Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Jesus Herbert Christ - ya need ta chill out !!!

Go have a ******* with Ed.

This shite is gonna get UG-LLLLLLLLY :|

already has from "low class" to no class trump supporters....people went to supreme court last night to mourn and pay respects....and trump supporters there with a bull horn shouting their *******...….even at his rally last night in Minn...can not mourn a legend without these trumptards turning it into a they did with Lewis and others....but then the no class started with ******* for brains himself and the way he dealt with McCain
I disliked McCain myself...for one because he was a republican..another for the way he dealt with veteran affairs...….but I respected him and what he did for this country
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We dont need the Cesspool aka CA. All liberals should move there so the rest of the country can be prosperous, safe, and FREE!

shows just how little you know......but then we have always known you for what you are...…..mind fucked...with a runaway motor mouth

blue states support the red states and always have...…...most red states draw more in government aid than they pay in......leaving the blue states to pay for the gov and support the countries fucking rednecked mom fuckers!
shows just how little you know......but then we have always known you for what you are...…..mind fucked...with a runaway motor mouth

blue states support the red states and always have...…...most red states draw more in government aid than they pay in......leaving the blue states to pay for the gov and support the countries fucking rednecked mom fuckers!

California has the largest state economy in these United States of America. If California was an independent country, it would have like the 5th largest economy in the world! That’s just how important California is to this nation from an economic standpoint, not to mention on many other counts such as cultural matters and social justice issues. I used to live out there and have no desire to go back for my own personal reasons, but I realize, accept, and celebrate the golden state’s leading role on both the national and international stage.
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Yup a real shite-show is coming.

If I thought the Dems were whining fools before that was NOTHING - now the WAILING gonna begin.

Still say President Trump should make the appointment a campaign issue - not sure there’s even time enough to push an appointment through with all the crap the Dems will pull anyways.
Yup a real shite-show is coming.

If I thought the Dems were whining fools before that was NOTHING - now the WAILING gonna begin.

Still say President Trump should make the appointment a campaign issue - not sure there’s even time enough to push an appointment through with all the crap the Dems will pull anyways.

Wailing 😭??? Oh no fuck that . . . because you haven’t seen wailing yet . . . pull this bullshit, and when the Dems have control again (after this election or another one) we won’t have forgotten. We’re gonna pay you back by expanding the number of seats on the court by at least two. You wanna engage in bad faith and brazen dirty tricks? You got it! Time for unrestricted hardball from the left as well . . . .
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Your gonna do that no matter what - already been laid out - pack the court - you’ll do whatever it takes to get your way.

No we were not going to do that. But no more playing games. EFF you and ALL you fucking dishonorable, douchebag TRUMPTARDS. You’ve thrown down the final gauntlet. The gloves are off :mad: Winner takes all . . . no prisoners . . . .
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California has the largest state economy in these United States of America. If California was an independent country, it would have like the 5th largest economy in the world! That’s just how important California is to this nation from an economic standpoint, not to mention on many other counts such as cultural matters and social justice issues. I used to live out there and have no desire to go back for my own personal reasons, but I realize, accept, and celebrate the golden state’s leading role on both the national and international stage.

the funny part of that is TEXAS always talks about wanting to go it alone.....and yet they draw more in federal money than ANY other state....they fuck over their citizens more than any other state.....worst living conditions and worst wages ..and worst worker safety than any other state...and yet look at all the millionaires there.....they could care less about their citizens!

and what's funny...most Texans are proud republicans....kind of like Latino's also...have nothing and make nothing...and hardcore republicans....but then that is the typical south
If McConnel manages to get a justice through and then that justice decides to go ahead and declare that votes from democrats are invalid and Trump is the president, there will be shooting. This is not America's finest hour.

Yup - you lefties want a fight - I think we’re ready.

However - I REALLY wish - in this case - that they let the people decide.
Yup - you lefties want a fight - I think we’re ready.

However - I REALLY wish - in this case - that they let the people decide.

Letting the people decide would be smart. If the Republicans manage to get someone on the court who invalidates Democratic votes in swing states (like Bush v Gore but on a bigger scale), the country will have a civil war on its hands.

I personally will be fucking off to Europe with my other coastal elite friends, but there will 100% be *******.
I don’t doubt that is true - been coming for a while now - mostly coming from the left - the right is getting fed up with left wing whining however - best case is let the people decide - however the people are impotent in this regard - unfortunately :|
I don’t doubt that is true - been coming for a while now - mostly coming from the left - the right is getting fed up with left wing whining however - best case is let the people decide - however the people are impotent in this regard - unfortunately :|

No they aren't impotent . . . the people can and will speak in November . . . both sides are galvanized and motivated to vote.