Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump fights the virus — and his diminishing credibility ...

11 hours ago · Don’t we all agree that Americans deserve to know whether Trump is well enough to make decisions of importance, including those regarding the nation’s security. Apparently not.

America's majority says Trump could have avoided coronavirus

9 hours ago · Democrat Joe Biden opened his widest lead in a month in the US presidential race after President Donald Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, and a majority of Americans think Trump could have avoided infection if he had taken the virus more seriously, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Sunday. The October 2-3 national opinion poll gave little indication of an outpouring of ...

60 percent of Americans say Trump does not deserve ...

A majority of Americans think President Trump does not deserve a second term in the White House, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.

Majority of Americans Don't Trust Donald Trump to Tell ...

Most Americans do not trust President Donald Trump to be honest about the COVID-19 threat, a new poll has found. The latest survey from Yahoo!News and YouGov found that 53 percent of polled U.S …

Majority of Americans Disapprove of Trump's Response to ...

The majority of Americans are unhappy with President Donald Trump's response to the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the U.S., and another 39 percent of Americans also say they are less likely...

Poll: Majority of adults don't trust Trump's comments on ...

Sep 15, 2020 · Independents are far more likely to think like Democrats on the question of trust. Ten percent of independents say they trust what Trump has said about a …
Imagine saying we should be more like Russia! :ROFLMAO: 🤡
Fortunately, you are not like us, because each society has its uses, if its motivation is not to destroy the other.

I no longer have an opinion on the question of the American presidential elections. From the outside, I think both camps are wrong. now it is above all a matter of common sense not to endanger one's loved ones. There are very highly developed tools so why want to do the interesting during two days? You can admire his charisma as a leader and also asking him to have some rules of ethics.
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In Russia, it is 7 years in prison when you take the risk of infecting others and know you are positive.

I support this. It should be negligent homicide if you knowingly spread Covid and people die of it.

Trump hid his positive test, then went to several rallies. He just had his secret service parade him around in a closed limo, potentially infecting anyone in that car. The moron is wantonly putting everyone near him in danger.

Meanwhile he continues to lose lung function and is now on high-powered steroids. About 1/4 of people that have been put on these steroids because of Covid die...