to the rest of the world.

The People's Republic of China | United States Trade ...
U.S. direct investment in China is led by manufacturing, wholesale trade, and finance and insurance. China's FDI in the United States (stock) was $39.5 billion in 2017, down 2.3% from 2016. China's direct investment in the U.S. is led by manufacturing, real estate, and depository institutions.

U.S. goods and services trade with China totaled an estimated $737.1 billion in 2018. Exports were $179.3 billion; imports were $557.9 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with China was $378.6 billion in 2018.
(see my note above)

China is currently our largest goods trading partner with $659.8 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2018. Goods exports totaled $120.3 billion; goods imports totaled $539.5 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with China was $419.2 billion in 2018.

Trade in services with China (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $77.3 billion in 2018. Services exports were $58.9 billion; services imports were $18.4 billion. The U.S. services trade surplus with China was $40.5 billion in 2018.

According to the Department of Commerce, U.S. exports of Goods and Services to China supported an estimated 911,000 jobs in 2015 (latest data available) (601,000 supported by goods exports and 309,000 supported by services exports).

America's deficit with China is our own creation....companies here raising prices...helping inflation.....moving a lot of their companies and jobs to china....and wages stagnant.....people buy what they can afford...china!
creating the deficit...…...trump wants them to drop money...that our consumer has already purchased from them....American manufacturing greed has created this …..and helped China also have a big military to use against us.....they don't see the big picture...just the fat bank account

US Trade Deficit With China and Why It's So High

The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

The U.S. trade deficit with China was $419 billion in 2018. The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $120 billion while imports from China were $540 billion.

The biggest categories of U.S. imports from China were computers and accessories, cell phones, and apparel and footwear. A lot of these imports are from U.S. manufacturers that send raw materials to China for low-cost assembly. Once shipped back to the United States, they are considered imports.

China's biggest imports from America are commercial aircraft, soybeans, and autos. In 2018, China canceled its soybean imports after President Trump started a trade war. He imposed tariffs on Chinese steel exports and other goods.

but that is something trump has done his whole something and then later refuse to pay because it was to much money.....the deficit has nothing to do with is goods we bought...…...the issue is with the US companies that went over there to produce the companies in a win win situation...…….they have stuff manuf in china...brought back over here to be sold...and we hold china responsible and refuse to pay
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of course it is favored by surprise there...…….trump has already shown willing to destroy the country in favor of biz......question is much is he making off some of this....

like the parks he sold rights to in Wash....nothing sneaky there...but that companies stocked jumped several days before anything was announced
or allowing coal to pollute....just a couple of things he has done for biz lately to help biz and fuck the no surprise a bizman wouldn't support him on any of that