Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I keep looking for those elusive Biden hats. Im trying I promise
We spend money on staff and information so that we can present the best policies for most Americans.
Not trinkets and rallies to fake support.
Since even conservative polls, and Trump internal polls, show we're winning, you go ahead and find comfort in your hats and boat parades. Should have had one today on the north gulf coast.
We spend money on staff and information so that we can present the best policies for most Americans.
Not trinkets and rallies to fake support.
Since even conservative polls, and Trump internal polls, show we're winning, you go ahead and find comfort in your hats and boat parades. Should have had one today on the north gulf coast.
We buy our own hats t shirts signs and flags
If it's in blue strong holds..... Can't wait for November
The three stooges are all in agreement.
Allow me to explain how every American Presidential campaign work, including Trumps.
You spend your money and time in states where your internal numbers show you have a chance of winning by election day. Money is finite, as is the candidates resources. So, that means a state where you are up or down within three points with six weeks or so to go.
You want to hang on if it's tight, and play hard if it's close and you're behind.
People do not change their minds quickly, or often.

So when Trump is spending resources in New Jersey where he is down by 18 points, that is great news. Less time and resources for North Carolina, Texas, Florida, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin (where he is today- wasting more resources. Every time he goes he loses support. Kenosha handed him a golden opportunity that he overplayed as usual. He is such a fuck up).
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Yeah that's it . . . for them it's all about slogans and a fucking hat :rolleyes: How about taking actions based on the fucking facts . . . real versus "alternative" ones :unsure:???
That's all it is with Trump. Words. He doesn't understand how to govern or the intricate details of public policy, so he just gets bombastic, riles up anger and hate.
As I said earlier, I pretty fucking proud of people. Most are not falling for the bullshit. He has established himself as a liar so the scare tactics are wearing thin. New data will be out Sunday showing this.
Plus all of these books that are out are reminding people of the corruption, inept abilities, and trashing of good people.
Trumps lives out his personal dream, by fucking himself. Let him talk, let him campaign/******* people, it only reminds people of why he is that absolute worst president of anything. United States, Rotary Club, Jayceess, PTA, etc, the worst president of anything.