Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Ah yes. The mindless drone of insults. I see you can't dispute the truths. Typical. Don't get your little feelings hurt by me telling facts about your savior. Lol
You fucking moron... Trump disavowed the white supremacists of Charlottesville two days after it happened... which is the amount of time it took for the facts to come in about it all.
At what point do you accept that you are 100% wrong, you racist fuck.

Both FactCheck and a video confirm it.
You fucking moron... Trump disavowed the white supremacists of Charlottesville two days after it happened... which is the amount of time it took for the facts to come in about it all.
At what point do you accept that you are 100% wrong, you racist fuck.

Both FactCheck and a video confirm it.
Two days after being pressured by the media. Two days for something that takes two seconds? Nazis=Bad. Always. No hesitation.
He 'stood back' and 'stood by' for two days.
You can say what you want, White Supremacists and Nazis see him as their leader and understand when he speaks he is speaking to them.
You know, speaking your language.
Two days after being pressured by the media. Two days for something that takes two seconds? Nazis=Bad. Always. No hesitation.
He 'stood back' and 'stood by' for two days.
You can say what you want, White Supremacists and Nazis see him as their leader and understand when he speaks he is speaking to them.
You know, speaking your language.
Trump was in the middle of a speech about something else when that conflict broke out, and like a RESPONSIBLE LEADER, he waited until the facts of the event were discovered, who actually drove the car, WHICH TOOK TWO DAYS TO FIND OUT, who was killed, etc., then he spoke about it.
You fucks on the left want immediate reaction. Guilt before proven innocence. That's not how our country works, you moron.
Two days after being pressured by the media. Two days for something that takes two seconds? Nazis=Bad. Always. No hesitation.
He 'stood back' and 'stood by' for two days.
You can say what you want, White Supremacists and Nazis see him as their leader and understand when he speaks he is speaking to them.
You know, speaking your language.
How many times do you need to be educated before you learn. The DEMOCRAT party created the KKK.
The political party you are brainwashed by are the ones who originally wanted to keep you enslaved.
I'd be embarrassed if I were you.
Trump was in the middle of a speech about something else when that conflict broke out, and like a RESPONSIBLE LEADER, he waited until the facts of the event were discovered, who actually drove the car, WHICH TOOK TWO DAYS TO FIND OUT, who was killed, etc., then he spoke about it.
You fucks on the left want immediate reaction. Guilt before proven innocence. That's not how our country works, you moron.
Again, Nazis=Always bad. No more explanation is needed for a decent person, responsible or irresponsible. You immediately denounce Nazis and then wait to see where the violence began. If that's the excuse.
After faking like he didn't know who David Duke was previously, and his proclaimed ignorance on white supremacy, he should have been forthright.
However, you can protest and try to call me or whomever all the names your tiny vocabulary can come up with, doesn't change the fact the President only said that AFTER two days of pressure from everyone.
It took him a few more days to reverse back- negating your entire defense of his racism.

Still hitting a big fat zero in here. This ain't your sport *******. Try the Breitbart or TownHall comment section.
How many times do you need to be educated before you learn. The DEMOCRAT party created the KKK.
The political party you are brainwashed by are the ones who originally wanted to keep you enslaved.
I'd be embarrassed if I were you.
"Democratic" Party. The did not create it. It was created in the south where the Democratic Party ruled. So naturally most members were Democratic- and former Confederates. The Republicans have done a great job of making a home for them in the last 70 years. The Klan fully embraces the President and the Republicans. I have bookmarked at least a dozen politicians running under the Republican banner who turned out to be self admitted white supremacists. You can have them, all yours.

Who is brainwashed? Last I checked, Democratic legislation, especially in the 1960s, did more to make this country equal than anything sans abolishing slavery the republicans did. Numbers don't lie. The Great Society programs of President Johnson opened up education, employment, housing and banking opportunities closed off to blacks unofficially and officially before. The numbers that rose out of poverty were astounding, the numbers attaining higher education from the institutions their tax dollars paid for grew across the board. People like you, want to ignore the institutionalized racism that existed and then only focus on the social programs, not the ones that made it better for the vast vast majority.

If you were me? Sheeeeeeit!!! Keep dreaming little man. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
"Democratic" Party. The did not create it. It was created in the south where the Democratic Party ruled. So naturally most members were Democratic- and former Confederates. The Republicans have done a great job of making a home for them in the last 70 years. The Klan fully embraces the President and the Republicans. I have bookmarked at least a dozen politicians running under the Republican banner who turned out to be self admitted white supremacists. You can have them, all yours.

Who is brainwashed? Last I checked, Democratic legislation, especially in the 1960s, did more to make this country equal than anything sans abolishing slavery the republicans did. Numbers don't lie. The Great Society programs of President Johnson opened up education, employment, housing and banking opportunities closed off to blacks unofficially and officially before. The numbers that rose out of poverty were astounding, the numbers attaining higher education from the institutions their tax dollars paid for grew across the board. People like you, want to ignore the institutionalized racism that existed and then only focus on the social programs, not the ones that made it better for the vast vast majority.

If you were me? Sheeeeeeit!!! Keep dreaming little man. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Your ignorance knows no bounds. I can't make you learn.
CUCKOLD Bitch,.. Trump had a popular vote of 62,984,828 & Clinton had a popular vote of 65,853,514...

65,853,514 - 62,984,828 = 2,868,686

Does 2.8 million look like "10 MILLION" to you DUMBASS...???😂😂😂🤦‍♂️

Let me take it down to a first grade level for you, you simpleton.
Trump would have still won in 2016 with only 40,811,514 popular votes.
If you read the bottom of my post that you responded to, I predicted you weren't smart enough to understand my message.
You proved it EXACTLY. What a fucking dumbass.

YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE WORKS. I've been arguing with a 3rd grader.
You're a CUCKOLD who can't read. See if you comprehend this,.. Don't you have something to do...? Like finding a black man to fuck "your" girl? 🤣🤣🤣🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸🤸‍♂️

Let me take it down to a first grade level for you, you simpleton.
Trump would have still won in 2016 with only 40,811,514 popular votes.
No he wouldn't, CUCKOLD 🤡. That's called an ASSUMPTION, do cuck- fuckboys know what that means?

Name one time, on instance in United States history where a candidate won the election, but lost the popular vote by 10 million votes..?

#WeAreSTILLWaiting.. #CuckoldConfounded
No he wouldn't, CUCKOLD 🤡. That's called an ASSUMPTION, do cuck- fuckboys know what that means?

Name one time, on instance in United States history where a candidate won the election, but lost the popular vote by 10 million votes..?

#WeAreSTILLWaiting.. #CuckoldConfounded
You clearly aren't good at math.
I tested out of engineering calculus. The math works. But you can't comprehend the math, because you don't know how the Electoral College works.
Go read up on it. Then come back and have an adult conversation. Maybe take a math class too.
Your cuckoldry knows no bounds. We can't remove the BETA from you.
You clearly don't know how cuckolding works either. Alphas can enjoy seeing their women with other men.
Let me make it more clear to you... there are alpha black men that like to share their white women with other black men. Does that make them beta? Nope.
You are clearly ignorant about many subjects. If I were you, I'd shut my mouth. You look like a fool to a lot of people.
You clearly aren't good at math.
I tested out of engineering calculus. The math works. But you can't comprehend the math, because you don't know how the Electoral College works.
Go read up on it. Then come back and have an adult conversation. Maybe take a math class too.
You're a cuckold, the only math you understand is another man fucking your wife... of course you can't comprehend.

Another Man + Fucks Your Wife = submission52

You clearly don't know how cuckolding works either. Alphas can enjoy seeing their women with other men.
Let me make it more clear to you... there are alpha black men that like to share their white women with other black men. Does that make them beta? Nope.
You are clearly ignorant about many subjects. If I were you, I'd shut my mouth. You look like a fool to a lot of people.
And you look with your head down to the ground when told to by an ALPHA... look at your avatar, keep your head down BETA-bitch...😂😂😂, afterall, you named YOURSELF "Submission"

And WE ALL KNOW you ain't talking about your wife🤣🤣🤣, BETA-MALE
