Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Do you know Margaret Sanger’s motivation to

Van Jones is a commie and CNN contributor as far from the right as ya can get.

I don't go along with everything he says....matter of fact I rarely see him on anymore....thought he had his own show or something....the only one I think is to far is a woman lawyer whom they ask opinions of ...she filled in for Don Lemon some I think......she is to far left...and that doesn't help CNN....they have a couple of right wingers on there that are funny....I haven't seen Rick Santorum anymore....since there were a buch of pics of him with the Russian spy....I watch Wolf on occasion......and jake Tapper on sunday and Fareed on Sunday...and erin burnet everynight….I don't live on that channel...I watch mostly CBS
Trump thinks he's got this 2020 Election all figured out, it seems ...
• Make the pandemic worsen by removing restrictions and promoting "herd" mentality​
• Promote a LIE that a vaccine is to soon be available to quieten the rap he's getting for not doing his job​
• Discourage mail-in voting as a huge Democrat conspiracy which may require him to step in and toss mail-in votes in non-Republican states​
• Encourage rioting and unrest with the voters so violence occurs and he can call out the national guards ******* participants with pecan tans​
• Rush to install another biased SCOTUS to back him up when he tosses out mail-in voting forms and call out the military​
• Refuse to make a smooth transition from office ... declaring the election a Democratic FRAUD & CONSPIRACY​
• Go around Congress with the Legal System and introduce the US citizens to his new form of dictator government​

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Trump thinks he's got this 2020 Election all figured out, it seems ...
• Make the pandemic worsen by removing restrictions and promoting "herd" mentality​
• Promote a LIE that a vaccine is to soon be available to quieten the rap he's getting for not doing his job​
• Discourage mail-in voting as a huge Democrat conspiracy which may require him to step in and toss mail-in votes in non-Republican states​
• Encourage rioting and unrest with the voters so violence occurs and he can call out the national guards ******* participants with pecan tans​
• Rush to install another biased SCOTUS to back him up when he tosses out mail-in voting forms and call out the military​
• Refuse to make a smooth transition from office ... declaring the election a Democratic FRAUD & CONSPIRACY​
• Go around Congress with the Legal System and introduce the US citizens to his new form of dictator government​

Somebody call 911; Joe Biden needs a body cast

But the problem isn’t how long Mr. Biden has been alive. The problem is how long he has been in Washington. Or, as Mr. Trump described it, “four decades of betrayal, calamity and failure.”
Somebody call 911; Joe Biden needs a body cast

But the problem isn’t how long Mr. Biden has been alive. The problem is how long he has been in Washington. Or, as Mr. Trump described it, “four decades of betrayal, calamity and failure.”
Naw, the problem is how long TRUMP has been alive and how long he has been in Washington 😝
Somebody call 911; Joe Biden needs a body cast

But the problem isn’t how long Mr. Biden has been alive. The problem is how long he has been in Washington. Or, as Mr. Trump described it, “four decades of betrayal, calamity and failure.”
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The Walls Are Closing: Biden Asked China to Help Make Him President
National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) Director William Evanina issued a statement in August saying both China and Iran are working to help Joe Biden win in November.

Maybe this explains why, just yesterday, Biden absolved China of their responsibility for unleashing the deadly coronavirus on the world and laughed away intelligence reports warning of China's interference in the presidential election.

The Walls Are Closing: Biden Asked China to Help Make Him President
National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) Director William Evanina issued a statement in August saying both China and Iran are working to help Joe Biden win in November.

Maybe this explains why, just yesterday, Biden absolved China of their responsibility for unleashing the deadly coronavirus on the world and laughed away intelligence reports warning of China's interference in the presidential election.

well...….who opened that door?.....trump has made that ok to get a foreign country to help with election...…….damn more of you trumptards and your double standards...…………………………..but....just to show how fucking stupid these trumptards are at buying the bullshit…...why would Biden ask china for help....Biden is way ahead just using trumps help....and the FBI says Russia is interfering....more of your Russian bot postings
5 ‘Secret Empires’ Bombshell Revelations
1. Biden’s *******’s Firm Scored a $1.5 Billion Deal with the Bank of China 10 Days After Joe Biden and His ******* Flew to China Aboard Air ******* Two
On Tuesday, the new book Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends by Government Accountability Institute President and Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer debuted at #3 on the Amazon bestseller list.
The problem with pointing out the constant grift in the US Federal Gov't is that Trump himself is the king of grift.

I agree it's shitty that being related to Biden opens doors with foreign governments to try to buy their way to your dad's ear, but you have to realize that Trump and everyone in Trump's White House is up to the same *******.

The only way to fix it is to elect congress members who will pass legislation to fight this kind of soft corruption, and only the left (not mainstream Democrats, the left) will do that.