Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Ha :LOL:!!! Clyburn just said Anderson Cooper was being kind to elevate Trump to the 4th grade, and that it was more like kindergarten for mocking Kamala’s name. And you know what? Clyburn is right! These ignorant motherfuckers in here give props to a grown man who mock’s his opponent’s name like he’s on a kindergarten playground or something? KaMAla! KaMAla! This is who the fuck these Trumptard morons think should be president??? I guess so since he’s a fucking moron just like them!!!
Who are you ? What is special about you? I don't know what you physically look like. But you continue to show us how ugly you are as an immature childlike, crude, classless human being. Your insulting posts and your hatred toward people that may not agree with you proves you are not a nice human being.
what is funny....these fucking dipshit republicans like to make fun of Biden and Harris...…...It is not about those 2...….it is about removing the trump corruption and theft and putting people in who can restore the country....unite people again....sad part is....the economy is going to take a serious dump here SOON....and those fucking idiots will say it is the dems fault....hell look at allfor and the last recession started by Bush....and yet you ask allfor and a couple others it was Obama....someof these republicans do not have a lick of I said the more you KNOW about politics the lass likely you are to vote republican
Since you know so much, maybe you will come up with a wise statement to explain the major change in the stock Market at the opening bell Wednesday. If Trump losses you democrats are going to see this country suffer and fail. The wealthy companies are preparing to move over seas taking thousands of jobs away and trillions of dollars out of our economy.
Since you know so much, maybe you will come up with a wise statement to explain the major change in the stock Market at the opening bell Wednesday. If Trump losses you democrats are going to see this country suffer and fail. The wealthy companies are preparing to move over seas taking thousands of jobs away and trillions of dollars out of our economy.
It doesn't matter who the pres is....we are still going to be in deep ******* next year....BECAUSE of the right and trump

where would you be if you got 25% of your income increase...and same bills to pay...and all of a sudden giving billions to relatives?

Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The ...

Oct 10, 2019 · For the first time ever, America’s 400 wealthiest people paid a lower tax rate in 2018 than any other group of people, according to a new study completed by …

as for jobs going overseas....Reagan let that happen....China did not ask those companies to go there....they went for the cheap buck and fuck America...…..that is why we are so dependent on China now for everything including aspirin….and those same companies are partly to blame for china being a world super power....people now buy what they can afford......and that is non American products!....and those same companies are part of the reason trump likes the stock market...….if it was just American biz...we would be in a recession right now...….under trump there have been more jobs that ever move overseas.....look at the big tax break trump gave to bell took the money to move all it's call centers to India where they pay less than 2 bucks an hour....thanks trump...….and under trump he gave away how many millions of that last stimulus to companies that are overseas......because companies in China shut down everything...even production at American companies

if you remember right ...and I'm sure you don't...…….but Obama wanted to tax the ******* out of all those companies that are big on overseas manufacturing

GOP Blocks Bill to Punish Companies that Move Jobs Abroad ...

Sep 28, 2010 · Republicans, with help from a handful of Democrats, used a filibuster to block a measure that would have used the tax code to punish big companies that shut U.S. manufacturing plants

Obama’s record on outsourcing draws criticism from the ...

Jul 09, 2012 · Barack Obama promised voters four years ago that he would work to slow the outflow of American jobs to other countries, proposing to revamp a federal tax code that encourages companies

Moving its call centers offshore is hurting AT&T

Aug 03, 2017 · Moving its call centers offshore is hurting AT&T A focus on short-term cost-cutting leads to lower customer satisfaction, lower revenue and of course, the loss of good American jobs.

Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than ...

Dec 01, 2017 · The bill would stop taxation on US companies’ routine foreign earnings, but experts say it is has not put in sufficient guardrails to prevent jobs from moving overseas. Companies must pay

Why are most call centers in India? - Quora

Aug 20, 2019 · Thank you for the A2A. Of course the most obvious answer is money but it is not the sole reason. Here are a few more critical ones: * An educated workforce. The minimum requirement for an entry level position is Bachelors degree. * Work ethic. Wor...

Reps of 22 foreign governments have spent money at Trump ...

Jun 12, 2019 · The extent and amount of foreign spending at Trump's hotels, golf clubs and restaurants is not known, because the Trump Organization is a private company

Trump-GOP Tax Law Encourages Companies to Move Jobs ...

Jun 02, 2020 · The Trump-GOP tax law enacted in December 2017 creates clear incentives for American-based corporations to move operations and jobs abroad, including a zero percent tax rate on many profits generated offshore. Now the Trump administration and some lawmakers who supported the 2017 law say they are concerned about companies moving jobs offshore

Why the Coronavirus Stimulus Bill's Corporate Bailout Is ...

Apr 02, 2020 · The largest relief package in U.S. history, this $2 trillion bill provides direct cash payments to tens of millions of Americans, immediate relief to small businesses, and expanded unemployment...

How Donald Trump Moved Millions From His Campaign Donors ...

Jul 21, 2020 · In all, that adds up to $2.6 million for Trump’s hotels, not counting the money that has gone to his Miami golf resort. The reelection campaign hasn’t spent much money at Mar-a-Lago.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner made as much as $135m last ...

Jun 14, 2019 · Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner took in as much as $135m in income during their second year as aides to Donald Trump, generated from their vast …

Trump's children take in millions overseas as president ...

Oct 10, 2019 · President Trump has called Democrat Joe Biden corrupt over his *******'s work in Ukraine while Biden was vice president. Three of Trump's own children have conducted a vast array of overseas ...
Who are you ? What is special about you? I don't know what you physically look like. But you continue to show us how ugly you are as an immature childlike, crude, classless human being. Your insulting posts and your hatred toward people that may not agree with you proves you are not a nice human being.

You sound just like your cult leader Trumptard . . . be nice, be nice . . . no FUCK YOU asshole! I’m not here to “be nice” to you or the rest of the Trumptard dolts who would destroy this country. Your choice for president is a piece of ******* of a human being, and your undying support for him makes you one too. So KISS my “bad” black ass you ignorant ******* of a bitch!

Right! Don’t believe the polls. Unless of course you happen to find one that shows Trump is ahead (and probably backed by a Ruskie). Then that poll means something. Riiiiiiiiiiight :rolleyes:
And your guns locked and loaded for the coming race war too? Stand back and stand byyyyyy says the dangerous Trumptard president . . . .

I've always had guns more of a stupidity war then race, sheep being lead by the media . As always I will defend what's mine. The outcome will be an excuse to take away arms from those left standing. I do not want to see war in our homeland.
Obama economy sucked 8 years off small business being choked. Go Trump 2020
Why do Republicans make this claim totally dismissing the Bush crash that was so bad he brought in BOTH crashes, automakers in the toilet, wars not included in federal budgeting and you guys call him a failure for not going into a 2nd depression.