Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Stiff just let me know if I can be of any further service....the net is just full of stuff on this guy....definitely no public servant that's for sure….more like Adolph Shitler
Ok @subhub174014 you do have damning evidence against Trump. No disrespect but I include myself when I say that we are amateurs mining data online. If we can find this stuff why has not professional data miners working for CNN, The Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, 60 Minutes, and the rest of the mainstream media, not to mention otherparties like Anonymous and hackers like Julian Assange burst out with an exposé against Trump? If it is the fact that Trump is POTUS "they" will not interfere until the end of his second term where the umbrella of protection of the office of POTUS is removed and POTUS Trump will Mr. Trump once more whomever his successor will be in 2025 after he/she is sworn in. Otherwise the media circus would crash the stock markets and disrupt the affairs in unexpected ways potentially affecting far too many innocent Americans who will be casualities of Trump's misdeeds. Which was something that Mueller suspected as well.

So by sitting on these explosive material of yours @subhub174014 ironically you are helping out Trump? What would motivate you to do that I have no idea? After all this would be your means to prevent Trump's re-election and make me as well as all of Trump's fans eat crow? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

So instead of preaching on a porn site that Donald Trump is a slime ball, seeing that you have the Woodward and Bernstein kind of evidence to bring down Trump why are you not emailling every single news outlet you can think of with this information as well as Pelosi, Mueller, The FBI, The CIA, Interpol @subhub174014 ?

By not taking action against Donald Trump based on your damning evidence @subhub174014 one would wonder if even on a subliminal level you are supporting POTUS Trump as some form of an accomplice? :unsure:
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well when it comes to money I'm sure only sees green


Mayor Lori Lightfoot rips Ivanka Trump’s comments about Chicago’s deadly weekend: ‘I’m not going to be distracted by nonsense tweets’

Before her inauguration as Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot visited the White House to meet with Ivanka Trump and begin building a relationship that she hoped could lead to help in solving some of the city’s deepest problems.
But this week, Lightfoot engaged in a public battle of words with the president’s powerful *******, who in a series of tweets on Tuesday drew attention to the city’s gun violence and provoked an angry response from Chicago’s mayor.

Early Tuesday, Ivanka Trump drew renewed national attention to Chicago’s problems with gun violence by writing, “As we grieve over the evil mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, let us not overlook that Chicago experienced its deadliest weekend of the year.”

“It wasn’t a playground, it was a park. It wasn’t seven dead. It wasn’t 52 wounded in one incident, which is what this suggests. It’s misleading,” Lightfoot said. “It’s important when we’re talking about people’s lives to actually get the facts correct, which one can easily do if you actually cared about getting it right.”

Asked about the tweet’s reach, which included thousands of retweets and likes, Lightfoot said, “That’s the danger of somebody with a platform and audience … that doesn’t know what they’re talking about and getting the fundamental facts wrong that they can easily figure out if they had the decency to actually reach out to us if they wanted to be a constructive and engaged partner.”

Ivanka Trump’s comments also follow pointed remarks Lightfoot made Monday calling for President Trump to set “a better, clearer moral tone” as the nation’s leader and to back expanded gun control.
“What he’s been doing is blowing every racist, xenophobic dog whistle and when you do that, when you blow that kind of dog whistle, animals come out,” Lightfoot said Monday, referring indirectly to Trump’s incendiary tweets and campaign speeches that have included calling Mexican immigrants “rapists.”

trying to take a little heat off daddy and put it on a democratic black mayor?
guess racism just runs in the family
Again you are not going to prove to me that Trump is a racist @subhub174014 again I produced even further evidence that Trump had a Black girlfriend in the 1990s where she says outright in addition to others I said before that Donald Trump is not a racist as seen here:

And as I said all this time from 3 years ago that Trump will get re-elected and you openly confessed that as well @subhub174014.

For the benefit of new readers of my posts I will list them all beneath:

My Evidence

However your evidence about Trump being a c.hild ******* is disturbing @subhub174014 that can be seen here:
Ok @subhub174014 you do have damning evidence against Trump. No disrespect but I include myself when I say that we are amateurs mining data online. If we can find this stuff why has not professional data miners working for CNN, The Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, 60 Minutes, and the rest of the mainstream media, not to mention otherparties like Anonymous and hackers like Julian Assange burst out with an exposé against Trump? If it is the fact that Trump is POTUS "they" will not interfere until the end of his second term where the umbrella of protection of the office of POTUS is removed and POTUS Trump will Mr. Trump once more whomever his successor will be in 2025 after he/she is sworn in. Otherwise the media circus would crash the stock markets and disrupt the affairs in unexpected ways potentially affecting far too many innocent Americans who will be casualities of Trump's misdeeds. Which was something that Mueller suspected as well.

So by sitting on these explosive material of yours @subhub174014 ironically you are helping out Trump? What would motivate you to do that I have no idea? After all this would be your means to prevent Trump's re-election and make me as well as all of Trump's fans eat crow? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

So instead of preaching on a porn site that Donald Trump is a slime ball, seeing that you have the Woodward and Bernstein kind of evidence to bring down Trump why are you not emailling every single news outlet you can think of with this information as well as Pelosi, Mueller, The FBI, The CIA, Interpol @subhub174014 ?

why would I do any of that...I got it all off the net....same as anyone else can do...if they didn't already know I'm sure they could do the same as I did
Again you are not going to prove to me that Trump is a racist @subhub174014 again I produced even further evidence that Trump had a Black girlfriend in the 1990s where she says outright in addition to others I said before that Donald Trump is not a racist as seen here:

And as I said all this time from 3 years ago that Trump will get re-elected and you openly confessed that as well @subhub174014.

For the benefit of new readers of my posts I will list them all beneath:

My Evidence

However your evidence about Trump being a c.hild ******* is disturbing @subhub174014 that can be seen here:

you always list YOUR comments about how you feel the facts should read....everything is from links to your supposed facts from this site again...…..yet you show very little from using ANY search engine to come up with anything to prove your man worthy of anything but jail!
you always list YOUR comments about how you feel the facts should read....everything is from links to your supposed facts from this site again...…..yet you show very little from using ANY search engine to come up with anything to prove your man worthy of anything but jail!
You are always throwing lots of things at Trump except the kitchen sink @subhub174014 so I have to attempt to counter each charge. Earlier I was refuting your charges of racism which is false. However your disturbing charges of ******* against Trump is hard to dismiss from the sources you cite. And that would be disturbing chapters of "Trump's America" affecting Trump's legacy when he is no longer POTUS, probably in 2025.

And even then I don't think he will be locked up as other presidents also got away with certain crimes during their presidency too. If they can get away with it where maybe a hearing would be conducted, after the fact they will get exonerated somehow and walk when the spotlight is no longer focused on them.
You are always throwing lots of things at Trump except the kitchen sink @subhub174014 so I have to attempt to counter each charge. Earlier I was refuting your charges of racism which is false. However your disturbing charges of ******* against Trump is hard to dismiss from the sources you cite. And that would be disturbing chapters of "Trump's America" affecting Trump's legacy when he is no longer POTUS, probably in 2025.

And even then I don't think he will be locked up as other presidents also got away with certain crimes during their presidency too. If they can get away with it where maybe a hearing would be conducted, after the fact they will get exonerated somehow and walk when the spotlight is no longer focused on them.
I gave you a bunch of different articles stating that he a racist even the one where he said America would never have another black pres....blacks are lazy......and yet you still refuse to believe it

trumps porn....been going on for a long time...and I'm sure he is doing what he can to put a lid on it right now....but doing things others have done......not hardly....he is profiteering from the job....creating a disaster in most of what he has done....just recently opening up that bay in Alaska for CANADIAN mining which was a preserve...…..which will ******* things for miles....effect the fishing in Washington he is taking a lot of animals off the endangered species list so they can be hunted.....his tariffs are looking more and more like they will drive us into a recession...most banks predict it BEFORE the election...some even think this year

like you I doubt he will go to jail....might but doubt it...they have him on some pretty serious crimes...most before he was will cost him a bunch in legal fees...a bunch to keep out of jail...he won't be able to money lauder for Russia anymore since they will have no further use for him......he won't have any more charities he can rob from...which is part of what he is in trouble for anyway....he won't be able to divert anymore campaign money...another thing he is in trouble for....since he is not running for anything....he owes china ....owes germany ......most think he will be broke within 5 years after leaving office....and that's not to say his ******* and ******* in law are going to get off either

they all think they are above the law and can just do what they want.....things are laying low right now because he is pres.....but ******* will hit the fan when he has no power to block all the investigations and get into all the corrupt ******* he is involved in.....he would have been better off never being pres...….a lot would have never been looked at.....but a pres or even someone running for pres is under a microscope...he knew that and thought he could just fire anyone looking or block any away with some so far...but not forever
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the reason trump owes so much to other countries...… one in the US will loan him money! he owes them all.....he does not have enough money or capital to pay off what he owes

How much money does The Trump Organization owe Russia and ...
Public disclosure of Trump’s tax returns and other financial information will reveal the extent of his personal and financial entanglements with the Russian billionaires who are allies of Putin ...

How much money does Trump owe lenders banks loans debts ...
Jun 17, 2017 · Trump's latest financial disclosure shows he owes lenders at least $315 million. Trump reported liabilities of at least $110 million to Ladder Capital, a commercial real estate lender with offices in New York, Los Angeles and Boca Raton, Florida.

A Guide to Donald Trump’s Huge Debts—and the Conflicts ...
Dec 12, 2016 · A Guide to Donald Trump’s Huge Debts—and the Conflicts They Present ... Below is a list of all the financial players that Trump owes money to and how much Trump

Donald Trump is OWNED by Every Bank on Wall Street
Jan 22, 2016 · Trump has four loans listed here that are “over $50 million” and of course, those might go all the way up to a billion each or beyond. Now, no one knows how much Trump is worth, and his own word is definitely not to be believed on that subject, but it is clear that some very significant amount of it is tied up as collateral for these loans.

Trump’s unusual conflict: Millions in debts to German bank ...
Aug 02, 2019 · About $125 million of that debt was lumped into two 2012 mortgages for Trump National Doral, his South Florida golf complex. [ Trump adviser’s public comments, ties to …

Donald Trump: The $500 Million Debt that He Isn't Talking ...
Mar 23, 2016 · That means Trump’s share of the overall borrowings of $1.55 billion is $465 million. That brings Trump’s debt figure up to at least $968 million. But we’re not done yet.

Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 ...
Jan 06, 2017 · Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 different institutions, new study suggests. Lawrence Noble, a former lawyer to Federal Election Commission (FEC), said: “The appearance of potential conflicts is dangerous and seriously exists in this situation”.

Deutsche Bank and Trump: $2 Billion in Loans and a Wary ...
Mar 18, 2019 · Deutsche Bank’s hunger for profits and risk led it to lend Donald Trump more than $2 billion. Once he was elected president, employees were told not to utter his name. Mar 18, 2019

'Beholden to no one' Trump owes $650 MILLION to China, and ...
Aug 20, 2016 · Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it …

Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties - The New ...
Aug 21, 2016 · Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a …

Donald Trump Owes At Least $250 Million to Banks ...
Mar 20, 2016 · Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump owes at least $250 million to banks for various real estate projects, according to his personal finance disclosure forms. hell of a biz man....and he is in charge of our economy?!
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