Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

another of your right wing reliable sources

WATCH: Pelosi says Republicans in ‘disarray’ over COVID ...

Jul 24, 2020 · Congressional Democrats are again pushing Republicans to provide details of their proposals for a COVID-19 rescue package. Watch the news briefing in the video player above.
From my perspective you Dems are disgusting - not worth engagin with - launch personal attacks to deflect from issues.
So is 'disgusting' a political position you're taking? Or is it one of the political issues?
It can't be a personal attack, can it. And, by saying Dems, aren't you taking a swiping at all of us?

I wish I was as smart as you THINK you are Ed.
Yeah you do.

The other guy - new to the game here is representative of your ilk and totally not worth the effort to debate on ANY issue.
Well, it seems that when you get beaten on the issue debate, you try and get personal.
He appears to have graduated from the republican school of knife fighting, beating you at your own game.
You want to get personal, he's gonna go in deep and hard, and watch you ******* out.
Kind of like when you were enjoying Trump bringing Bill Clinton's accusers to a debate with Hillary. Or the memes Trump post.
Now that you're being ******* fed the ******* sandwich you made, you wanna yelp about it.

There you go, more analogies than Longfellow or Frost. Probably got to look them up too.

Those photos were taken in 2018, and he was later asked how he felt about the American president:

We also took the opportunity to ask Lydon about the oft-raised suggestion that he is a supporter of President Donald Trump, whose remarks, Lydon told artnet News, were “wildly entertaining.”

Ever since I can remember, the truth about politicians is that they’re liars, cheats, and frauds,” he said. “So what looks like a corrupt businessman playing with them is hilarious to me. What every country needs is a serious shakeup. I don’t see it all going pear shaped.”

He added: “People say I’m a Trump supporter for daring to even say this. I’m sorry, but I don’t have an extremist world view. mom Lydon didn’t raise foolish children.”

He did it for the lulz.
RedState says Trump is endorsed by someone who knows a little something about foreign policy?
Joe Biden was the Vice President of United States for 8 years.
Before that he was the Chairman of the Senate FOREIGN RELATIONS Committee.

As far as National Security goes AND former Reagan and Bush Administration officials- Biden has more cred there too.
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
How many Democrats are endorsing Trump? Besides his own family?
Any Democratic Officials, operatives, policy advisors that total 1/10th of those who crossed over to endorse Biden? Nope.

So, who lies ?

Aren't you from RUSSIA🇷🇺...??? And quoting Russian Media "RT", curious... how does this election concern you?

🇺🇸All Damn Day,.. get out of here,.. tell P-u-t-i-n "what's up" (from Trump)🧐
So, who lies ?
You're arguing the assessment of the story, instead of the facts of the story.
This is directly from Trumps federal income tax.
HIS Justice Department has been investigating HIM for criminal activity on his business practices and tax filings. His Courts, allowed His IRS to release the tax filings a couple of months ago.
His own taxes, signed off by him, show him to be the worst businessman in the country and in debt personally, not for his businesses, but him personally for $400 million, and it's not known to whom he owes the money.
Oh, the investigation started over him getting a near total of $100 million in tax refunds, but filing losses year after year.
Like he's done on all of his wives, his college admission, and the last election- he cheated.
You're arguing the assessment of the story, instead of the facts of the story.
This is directly from Trumps federal income tax.
HIS Justice Department has been investigating HIM for criminal activity on his business practices and tax filings. His Courts, allowed His IRS to release the tax filings a couple of months ago.
His own taxes, signed off by him, show him to be the worst businessman in the country and in debt personally, not for his businesses, but him personally for $400 million, and it's not known to whom he owes the money.
Oh, the investigation started over him getting a near total of $100 million in tax refunds, but filing losses year after year.
Like he's done on all of his wives, his college admission, and the last election- he cheated.

Maybe he owes money to the Russian mafia in America that took hold when he was in trouble ahah If I were you, I feared the Russian mafia more than our government.
RedState says Trump is endorsed by someone who knows a little something about foreign policy?
Joe Biden was the Vice President of United States for 8 years.
Before that he was the Chairman of the Senate FOREIGN RELATIONS Committee.

As far as National Security goes AND former Reagan and Bush Administration officials- Biden has more cred there too.
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
How many Democrats are endorsing Trump? Besides his own family?
Any Democratic Officials, operatives, policy advisors that total 1/10th of those who crossed over to endorse Biden? Nope.
After tonight. Alot