Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Rudy Giuliani dodges questions about Russian agent who ...

Sep 12, 2020 · Rudy Giuliani dodges questions about Russian agent who helped concoct Biden smear campaign Rudy Giuliani claimed ignorance Saturday about a Trump administration report that fingered one of the main...
I watched a video the other day that troubled me. It was about how Asian Americans are being treated since covid 19 has reared it's ugly head. It isn't good. Trump has been wrong in his saying negative things against other Americans during his rallies and press conferences. His opinion of the situations may not have been wrong but, America is a powder keg waiting to explode and many people take his words out of context as well as many democrats on here and the media does as well. The resent stories about the Boogaloo Bois show that they are a violent group of Americans in to separate factions that hate our Government and 1 side wants to start a race war. I honestly believe that there is going to be big trouble after the election. All the ground we have crossed to overcome racism over the years is going to become a deadly issue. When things get tough and someone threatens to change what people are used to, violence will soon follow. Ignorant or gullible people do take words out of context.
any video that you watched that bothered you must have been a rehearsal of trump moving out of the white house
it is your man that promotes hate and anger and has been pushing that to try and take the heat off the trump virus

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funny.....even Putin can see the handwriting on the wall...…..and yet these trumptards can't see ******* for the *******

Comrade Joe? Putin says he could work with Biden despite ...

Oct 22, 2020 · Putin says he could work with Biden despite anti-Russia rhetoric because the Democratic Party is closer to the 'ideas' that birthed COMMUNISM Russian President Vladimir Putin gave …

Putin Praises Trump Ties and Says Biden May Not Be Bad Too

Oct 07, 2020 · Vladimir Putin praised Donald Trump for improving U.S.-Russia ties and said he also saw grounds for cooperation with a Joe Biden administration, while mocking claims he’s meddling in the ...
Can you say conflicted, Trump supporters for law enforcement. His associates and appointees have the all time record of people charged with felonies with more than ten being convicted. One convicted on seven counts then pardoned by Trump before serving a day. Oliver Stone the man behind the Watergate break in. Well at least he got a pardon not hung in his sell like the ******* pictured with Trump more than once. Epstein ring a bell. Then Steve Bannon his good friend who took the millions Trump faithful sent to build the wall. Did you chip in. They think people are suckers. Like the thousands who borrowed to get a degree from Trump University. Not one credited instructor or even a business or tax permit. Trump made a estimated 70 million on that con and settled out of court for five million just prior to running his first time. Relax your guy still maintains his status as a swindler, he hasn't paid a cent of that settlement yet.

Forget about his hands in his pants . . . what did he go to the bedroom with this "reporter" for . . . then ask for her address and telephone number??? Why isn't the press all over this ??? How about THAT Mr. Fung 😝!!! He only went to the bedroom for a "*******" :unsure:??? Riiiiiiggggghhhttttttt :rolleyes:!!!!

And I see that so far these Trumptards haven't said one mumbling word about this . . . not one . . . well, you're not going to be able to ignore it 🤫and just sweep it under the rug! Not gonna happen . . . .

I watched a video the other day that troubled me. It was about how Asian Americans are being treated since covid 19 has reared it's ugly head. It isn't good. Trump has been wrong in his saying negative things against other Americans during his rallies and press conferences. His opinion of the situations may not have been wrong but, America is a powder keg waiting to explode and many people take his words out of context as well as many democrats on here and the media does as well. The resent stories about the Boogaloo Bois show that they are a violent group of Americans in to separate factions that hate our Government and 1 side wants to start a race war. I honestly believe that there is going to be big trouble after the election. All the ground we have crossed to overcome racism over the years is going to become a deadly issue. When things get tough and someone threatens to change what people are used to, violence will soon follow. Ignorant or gullible people do take words out of context.

Uh, welcome to the last four years? The KKK, "unite the right", the Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, etc, have all been coming out in support of (and supported by) Trump this entire time.

The SPLC has been reporting on a surge in hate groups for the last few years.

Conservatives have had to dogwhistle their racism since the 1970s or so ("inner city crime", "crack heads", "gang bangers", "welfare queens" etc), but Trump kind of blew the lid off that. People literally just march saying "Jews will not replace us" now.