Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Why democrats are much popular in California than in other states ?
CA has a lot of big cities.

If you think of it like this:
  • Democrats are a center-right neoliberal party (they are -- they don't campaign for nationalization of industries or protectionist trade regulation; they advocate for social programs that allow people to live in a very capitalist society as good consumers when the markets fail them, but always in service of the market itself)
  • The modern Republican party is a populist reactionary party (blaming immigrants for problems, widespread xenophobia, love of authority, distrust of global trade and of "the elites")
it's clear that you would expect a rural-urban split, and also a split by education level. In the US, people who are educated generally move for college and move again afterwards to be in bigger urban job markets where they can use their skills to make money. That's the bulk of the Democratic constituency. These people vote Democratic because they DNC will support the industry which employs these people, but will also use taxes to support the infrastructure they rely on as city-dwellers, and support the livelihoods of the people around them that they rely on for haircuts, food delivery, teaching their children, etc.

People who are working-class wage earners generally stay in cheaper rural areas (though this is harder and harder as the US transitions from a manufacturing economy to a service economy, and the latter was absolutely gutted by Covid). You can see this by the fact that Trump has high support among non-college-educated people, and very low support among the college-educated.

There are exceptions of course; a lot (but by no means all) of very rich people support the Republican party, because the Republicans generally advocate for lower taxes (so they don't have to use the money to support the social programs to keep society relatively functional), and the very rich like to live in cities. A lot of very religious people support the Republican party because they adopted abortion as a wedge issue to appeal to rural Southerners.

There are also cities which are more Republican-leaning; they tend to be poorer and smaller cities, and built around a single employer or industry (like Mobile, AL).

The result of this is that states with a higher dense urban population (NY, CA, WA, etc) tend to vote more heavily Democratic.
I wasn't given my permission and you know that, your not quite that dumb. It don't make any difference to me concerning all the crap you left progressive's try to ******* upon Trump supporters. Trump has beaten all of you cry babies the past four years. If Joe Biden and his disgusting running mate manage to get elected there will then be reason for real hatred, for real reasons.
I find it amazing that Trump supporters think it's the Democrats trying to ******* something on them.
It's the facts about this man and his presidency that's confronting you.
You call the words from Trump"s own people, relatives, staffers, and even his own mouth as propaganda?
He's been running the biggest con on the willing minds of people like you. Like the students of Trump University.
Or, the donors to his Inauguration.
He abuses the trust of those who believe in him, not those of us that see him as he is. Hence the biggest constant turnover of staff in history. Those closest to him, do not like him.

Did Mexico pay for that big beautiful wall?
Did he give a tax plan that actually help working class people?
Did he drain the swamp, or set a record for the most indicted staff?
It's October, where's that vaccine?
What happened to clean coal?
What about manufacturing?
What about that big beautiful repeal and replace Health Care plan he's been working on since October 2016?
Where them taxes at?

Your frustration, and likely impotence, comes from defending the indefensible. Pretty soon you run out of excuses and others to blame for him. You have no choice but to either look at yourself- and join the many republicans supporting Biden, or go all out and begin eating up conspiracy theories that everyone is against Trump.
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They certainly know how ignorant their supporters are.
There are 53 Republican Senators. Hold on to that number.
There are 197 Republicans in the House. Out of 435.
A constitutional amendment needs 2/3rds support in both houses: That's 67 Senators and 290 Representatives needed.
Then you need 38 state legislatures to support this.
The Republicans are way too short to even get close but, they know their supporters do not know or understand those basic processes, so they will stand up and scream about this phony effort in an attempt to distract.
The only ones will fall for this, are already supporting them.