Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I said Saturday he'd be out in a couple of days with a miracle recovery. I've had over forty known people over 65 who were hospitalized with covid the shortest stay was just over three weeks. Twenty three died and the one there longest was over two months. The president was never sick i suspect. in his short stay he made videos and went out to be cheered by people "his favorite pastime" We did pay taxes that were spent on all those rallies held in his first two years . Sole reason for those was look at me and cheer . This i believe is his biggest con ever. Already boasting the viris is nothing to fear he beat it, But did he.

He's sick, he's just loaded up with so many steroids he things he's a god.

Even more than usual, that is
President Biden will pardon him,
Don't say that. Don't even think that. Surely to god Biden will stay out of it. I can't think of any reason Biden would pardon a man who attempted to take over & change our government. He's violated the constitution in so many ways. His undocumented meetings with the Russians on several occasions, and sharing highly classified materials with them, makes any penalty he gets, state or federal, totally warranted. We need to make it a "warning" to anyone who attempts a repeat of what Trump's done.
We are literally in a "Go Trump" forum thread & you are the ONLY Trump supporter left...😂😂😂


He’s the OP defending his turf.

For my part you ignorant pieces o Dem shite aren’t worth the time or energy to deal with anymore.

You’ve show how low you can go and I now revile you so much that I can no longer read your venomous shite. May ye all roast in hell.
Go Trump another 4 years
don't think so....after his stupd drive around the hospital Biden's led jumped to 16points....even with Russia's help that is a lot to overcome...……..and most Dr.s will tell you getting up to fast will bring it back about a week later a lot more serious


and his staff.....


and the rest of the country....


and his wife......2b.gif
Go here
And here

Put your life savings into bets for Donald Trump, and get rich!

That popular vote bet would really pay out for you. Max out your credit and take another mortgage on the house so you can really make bank on it.
I work to hard for money and what I have to play with it. Hope for the best plan for worst
He’s the OP defending his turf.

For my part you ignorant pieces o Dem shite aren’t worth the time or energy to deal with anymore.

You’ve show how low you can go and I now revile you so much that I can no longer read your venomous shite. May ye all roast in hell.

You're acting like & look like a crazed, zombie _cult member_ "lashing" out because your false god was judged IN THE VERY SIGHT of the masses & is losing in every metric standard imaginable.

This reprobate may not even make to November. You sound like you will be on SUICIDE WATCH after the 2nd debate!!!
