Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Van Jones is a shifty, two-faced turncoat who speaks for himself only . . . I'm black, and I know got damn well Trump hasn't done ******* for me but make matters worse (and piss me off!) :mad:

Oh look another lawsuit where Fox News successfully argues in court that it isn't actually News, and no reasonable person would believe things they say

Your right, I do not see reporting the news, I see him commenting on the news and of course simply giving his opinion.
Van Jones is a shifty, two-faced turncoat who speaks for himself only . . . I'm black, and I know got damn well Trump hasn't done ******* for me but make matters worse (and piss me off!) :mad:

What exactly did your want President Trump to do for you Black man extraordinaire ? I have never liked Van Jones personally either.
Your right, I do not see reporting the news, I see him commenting on the news and of course simply giving his opinion.

What exactly did your want President Trump to do for you Black man extraordinaire ? I have never liked Van Jones personally either.

To be an American worthy of the high office of President of the United States and leader of the free world . . . that's what . . . he's failed me and every other American who expects and demands the same from any occupant of the White House. Of course, you don't have any problems with him do you? That's because he's a reflection of you and people like you :sick: . . . his trifling, pathetic ass got BOOED at a funeral 😁 MMMM, mmmm, mmmm 🤭
So some people reject the facts, even when those facts are acknowledged from leftist blacks, and because you cannot accept the truth or the facts because your so blinded by anti-trump bias and hate and propaganda you become delusional. You call your own leftists turncoats and traitors just because they tell the truth.
“I Have Left the Plantation”: Democrat Vernon Jones Resigns After Endorsing President Trump
So some people reject the facts, even when those facts are acknowledged from leftist blacks, and because you cannot accept the truth or the facts because your so blinded by anti-trump bias and hate and propaganda you become delusional. You call your own leftists turncoats and traitors just because they tell the truth.
“I Have Left the Plantation”: Democrat Vernon Jones Resigns After Endorsing President Trump

Oh you mean like the "never-Trump" military?

How Trump — not Biden — has helped make black lives better
I personally do not agree with everything President Trump says or does, and I often find myself on national TV as a conservative pundit saying exactly that. But I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that Trump has been one of the most impactful presidents for African Americans from a policy perspective — and that’s what matters.

His recent police-reform executive order, the First Step Act, released thousands of people from jail (90 percent of whom were black). He has promoted “opportunity zones” that incentivized private investment into marginalized communities, and also increased federal funding to historically black colleges and universities by 17 percent — a total exceeding $100 million, more than any president in history. Meanwhile, the Obama administration infamously removed a two-year Bush-administration program that annually funded $85 million directly to these prized institutions.

Oh you mean like the "never-Trump" military?

235 retired military leaders publicly endorse Trump in open letter – here it is
To be an American worthy of the high office of President of the United States and leader of the free world . . . that's what . . . he's failed me and every other American who expects and demands the same from any occupant of the White House. Of course, you don't have any problems with him do you? That's because he's a reflection of you and people like you :sick: . . . his trifling, pathetic ass got BOOED at a funeral 😁 MMMM, mmmm, mmmm 🤭
Really what did he not do personally to you??? Who Booed him at what funeral? In 2016 many democrats blamed other democrats for letting Trump win. Who will you and all your leftist followers blame when President Trump blows you all out of the water. If he can't beat a dead horse, ( Biden ) he don't deserve to win.
235 retired military leaders publicly endorse Trump in open letter – here it is

Don't see Mattis on this list, lol. Too bad tough guy Trump couldn't get as many military endorsements as Biden

If you love crime, chaos, hundreds of thousands of Americans dying of a disease most every other country in the world got under control already, and record unemployment, vote Trump!

Pretty much the only thing people like him for at this point is that he makes the Democrats mad. Eventually that shine wears off.
Trump thinks he's got this 2020 Election all figured out, it seems ...
• Make the pandemic worsen by removing restrictions and promoting "herd" mentality​
• Promote a LIE that a vaccine is to soon be available to quieten the rap he's getting for not doing his job​
• Discourage mail-in voting as a huge Democrat conspiracy which may require him to step in and toss mail-in votes in non-Republican states​
• Encourage rioting and unrest with the voters so violence occurs and he can call out the national guards ******* participants with pecan tans​
• Rush to install another biased SCOTUS to back him up when he tosses out mail-in voting forms and call out the military​
• Refuse to make a smooth transition from office ... declaring the election a Democratic FRAUD & CONSPIRACY​
• Go around Congress with the Legal System and introduce the US citizens to his new form of dictator government​
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