trump running for re-election on the economy

Strong economy makes a strong country

it helps!....but it is necessary for everyone to be a part of it.....not a selected few....sure now that he has lowered interest rates...people will go out and charge things making the economy look good......but what happens when they can't make those credit card payments...and it has to happen sooner or later
It’s up to people to take care of their finances - NOT the GOVERNMENT!!!!!!

no one said it was up to the gov......they have nothing to do with it....big biz doesn't pay enough to keep up with the gov has to ******* them to pay higher wages so SOME can survive...others that do make a decent wage are scraping by.....that's where the title of this thread came from!
You implied that lowering the interest rate will cause people to overspend and get in trouble - I am saying it’s up to the people to make sure they don’t overspend and spend responsibly and thus take advantage of lower interest rates.
You implied that lowering the interest rate will cause people to overspend and get in trouble - I am saying it’s up to the people to make sure they don’t overspend and spend responsibly and thus take advantage of lower interest rates.

true it is.....but most are barely getting by right now......and some just can not control it and have all these "wants".....according to what I read a lot are living off their credit card right now

2018 Credit Card Debt Statistics (Average US Debt)
May 24, 2018 · Of course, not every consumer carries a credit card; only around 70% of Americans have at least one card, which amounts to about 173 million cardholders over the age of 18. Spread out among those with credit cards alone, the average cardholder has approximately $4,789 in credit card balances.
this is going to hurt the chump...…...I doubt they will get mad and vote for a just don't do that hardcore repub's…….but I have seen them get mad and just not vote....which would still hurt the chump......and what will this do to the economy

Chinese companies halt purchases of US agricultural ...
Aug 05, 2019 · Chinese companies have halted purchases of US agricultural products, marking the latest escalation of the trade war between the United States and China.

China tells companies to stop buying US agricultural goods
Somebody had to take China on - it’s a necessary evil - if President Trump wins it will be for the best in the long run - he’s playing the long game - short term - yeah there’s gonna be some pain.
You implied that lowering the interest rate will cause people to overspend and get in trouble - I am saying it’s up to the people to make sure they don’t overspend and spend responsibly and thus take advantage of lower interest rates.

lowering interest rates has ONE purpose...….to get people to spend to stimulate the economy....PEOPLE WILL spend which makes things look good...…..but most will not have the money to pay for those charges...if they had the money they would have been spending without the lowering of the interest rate...….up to the people? how do you think people get into so much money trouble as it is!...they spend more than they have
I think we should double down on tariffs

he had the right idea on the tariffs....we needed to get China under control BUT we are not alone in this problem...Canada Europe and several others all have the same issue with China.....he should have brought it up in the WTO and got other countries on board......had a lot more impact on China and got them to "rethink" how they do it is.....who knows who is winning this war...….but the American consumer is footing the bill...instead it could have been several countries all doing the same and less burden on our economy and had greater impact on China
he had the right idea on the tariffs....we needed to get China under control BUT we are not alone in this problem...Canada Europe and several others all have the same issue with China.....he should have brought it up in the WTO and got other countries on board......had a lot more impact on China and got them to "rethink" how they do it is.....who knows who is winning this war...….but the American consumer is footing the bill...instead it could have been several countries all doing the same and less burden on our economy and had greater impact on China
We are Americans we fight our own fights