Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Sub, you do what you must if it makes you happy, I have no reaction to what you post. Trump will win or if not, the America we grew up in is in great danger. I may be wrong but we don't have long to find out.

You say that as if the America we grew up in couldn’t use some major improvements. Trump seems to think that making America great again means going back to the 1950’s. Well I got news for you and him too. The country has changed, and we’re not going back to that. Countries that have seen their best times look back, while great nations on the rise look forward. And that’s just where America is going too when Trump gets chumped and dumped in November. FORWARD!!!
You say that as if the America we grew up in couldn’t use some major improvements. Trump seems to think that making America great again means going back to the 1950’s. Well I got news for you and him too. The country has changed, and we’re not going back to that. Countries that have seen their best times look back, while great nations on the rise look forward. And that’s just where America is going too when Trump gets chumped and dumped in November. FORWARD!!!
exactly, this whole MAGA crap, what you wrote is exactly what these Trumptards are about. They talk about going back to a period when it was great, but not one of these retards can tell you when it was great for everyone, not one. Watching this forum post is exactly why i am a cautious about meeting any white couple on here. The more i read the comments, the more i am sure at least 45% off these white couples, and about %75 of the white men on here are closet hard core racist.
Sub, you do what you must if it makes you happy, I have no reaction to what you post. Trump will win or if not, the America we grew up in is in great danger. I may be wrong but we don't have long to find out.
tell me do the black men you deal with know you are a closet racist, or that you hold racist ideology? the same ******* you say about Trump, is the same thing Hitler's supporters said about him, and look how that turned out. But then again you really dont give a fuck do you? People like you only see black men as a form of entertainment, something for your pleasure, you really dont give a fuck about the person, for you its all about your pleasure of course you wont admit it this fact, because like Trump you are coward. You both hide behind words, but every once and while your words give you away.

they dont have any beliefs, for them its all transnational. example when Obama was elected we were basically in a depression, we had to spend money to get out of it, all these so called conservatives bitched and moaned yelled that we could not afford it. flash forward, Trump gets in economy is in great shape, what does that idiot do give a 1.2 trillion dollar tax cut for no reason what so over. Conservatives did not say a word, because out of the 1.2 trillion dollars only about 32% went to the middle class and working poor, to make matters worse the tax cut for the working poor and middle class expires i do believe on 2021 or 2022, yet the corporate tax cuts are permanent. ******* is going to hit the fan and once again a democrat will have to clean up the ******* stain republicans left all the while with conservatives yelling in the background "WHAT ABOUT THE DEBT". Transnational
tell me do the black men you deal with know you are a closet racist, or that you hold racist ideology? the same ******* you say about Trump, is the same thing Hitler's supporters said about him, and look how that turned out. But then again you really dont give a fuck do you? People like you only see black men as a form of entertainment, something for your pleasure, you really dont give a fuck about the person, for you its all about your pleasure of course you wont admit it this fact, because like Trump you are coward. You both hide behind words, but every once and while your words give you away.
What a load of garbage your whole post is. First I don't deal with black men at all because my state is 99% white. I am divorced for 20 years now and I live alone by choice. I am not racist in the least and I certainly am not a coward and neither is President Trump. If your a jerk, I don't have to like you just because your black, white, brown, yellow or red. If you would dig deep enough you would find that Barney Frank and Elizabeth Warren were responsible for starting the 2007 recession .
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What a load of garbage your whole post is. First I don't deal with black men at all because my state is 99% white. I am divorced for 20 years now and I live alone by choice. I am not racist in the least and I certainly am not a coward and neither is President Trump. If your a jerk, I don't have to like you just because your black, white, brown, yellow or red. If you would dig deep enough you would find that BarnyFrank and Elizabeth Warren were responsible for starting the 2007 recession .
so you are a coward as well as a liar. you claim you dont deal with black men, yet you are on a site that is geared to black men and white women, yeah sure you are not. As for the depression/recession again you are not only a coward, but a liar, Elizabeth Warren was not even in office when it started, she was a college professor, as for Barney Frank, pray tell how did Frank start the recession, come on Trumptard explain that one to me. So i can assume because you are kissing Trumps ass, you also had Bone Spurs?
BarnyFrank and Elizabeth Warren were responsible for starting the 2007 recession .
... and the Black Plague, Trojan Wars, Fall of Rome, and host of other historical events.

NOTE: I know its a waste of time to ask, but what source did you get this from? I don't need your opinion or what Republcans say, or Fox News .... just show a ligit source for your comment, please.
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Anti- Russian? Problem with you is, you've been spoonfed that nationalistic bullshit about how great Russia is. It's a failed government ran by cliche' mobsters and oligarchs. Your media craps on the United States daily. You weak pitiful military threatens ours, and gets away with it because Trump is weak and a cuck for Russia. Russia continues to mess with our elections to the point that even you, a person who clearly knows dick about politics, is trying to beat back the candidate NOT in Russia's pocket.
But, don't come on here talking like we have no reason to not trust Russia, or we are the ones who want a war. You have no memory or are lying.
And this is what @Hottobe cucked and other Trump lickers celebrate when you Thumbs Up these posts by her. Anti-American bullshit. And you cheer it on. Dumbfucks.
You act the same way and are surprised when a country holds a candle to you. As if Russia, long before the fall of the USSR, never interested you. France, your free-country ally, is doing the same in Africa. So I dare say that our country is responding to repeated attacks from the West, with unequal weapons, but in a more effective manner. It is the price to pay to preserve our sovereignty from your liberal and bureaucratic system, your elite. I think we had a bit of a peace with Trump, and I admit that getting Russia out of China's influence would have been good for everyone. Honest people have understood here that working with the Russian people can be the prelude to a new era, more stable, peaceful and less dependent on China. I love France and America's landscape and their peoples as nations for several reason but I will not be credulous about your foreign policy. Everything is clear now.
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