Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Earlier on in the campaign he said something like 120 million people had died due to gun violence - yeah Dems - this is the guy we want in charge of the country - NO DOUBT.

Bad enough he doesn’t know where he is or what day it is half the time - let’s have him run this country and deal with world leaders.

Are you people for REAL ??????

I don't think you even want to go there...…..Fox is banned in a lot of countries for not being real news....but retards like you and others keep them here...and then you have Hannity and a few others...that have had to switch from news to opinions for their non factual reporting....and then there is meygan Kelly and her lies and bs...…..all under the gun for gov standards...….you listen to trump to much to know which way is up...that is why I have told you sevewral times when it comes to politics you are one dumb sob!
That’s two hundred million - he actually said that - poor ole Uncle Joe :{
He meant two hundred thousand, dumbnuts, as if Trump has never fucked up data. Of course you know that, already. You just needed something to put Biden down.
Listen, lets hold our barbs until at least one or two debates. I'm more interested in how well Biden will perform there... whether he elects to play offense or defense with Trump. I'm hoping he pulls Trump's record of his first term accomplishments and lays them at his feet to defend as Trump will not have any defense for continually lying to the people.
That’s two hundred million - he actually said that - poor ole Uncle Joe :{
Earlier on in the campaign he said something like 120 million people had died due to gun violence - yeah Dems - this is the guy we want in charge of the country - NO DOUBT.

Bad enough he doesn’t know where he is or what day it is half the time - let’s have him run this country and deal with world leaders.

Are you people for REAL ??????

either way killer has pushed the trump virus on the country and a lot have died because of His stupidty and lack of leadership...…...if complaining about his screw up on the number is the best you can do....kind of lacking....but his was an honest mistake....want to go into the number of lies your hero tells.....especially on the trump virus.....need any bleach?
Earlier on in the campaign he said something like 120 million people had died due to gun violence - yeah Dems - this is the guy we want in charge of the country - NO DOUBT.

Bad enough he doesn’t know where he is or what day it is half the time - let’s have him run this country and deal with world leaders.

Are you people for REAL ??????

might want to check...he is highly respected around the world...….has attended meetings and etc even with Adolph Shitler in charge...the guy is liked and respected unlike what your hero is doing to us world longer will Russia be our only ally
He meant two hundred thousand, dumbnuts, as if Trump has never fucked up data. Of course you know that, already. You just needed something to put Biden down.
Listen, lets hold our barbs until at least one or two debates. I'm more interested in how well Biden will perform there... whether he elects to play offense or defense with Trump. I'm hoping he pulls Trump's record of his first term accomplishments and lays them at his feet to defend as Trump will not have any defense for continually lying to the people.

He has a pattern of fucking up - numbers - where he is - what day it is - what office he is running for etc etc - he is over the hill - we all get there - not his fault - but - he should NOT be running the country - you people haveta know that.
You just HATE President Trump because YOUR media tells you to - illustrated in here daily by your posts of media biased articles of which there is a veritable plethora :|

more hate and division...and you wonder why …..all of trumptards push the same long as trump and trumptards around we will NEVER be one country again....and you and trump all push it and like it

they guy is strongly pushing for a civil war here if he doesn't get re-elected....and he doing everything he can to cheat...he knows he doesn't stand a fucking chance....not that many fools in the country...….people asking for police ******* out of voting places because of all the trumptards trying to rig the vote....what a fucking loser...and it will show this election....even if the fucking guy cheats his way back into re-election...…..senate won't be on his side this time and he gets impeached...
more of trump pushing that hate and division and the driving up the blue vote...

New York City 1 of 3 cities deemed by DOJ as 'anarchist ...
- Shootings in New York City have been on the rise since looting and protests began on or about May 28, 2020. For July 2020, shootings increased from 88 to 244, an increase of 177% over July 2019.

DOJ names New York City, Portland, Seattle 'anarchist ...
16 hours ago · WASHINGTON – The Justice Department on Monday singled out Portland, New York City and Seattle as "anarchist jurisdictions" – cities that …
Watch it - it speaks for itself - unless of course your a drooling Dem dullard like you that eats up their horseshite Dem propaganda.

I’d say the two and a half years of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA during the Mueller investigation where they spewed total horseshite 24/7 would illustrate what lying pieces o shite they are to anyone with a small percentage of brain - leaving you out - obviously.

In response to Zwing
So you cannot verify. Gotcha.
Yeah, I guess we can't fool you any longer ... 99% of the media is conspiring against your Donald Trump & Fox News ... you caught us red-handed. YOU are RIGHT and everyone else is WRONG ... damn, I'm glad you came along to clue us all in.

sorry Mac...wrong choice of words....he does not have a clue
fact check....educate yourself on the trump virus

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus

An examination reveals the president was warned about the potential for a pandemic but that internal divisions, lack of planning and his faith in his own instincts led to a halting response.

Within days, he watched images on television of a calamitous situation at Elmhurst Hospital Center, miles from his childhood home in Queens, N.Y., where 13 people had died from the coronavirus in 24 hours.

You call Trump Supporters Tards, Well guess what ! You come off as more of a Tard then we do. To Blame President Trump for the Covid-19 deaths in America is just plain wrong. Last I looked the USA has 50 separate States with 50 separate State Governments. Take NY for example Governor Cuomo personally said Trump did great to begin with, when the pressure later was put rightly on him, he switched the blame to attempt to look better. What about the 435 members of the house and 100 members of the senate? What responsibilities do they share in the Deaths of 200,000 Americans ? Did all the Governors in each state do the best they could possibly do? What about the Mayors and city councils ? Lastly, what about you and I along with every other American and undocumented person, did we all do the best to prevent spreading the virus? Do masks really do the job or are they dangerous to wear, reports go both ways, Should we all stay home? Americans need to work or suffer the results of not being able to support themselves and there families. We are personally responsible for however we choose to deal with this pandemic.
well if you want to start trying to shift the blame on the trump about trump evacuating the cruise ship because of the virus and putting them all on the same plane...….

or how about his rally in tulsa….few weeks later serious rise in the trump virus...and he continues to spread it on purpose to trump retards...only fitting there!

not counting his rallies there are a lot more...that ******* for brains has spread personally

How does that equate putting known infection with known most vunverable in long-term close quarters