Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Over here in Portugal...Fox news is blocking comments on just about everything dealing with the Virus, including the announcement of Press secretary...these folks just don't's that simple...arrogance...Here in Portugal almost everyone is wearing an mask...and practicing social distancing...everywhere...stores, eating places...buses, trains, and etc...
This asshole hasn't learned a thing.
He has infected a dozen people so far, received the most intensive care that NO ONE in world has, and he's talking like this.
His campaign is saying Joe Biden is not being responsible, he's using the mask as a prop. Yeah OK.
Also, if anyone believes he is better, I have a border wall purchased by Mexico to sell you.

This is the political stunt we all saw coming. His poll numbers took a beating after the debates, and he needs to get back to pumping up white supremacists, dividing the nation, suppressing the vote, and fomenting a riot/crisis on election day. There are not enough undecideds left to overcome Biden's lead, so suppression and insurrection are his only options. If he lives that long.
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Biden is going to chew Trump alive & spit him out during the 2nd Debate...

"You plan on leading the American people against Coronavirus, when you couldn't even protect your own White House staff, or yourself Donald???" Lol
Great, so you mean the 2ND DEBATE is back on again...?!??😁😁😁😆
He is too narcissistic to see that it's bad for him to do that ******* in a Town Hall set up. Is he going to attack the people who ask questions?
Doesn't matter, he won't be better by then and if I was Joe, there is no way I'd be in a room/hall/stadium with this irresponsible man and his staff.
This asshole hasn't learned a thing.
He has infected a dozen people so far, received the most intensive care that NO ONE in world has, and he's talking like this.
His campaign is saying Joe Biden is not being responsible, he's using the mask as a prop. Yeah OK.
Also, if anyone believes he is better, I have a border purchased by Mexico to sell you.

This is the political stunt we all saw coming. His poll number took a beating after the debates, and he needs to get back to pumping up white supremacists, dividing the nation, suppressing the vote, and fomenting a riot/crisis on election day. There are not enough undecideds left to overcome Biden's lead, so suppression and insurrection is his only option. If he lives that long.

I agree although they said he would be out today...others don't think so.....hopefully that little stunt in the suv did not effect anyone and his being out put him on a ventilator...…….he needs to know what others have gone through
I said Saturday he'd be out in a couple of days with a miracle recovery. I've had over forty known people over 65 who were hospitalized with covid the shortest stay was just over three weeks. Twenty three died and the one there longest was over two months. The president was never sick i suspect. in his short stay he made videos and went out to be cheered by people "his favorite pastime" We did pay taxes that were spent on all those rallies held in his first two years . Sole reason for those was look at me and cheer . This i believe is his biggest con ever. Already boasting the viris is nothing to fear he beat it, But did he.