Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I mean that in Your Senate and House of Representatives are everyone from Democates or Republicans... Remember how they tried to make Trump lose his place as President. It will never work, even if the President would be even worse.. Just old play between cat and mouse. It cant work. Ok, it works for "normal" questions, but for it will never work for important questions.
didn't used to be that way...our leader whom the majority of the country wants pushing hate a division and like any dictator wanna be is willing to use violence to stay in power......after all killing americans means nothing to him and he is willing to ******* more to stay in power......started off just pushing hate and violence....then he opened things up for the trump he is pushing some kind of civil war to stay in power....and has this huge amount 30% of the country dumb enough to buy his ******* and willing to ******* to keep him in power

You sound as demented as DINGBAT Pelosi - why dontcha just go impeach somebody ;)
If Trump is so STUBID how come every step since he announced that he was running for president your Democratic Party and all of the Liberal Media has tried everything possible to stop him and to use every trick in their playbook to Ruin His Presidency. They have failed every single time. It started in the Republican Party not wanting him to defeat the other 16 candidates, he did (how stupid). Then the government went into action against him ( illegality) just to make sure their golden girl witch Hillary would win but that didn't work either. Four years of false accusations later nothing thrown at him has worked. ( Why because he is to stupid? No! not at all ! ) Donald J. Trump has been way ahead of all of these smart people every single move. He has played the media and those who wanted him to fail, Both Republicans at first and Democrats every inch of the way. Now President Trump is so stupid that there is no way he will be reelected, or will he?
If Trump is so STUBID how come every step since he announced that he was running for president your Democratic Party and all of the Liberal Media has tried everything possible to stop him and to use every trick in their playbook to Ruin His Presidency. They have failed every single time. It started in the Republican Party not wanting him to defeat the other 16 candidates, he did (how stupid). Then the government went into action against him ( illegality) just to make sure their golden girl witch Hillary would win but that didn't work either. Four years of false accusations later nothing thrown at him has worked. ( Why because he is to stupid? No! not at all ! ) Donald J. Trump has been way ahead of all of these smart people every single move. He has played the media and those who wanted him to fail, Both Republicans at first and Democrats every inch of the way. Now President Trump is so stupid that there is no way he will be reelected, or will he?
What is STUBID ? You spell like Trump I think his record is eight in one tweet. To defend his IQ is absurd. You might just believe the earth is flat. Would a smart person appoint i believe it's almost a hundred now best persons for the job he later fired. Some after only a few weeks. Usually with a very bad person, very bad tweet. He did that not the media, He wrote and posted all those Tweets. The wording, spelling and lack of correctness even from his own government agency's publications is astounding. If that's the smartest guy we have we're in DEEP *******.
What do you think Trump will do if he loses the election? And in case of fraud of the Democrats? Will he leave?
gif_Yellowball-laughing1.gif... I swear, not a day has gone by in the Presidency of Donald Trump that he didn't do something illegal ... not a DAY, yet people still expect this guy to be an honorable man and do what's right. WHY do people keep expecting this from a professional con-man?
Listen up EVERYONE ... Trump's BIGGEST FUCK UP is yet to come. He's going to do something that is so disgusting, that people are going to start coming around to this double douche sleazebag.
Trump will do what is good for Trump ... PERIOD! Trump has no honor, no ethics, no credibility, no morals, no code. No one walks this earth that is any MORE of a scumbag than Trump, yet, regardless of what he does or says, a third of the populous lines up behind him. What concerns me MOST is what this says about that third of the populous. gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif
If Trump is so STUBID how come every step since he announced that he was running for president your Democratic Party and all of the Liberal Media has tried everything possible to stop him and to use every trick in their playbook to Ruin His Presidency. They have failed every single time. It started in the Republican Party not wanting him to defeat the other 16 candidates, he did (how stupid).
STUBID? God help this country if that orange skinned orangutan gets re-elected.
Hottobe ... read what you've written ... what you're describing is a fucking dictator, you fool. And if he gets established with his totalitarianism & nationalism, you're going to see him turning our own military (nat'l guard & police) on the citizens of this country to create FEAR with the population. You best start focusing on what the fuck is going on in this country and the last time something like this was tried.
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What is STUBID ? You spell like Trump I think his record is eight in one tweet. To defend his IQ is absurd. You might just believe the earth is flat. Would a smart person appoint i believe it's almost a hundred now best persons for the job he later fired. Some after only a few weeks. Usually with a very bad person, very bad tweet. He did that not the media, He wrote and posted all those Tweets. The wording, spelling and lack of correctness even from his own government agency's publications is astounding. If that's the smartest guy we have we're in DEEP *******.
Don't you worry yourself concerning my spelling, it is called a misprint. Your opinion that Trump is not intelligent is totally worthless.
What do you think Trump will do if he loses the election? And in case of fraud of the Democrats? Will he leave?
Yes if he losses after everything is said and done he would leave, I have no idea when the voting will be finalized and counted. It could go to the supreme court if fraud is an issue.