Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I don't think you even want to go there...…..Fox is banned in a lot of countries for not being real news....but retards like you and others keep them here...and then you have Hannity and a few others...that have had to switch from news to opinions for their non factual reporting....and then there is meygan Kelly and her lies and bs...…..all under the gun for gov standards...….you listen to trump to much to know which way is up...that is why I have told you sevewral times when it comes to politics you are one dumb sob!
Did I even mention FOX, no I did not ! I might see a few YouTube videos but other than that I haven't owned TV for over 10 years. You say I am a retard and when it comes to politics a dumb sob! Of course I watch Trump ( I voted for the man) and other sources, not on the mainstream media but independent internet live broadcasts. I hope you enjoy calling others names because that proves that you don't know what you trying to push on anyone that sees things different.
You call Trump Supporters Tards, Well guess what ! You come off as more of a Tard then we do. To Blame President Trump for the Covid-19 deaths in America is just plain wrong. Last I looked the USA has 50 separate States with 50 separate State Governments. Take NY for example Governor Cuomo personally said Trump did great to begin with, when the pressure later was put rightly on him, he switched the blame to attempt to look better. What about the 435 members of the house and 100 members of the senate? What responsibilities do they share in the Deaths of 200,000 Americans ? Did all the Governors in each state do the best they could possibly do? What about the Mayors and city councils ? Lastly, what about you and I along with every other American and undocumented person, did we all do the best to prevent spreading the virus? Do masks really do the job or are they dangerous to wear, reports go both ways, Should we all stay home? Americans need to work or suffer the results of not being able to support themselves and there families. We are personally responsible for however we choose to deal with this pandemic.

Did I even mention FOX, no I did not ! I might see a few YouTube videos but other than that I haven't owned TV for over 10 years. You say I am a retard and when it comes to politics a dumb sob! Of course I watch Trump ( I voted for the man) and other sources, not on the mainstream media but independent internet live broadcasts. I hope you enjoy calling others names because that proves that you don't know what you trying to push on anyone that sees things different.

I already answered that once for blkdlaur…… attention...….if you can not keep up because the pace is to fast for you...get your grandkids to explain it to you
nothing like being narrow minded....typical of a trumptard……...buying the fake news....but your sources are all you know just how fucking stupid that sounds

My sources are my perceptions - what I think - NOT what I’m being told 24/7 by biased news sources. You people just constantly regurgitate the party line spewed by YOUR media.
more hate and division...and you wonder why …..all of trumptards push the same long as trump and trumptards around we will NEVER be one country again....and you and trump all push it and like it

they guy is strongly pushing for a civil war here if he doesn't get re-elected....and he doing everything he can to cheat...he knows he doesn't stand a fucking chance....not that many fools in the country...….people asking for police ******* out of voting places because of all the trumptards trying to rig the vote....what a fucking loser...and it will show this election....even if the fucking guy cheats his way back into re-election...…..senate won't be on his side this time and he gets impeached...

Hard to find cops these days - all retiring - sick o Dem shite !!!!