Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

No truth in the rumor Trump's a DRAFT DODGER. He had serious bone spurs, a condition that renders one unable to or making walking very painful. Those photos of him playing tennis and golf or dancing in clubs during that period are fakes. He served in a special unit, there operations were secret but he was very, very good at whatever it was. T Service.jpg
WRONG - he’s been a TARGET of you sore LOSER Dems since election night !!!!

Actually prolly since before election night - guess he put a BIG ole target on his own back there wouldn’t ya say ???
Watching Mark Meadows kick Chucky Boy Todd’s arse on Meet the Press - thing o beauty :}

hell on any given night anyone might win an argument …..even you....not likely....but like Meadows....there is a chance.....but also....anything a republican says and re-repeats seems to take root in that dense underbrush you trumptards call a mind
hell on any given night anyone might win an argument …..even you....not likely....but like Meadows....there is a chance.....but also....anything a republican says and re-repeats seems to take root in that dense underbrush you trumptards call a mind

How are they better?

Do you feel safer now? Are we more united as a country? Are we more prosperous? What is the important way things are better that you're focusing on?
I Carry everyday since 04 I am confident in my and those around me safety. Businesses in my area are booming. Our governor called national guard before riots start. Enjoy the next 4 years
I Carry everyday since 04 I am confident in my and those around me safety. Businesses in my area are booming. Our governor called national guard before riots start. Enjoy the next 4 years

You didn't really answer my question. How is America greater now than it was 4 years ago?
You'd really think that Trump supporters would be absolutely delighted to answer this question with all sorts of ways that Trump has made America great.

Where's all the winning? Where's the great accomplishments that made your lives better? Your lives are better, right? You feel safer than you did with Obama? You think Trump healed all country and we're less divided than we were under Obama? You think that the world is more peaceful than under Obama? You think that crime is lower now than it was under Obama? You think that more people have jobs and financial security than under Obama?

All of this happened under Trump . . . this is TRUMP'S America . . . so if he's the only one who can fix it, then why doesn't he? The president sets the tone for the nation, and it is under TRUMP'S "leadership" that this all happened. So, what is it that he would do differently during a another term that he hasn't done over the last 4 years? The answer is nothing. Trump bamboozled a lot of people last time. He won't get away with that again. Remember . . . he didn't win the popular vote last time (lost it by 3 million) . . . and there is zero reason to believe he will win it this time either. In fact, the reaction to his overall job performance thus far indicates that he will be even further behind in the popular vote when it's tallied this time. That's what I've been saying all along from the begining of his failed presidency . . . only this time . . the popular vote count deficit will be large enough to translate into a loss of the electoral votes he needs for re-election as well. Watch, wait, and see. The one running scared is Trump, and so now he desperately tries to scare others into voting for him. Not going to work.
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