Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You ever feel your way through something adapt and overcome.dove in head first came out a stag

So you used to be a cuckold LAST YEAR (yes, I have receipts), had cuckold tendencies, exhibited cuckold behaviors, SELF-IDENTIFIED as a cuckold and evolved into a stag...?

Where I'm from we call that a fuckboy.
Exactly what President Obama did with George Bush.

That's pure grade bullshit :mad:!!! Obama (and Biden) rolled his sleeves up and got to work bringing this country's economy back up the cliff that Bush and his crew ran it over! Obama absolutely was not about the politics of blame, although he would have been justified given the pile of ******* the Bush administration left him. Obama left Trump an economy that had recovered and was good, and look where it is now four years later 😳!!!
Watched alot of porn in tent in Iraq not fighting a war. Saw it through wasn't for me

I've watched a lot of porn, ..never once had no fuckboy tendencies, desires or fantasies like you.

Never once self-identified as a CUCKOLD like you were doing.

Sounds like you are softer than your wife who's making the decisions (I have receipts). You were in Iraq ONE year, yet you say you had been "fantasizing" (your words) about cuckold activities for years...

Something is off about you, never seen a so-called man behaving as effeminate as you.
I've watched a lot of porn, ..never once had no fuckboy tendencies, desires or fantasies like you.

Never once self-identified as a CUCKOLD like you were doing.

Sounds like you are soft & sweet. You were in Iraq ONE year, yet you say you had been fantasizing about cuckold activities for years...

Something is off about you, never seen a so-called man behaving as effeminate as you.
A war,fucks with you head some. Yes I'm man enough to put other welfare ahead of my own