Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I believe in America but if someone owed close to $22.5 trillion on their credit cards @subhub174014 would you loan money to him or her expecting a return on your money?

no I wouldn't and the practice has stopped....either by china loaning or us borrowing....but right now we can't even pay the interest on what we owe....and the right not smart enough to quit writing checks we can't cash!

trump is used to going bankrupt....done it a bunch of times...….but when you take a country and probably several others down with you....not good!
if you notice Europe and japan both follow our stock market leads...we go down they go down .....we go up they go up
you look back through our history and the so called party of conservatives have always spent more than we had....the Dems have always had to repair the damage......anytime a dem gets in the first thing the right says...look at the deficit and he is doing nothing about it....and yet when the right gets goes even higher
That would be extortion. Bookies don't ******* people to borrow. We have been borrowing for so long ots almost become expected
In this case there has to be some sort of extortion as even if you get Bill Gates, Buffett, Trump, Bezos, Carlos Slim, Richard Branson, and a few others. Short of Bilderbergs and crazy cartoonishly wealthy elites that insist never be named, the sum of all their combined wealth probably would not even amount to half of America's debt if they fully donated it to pay off America's debt? :unsure:
The Republican Party Is A Deficit Fraud -
Oct 08, 2017 · Let it be shouted from every mountaintop in the United States: Today's Republican Party is a federal budget deficit and national debt fraud. Yes, I used the "f" word. The Merriam-Webster ...

Which U.S. Presidents Have Run the Largest Budget Deficits?
Jul 18, 2019 · The four presidents who have run the largest deficits through 2017 are Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. There are two ways to look at the U.S. budget deficit when determining which president has run the largest deficit.

the reason for Obama getting it up was because he was trying to stop the ******* from the Bush recession

U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress
Apr 06, 2019 · Likewise, Obama took office in the middle of, by far, the biggest-deficit year in history, dealing with two wars and the most severe recession since the 1930's; it would have been remarkable if the deficit hadn't decreased during his term.

Our National Debt And Government Spending Are A Moral ...
The National Debt Steals People’s Futures. This is not only because the deficit and debt seem remote in a way that personal credit card bills are not, but also because many people are unaware that the sources of the deficit are some of the federal government’s most popular programs: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and military spending.
you look back through our history and the so called party of conservatives have always spent more than we had....the Dems have always had to repair the damage......anytime a dem gets in the first thing the right says...look at the deficit and he is doing nothing about it....and yet when the right gets goes even higher
so every time democrats are in charge deficit goes away right Obama had 8 yrs and boarded companies at a steady pace. The only time unemployment went down was people ran out
so every time democrats are in charge deficit goes away right Obama had 8 yrs and boarded companies at a steady pace. The only time unemployment went down was people ran out

you don't read what is posted....I posted on that above

the only time a deficit has not gone down under a democratic pres was Obama....but he had a recession to deal with handed to him by Bush...and the deficit had sky rocketed under Bush...…...but those are facts you don't want to hear...your great party of Lincoln!
been fucking the country since Reagan was pres!
Obama sucked he caused recession history will call it Obama's recession
you are talking out your ass trying to defend your party when yo do not have a leg to stand on

Obama inherited a recession; Trump inherited a primed pump. That being said, the economy Trump inherited is one in which the labor market is tight, housing and manufacturing are improving and wages are beginning to increase. Trump is inheriting an economy with one of the lowest jobless rates of any incoming president in modern times.

Eight years later: The economy and President Obama’s legacy
Jan 06, 2017 · The economy President Obama inherited was in peril. When he took office in January of 2009, the United States was in the worst recession it had experienced since the Great Depression.

Obama Policies Fueled Our Economic Boom. Don't Let Trump ...
Dec 25, 2017 · Overall, the economy under Trump thus far looks no better by most measures than the economy in the last years under Obama. Furthermore, whereas Trump inherited the strong Obama economy, Obama inherited the Great Recession from George W. Bush—the worst economic crash since the Great Depression.

The Economy Trump Inherited, in Two Charts. That brings the annualized average for Obama's presidency to 1.8 percent -- less than under any of the previous 10 presidents save George W. Bush, but still decent given that he inherited an economy on the verge of depression. Here's a chronological comparison:
The Economy Trump Inherited, in Two Charts - Bloomberg

and he did it all on his own with no help from the right!

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to ... -
Aug 23, 2012 · The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama. It reveals some of my reporting on the Republican plot to obstruct President Obama before he even took office, including secret meetings led by House GOP whip Eric Cantor (in December 2008) and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell...

Obama’s Gone, So Republicans Stopped Sabotaging the Economy
Feb 08, 2018 · During the Obama era, Democrats frequently believed, but only rarely uttered aloud in official forums, that the Republican Party was engaged …

and you guys cry about trump treated poorly!...the right signed a pledge to not do anything that would help be damned

Who was the man who got Republicans to sign a pledge ...
Sep 06, 2015 · But as Republican stalwart Newt Gingrich has verified, there was a secret meeting of key Republicans not long after President Obama's election, where they vowed to obstruct everything the new president would try to do; and this was also reiterated in Mitch McConnell's admission that the party's goal was to make Mr. Obama a one-term president.

The New New Deal: Why the GOP Became the Party of No ...
Aug 23, 2012 · The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama. Shortly before 11 a.m., the AP reported that Boehner had urged Republicans to oppose the stimulus. Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs handed Obama a copy of the story in the Oval Office, just before he left for the Hill to make his case for the stimulus,.

Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1 - The ...
Aug 10, 2012 · For several hours in the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. establishment), the book says they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama

Senate GOP Pledge to Block Dems' Legislation - CBS News
Dec 01, 2010 · Senate Republicans intend to block action on virtually all Democratic-backed legislation unrelated to tax cuts and government spending in the current postelection session of Congress, according to ...

so as you can see I have no sympathy nor support for your man!
after the way the right tried to sabotage the country because they lost an election