Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The 2016 538 averaging on polls are STILL available online.

They called 45 STATES (OUT OF 50) CORRECT. They were wrong on 5 states.

45/50 = 90% 😁🤓
The 2016 538 averaging on polls are STILL available online.

They called 45 STATES (OUT OF 50) CORRECT. They were wrong on 5 states.

45/50 = 90% 😁🤓

Yeah, all these ignorant people dismissing the polls . . . the fact of the matter is that the professional pollsters are extremely good at what they do! Perfect, no . . . but certainly far more correct than wrong when it comes to predicting elections. Provided somebody doesn't get away with cheating! Ignore the poll results just because you don't like them at your own peril!
Yeah, all these ignorant people dismissing the polls . . . the fact of the matter is that the professional pollsters are extremely good at what they do! Perfect, no . . . but certainly far more correct than wrong when it comes to predicting elections. Provided somebody doesn't get away with cheating! Ignore the poll results just because you don't like them at your own peril!
The pollsters called 45/50 states correct (=90%),

Of the 5 that they got wrong, ALL FIVE STATES
Florida, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, Clinton had a small lead, LESS THAN a 5% LEAD over Trump. These are the states they got wrong.. lol, the close states. However, Biden is clearly polling ABOVE the margin of error from 2016. Biden is out performing Clinton not only in MORE states, but by a higher margin.

Don't worry I am linking the polls of the 5 states they got wrong, and showing how close, how small "the lead" Clinton had over Trump in 2016.

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Confident 2020 Trump win, I love bullshit polls a false set of security. Just like 2016 . rigged hilarious
So let's be clear,.. 50 states & the pollsters called 5 states incorrect & 45 CORRECT. Let's look at those states Trump "flipped" to upset Clinton in 2016.

Wisconsin = Clinton had +5.3% lead

= Clinton had a +4.2% lead

Pennsylvania = Clinton had +3.7% lead

North Carolina = Clinton had +0.7% lead

Florida = Clinton had a +0.6% lead

THESE are the states the "bullshit polls" got wrong. Lol,..

🤪😂🤣🤣...LOOK AT THOSE SAME STATES NOW🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️
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this fucking guy.

he knows he can't win so he wants to take down as many of the rest of us as he can

Lucky for me I took a safe position after I recovered from the big drop earlier in the year. And there I shall remain until hopefully Trump is gone in November. MAN he used to piss me off . . . say some stupid ******* and drive my portfolio down literally costing me money! EFF you Donald Trump 🤬!!!

this fucking guy.

he knows he can't win so he wants to take down as many of the rest of us as he can
Lol, I think he is TRYING to take down the Republican party AND lose the Senate!!!!

A Stimulus Package, quick $$$ to Americans would have helped his chances.

I've said all along... 3 things can help Trump win. 1) STIMULUS PACKAGE, 2) WINNING THE DEBATES & 3) a VACCINE.

He needed all three to improve his chances. Lol, and 2 are already out the window!!!!

Lmao, instead of a vaccine, he himself tested positive!!🤣😂😂🤪
Don't say that. Don't even think that. Surely to god Biden will stay out of it. I can't think of any reason Biden would pardon a man who attempted to take over & change our government. He's violated the constitution in so many ways. His undocumented meetings with the Russians on several occasions, and sharing highly classified materials with them, makes any penalty he gets, state or federal, totally warranted. We need to make it a "warning" to anyone who attempts a repeat of what Trump's done.
I am with you 100%. But that piece of ******* was/is the President, and thus defined the Presidency. We can't look like some banana republic by locking up the election loser. We can strip him of his business licenses, show he's a tax cheat, remind people, he IS impeached, and label him as a criminal. The state government is a whole different game. I think he will get sentenced to time in New York. They've been tax cheating and investment grifting for an entire generation.
Biden isn’t that much older than Trump . . . only three years older . . . and he doesn’t have coronavirus!!! So who is it now who will need hospice care

Biden isn't that much older than Trump . . . only three years older . . . and more importantly, he doesn't have coronavirus! So who is it now who will need hospice care :unsure::ROFLMAO:???
It's for dementia