Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

If Obama didn't win recession wouldn't have happened as soon as he took office everyone with money pulled out. I think you have always worked for someone else and never saw big picture
that's your twisted version twisted the fact right out

look it up on anything you want...the country was in recession when he took over...the worst since the depression....people didn't get rich under they wanted....but he stopped the *******..brought jobs back saved the auto industry...he had the best job growth in 18 years.....strongest dollar in 30 years...unemployment cut in half.....and cut the bush deficit....and did it all with no help from the republicans!

your republican party is as about as corrupt as it gets......they lie...cheat and steal...try to suppress voting rights of minorities so they can stay in power....cut programs for those in need after they put them out of work......those jobs just didn't have other countries offer them all kinds of goodies to move there...they went for the cheap be damned

only in America do we spend $40,000.oo a year to incarcerate someone....and less than $8,000 to educate through the first 8 years...these republicans don't mind doing all the white collar crime they can get away with...but if someone else does something.....

in the USA we average 650 thousand a year go bankrupt paying medical bills....Obama opened the door to start fixing that...but the right hurried in and slammed that shut

in 2012 the pharmaceutical companies employed 2,500 lobbyist and spent 306 keep congress away from changing ******* prices....and Bush signed a law that states the gov can not negotiate prices and must pay what the ******* people want! it was called medicare part B

******* companies paid 35 billion in fines and settlements in the last 25 years...and nothing done by congress...they spent 4 billion to try and ******* Obama care......but they aren't making money and the right sees it as just free enterprise

there is nothing good about the republican party...NOTHING......they lie to people telling them what all they did for them..(nothing)….they cheat and many have become millionaires since going to DC...they do all they can to prevent anyone from voting that doesn't vote for them

go out of their way to stay in power....and yet the facts show they can not handle it when they have it
economic growth comes from paying people more money so they spend at the store buying big cycle...….it does not come from cutting taxes for the rich...which never makes it's way down to the workers

when the poor have enough money to buy things..THEY create the jobs

the total amount of money wall street paid out in bonuses was double the total of all full time minimum wage earners 2 years ago

since 1988 congress has raised its wages 15 times while only raising the minimum wage 3 times...true the dems have had some time in there...but not enough to make changes ….to busy trying to save the country from what the republicans have done
As soon as it was clear it was Obama recession started there was no confidence and it continues till TRUMP

you have no idea what the hell you are talking about...just your right wing mind fucking speaking up....had you read any of what I posted to day you would know either you don't want to know......truth hurts...can't read...or brain washed

here are some more for you...have one of your ******* read them to you

44 - Obama calls on GOP to help small business
Aug 17, 2010 · Obama calls on GOP to help small business By Scott Wilson SEATTLE, Wash.-- Barnstorming on behalf of an ally, President Obama Tuesday called on Senate Republicans to allow a vote on legislation to help small businesses, saying "now is not the time for political games."

Obama: GOP should let small business bill through - The ...
President Barack Obama exhorted Congress on Monday to make passing a long-languishing small business aid package its first order of business when it returns next month from its summer break.

your republican party would not even vote on help for small he had to do it through the stimulus....

America's Small Business Recovery: Yes, Obama Helped ...
Nov 14, 2012 · The rise in commercial lending to small businesses, which began in late 2011, and has accelerated since, was itself triggered by Obama's loan guarantee policies. In 2010, he set up an unprecedentedly large fund, totaling $30 billion, under the Small Business Administration (SBA), to help underwrite commercial lending to small businesses.

but unlike you small biz fought against the gop tax bill...didn't do any good but they didn't want it

Small business lobby opposed to GOP tax bill | TheHill
A top small business group has come out against the Republican tax-reform bill, arguing the legislation “leaves too many small businesses behind.” Small business lobby opposed to GOP tax bill

small biz does not do enough to pad the pocket of the GOP so they don't care!
Rich build things large things libraries museums hospitals. That pays people working not hand outs
libraries and Museums are all built on donations which does pay wages for a short amount of time...hospitals today are nothing more than large corporations with shareholders...who put in and expect a return...thus the cost of health care....people don't want a hand out...….they want a job that will pay enough to many of your employees draw food stamps or etc because you don't pay enough?
another little tidbit aca covered those in congress and they voted that theirs would remain unchanged

aca helped the middle man and poor and did not hurt small biz...

ObamaCare Small Business Facts
Small businesses
making under $250,000 in taxable profit don’t have to pay this ObamaCare small business tax increase. Neither do employees making less than $200,000. Taxable income is defined as profit above and beyond expenses, tax credits provided by ObamaCare for insuring employees, tax breaks and money reinvested into the company.

so who spent all that money to ******* it...….those that have more than enough money to pay for health care....and the health companies wanting to keep the prices up

that would be more of the rights corruption
libraries and Museums are all built on donations which does pay wages for a short amount of time...hospitals today are nothing more than large corporations with shareholders...who put in and expect a return...thus the cost of health care....people don't want a hand out...….they want a job that will pay enough to many of your employees draw food stamps or etc because you don't pay enough?
what about the people working those jobs usually union i might add
you have no idea what the hell you are talking about...just your right wing mind fucking speaking up....had you read any of what I posted to day you would know either you don't want to know......truth hurts...can't read...or brain washed

here are some more for you...have one of your ******* read them to you

44 - Obama calls on GOP to help small business
Aug 17, 2010 · Obama calls on GOP to help small business By Scott Wilson SEATTLE, Wash.-- Barnstorming on behalf of an ally, President Obama Tuesday called on Senate Republicans to allow a vote on legislation to help small businesses, saying "now is not the time for political games."

Obama: GOP should let small business bill through - The ...
President Barack Obama exhorted Congress on Monday to make passing a long-languishing small business aid package its first order of business when it returns next month from its summer break.

your republican party would not even vote on help for small he had to do it through the stimulus....

America's Small Business Recovery: Yes, Obama Helped ...
Nov 14, 2012 · The rise in commercial lending to small businesses, which began in late 2011, and has accelerated since, was itself triggered by Obama's loan guarantee policies. In 2010, he set up an unprecedentedly large fund, totaling $30 billion, under the Small Business Administration (SBA), to help underwrite commercial lending to small businesses.

but unlike you small biz fought against the gop tax bill...didn't do any good but they didn't want it

Small business lobby opposed to GOP tax bill | TheHill
A top small business group has come out against the Republican tax-reform bill, arguing the legislation “leaves too many small businesses behind.” Small business lobby opposed to GOP tax bill

small biz does not do enough to pad the pocket of the GOP so they don't care!
there all bullshit number a fucking shell game
another little tidbit aca covered those in congress and they voted that theirs would remain unchanged

aca helped the middle man and poor and did not hurt small biz...

ObamaCare Small Business Facts
Small businesses
making under $250,000 in taxable profit don’t have to pay this ObamaCare small business tax increase. Neither do employees making less than $200,000. Taxable income is defined as profit above and beyond expenses, tax credits provided by ObamaCare for insuring employees, tax breaks and money reinvested into the company.

so who spent all that money to ******* it...….those that have more than enough money to pay for health care....and the health companies wanting to keep the prices up

that would be more of the rights corruption
i pay more and get less
every stupid statement you made....I proved you want to remain a stupid republican...that's your choice...and apparently it is......can't give an education to a rock!

you just stick with go trump...that is about all your education can handle
I have lived in the peoples republic of Massachusetts most of my life this liberal mind set sucks ive been fighting the good fight here and hopeful the state turns red 2020 and my ma bachelors equals a Oklahoma masters