Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

most republican elections are..."fair"....just ask anyone of them

most Dems don't want to put up with the ******* involved here...come make a comment on occasion and leave
I guess just as in 2016 the Republicans brought out the vote whereas the Democrats "don't want to put up with the ******* involved here" and blame Russia? It may foreshadow and be a lesson to both parties in 2020.

? ? ? ? ?
I guess just as in 2016 the Republicans brought out the vote whereas the Democrats "don't want to put up with the ******* involved here" and blame Russia? It may foreshadow and be a lesson to both parties in 2020.

? ? ? ? ?

there was a lot of voter apathy....and you might want to check the percentage of black voter turn to was again don't start gloating until you know the facts...….want to know how many republicans didn't vote?
that last election had the lowest voter turn out for any presidential election

and your Russian nothing more than you being silly....because of the Mueller report and like Blkdlaur can not stand anything bad being said about your lord and master....but you have nothing good to say about him ….you have shown that...just you think he is so great.....great doesn't cut it to most...accomplishments is what counts and he has none.....Russia put him there to help with some of the things they wanted to do...which trump let them do!
there was a lot of voter apathy....and you might want to check the percentage of black voter turn to was again don't start gloating until you know the facts...….want to know how many republicans didn't vote?
that last election had the lowest voter turn out for any presidential election

and your Russian nothing more than you being silly....because of the Mueller report and like Blkdlaur can not stand anything bad being said about your lord and master....but you have nothing good to say about him ….you have shown that...just you think he is so great.....great doesn't cut it to most...accomplishments is what counts and he has none.....Russia put him there to help with some of the things they wanted to do...which trump let them do!
All of Trump's accomplishments are here @subhub174014 :

Again it does state that "Due to the number of achievements, the list of President Trump's achievements have been moved to sub-articles. Please visit the sub-articles to see the Trump Administration's various achievements."

And just like my poll on the site where Trump won a fair election here and anyone from either end of the political continuum was and still is allowed to express their perspective about Trump:

That same kind of apathy might present itself on November 2020. I hope MrPutin won't be enraged too much when he is blamed once again for Trump's re-election?

And I do recall hearing someone openly confess that Trump would be re-elected. Who was this guy again? Maybe you heard of him @subhub174014 ?
( )

Once noteable figureheads of the Democrats aforementioned throw in the towel that Trump will be re-elected, why should ANY American vote for the Democrats? Thanks for the inches @subhub174014 . ;) :unsure:

( )
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All of Trump's accomplishments are here @subhub174014 :

Again it does state that "Due to the number of achievements, the list of President Trump's achievements have been moved to sub-articles. Please visit the sub-articles to see the Trump Administration's various achievements."

And just like my poll on the site where Trump won a fair election here and anyone from either end of the political continuum was and still is allowed to express their perspective about Trump:

That same kind of apathy might present itself on November 2020. I hope MrPutin won't be enraged too much when he is blamed once again for Trump's re-election?

And I do recall hearing someone openly confess that Trump would be re-elected. Who was this guy again? Maybe you heard of him @subhub174014 ?
( )

Once noteable figureheads of the Democrats aforementioned throw in the towel that Trump will be re-elected, why should ANY American vote for the Democrats? Thanks for the inches @subhub174014 . ;) :unsure:

( )

we already went through that and I told that he is blowing his own horn with the help of the right and people like blklump….but when you break it down and look at the truth to any of it...IE tax plan helping millions....yeah....the ones with millions...on and can fool people like blklump but not the resy of the world

goes right back to all of you people digging and twisting facts and making all these silly statements......but at the end of the day you have nothing NOTHING to show of his accomplishments
we already went through that and I told that he is blowing his own horn with the help of the right and people like blklump….but when you break it down and look at the truth to any of it...IE tax plan helping millions....yeah....the ones with millions...on and can fool people like blklump but not the resy of the world

goes right back to all of you people digging and twisting facts and making all these silly statements......but at the end of the day you have nothing NOTHING to show of his accomplishments
I suspect veteran's issues might appeal to you @subhub174014 as they served your nation bravely deserving benefits they richly should receive for putting their life on the line for your country. Here are the accomplishments thus far just for American veterans....

Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin stated on June 7, 2017, that improving the Department of Veterans Affairs was a "top priority" for the Trump Administration.[1][2] Shulkin, a holdover from the Obama Administration, admitted that the Trump Administration was "quicker" and "more decisive" than the previous one,[3] and he moved to modernize the department during his tenure.[4] The Trump Administration worked aggressively and effectively to improve the VA, and Shulkin received bipartian support.[5]

Legislation signed, 2017
  • April 19, 2017—President Trump signed an extension of the Veterans Choice Act of 2014, which allowed veterans to seek medical care outside the VA system due to serious VA problems.[6][7]
  • June 2, 2017—President Trump signed a bill into law giving preference in federal grants to "federal and state law enforcement agencies that hire and train veterans".[8]
  • June 23, 2017—President Trump signed the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act into law (Trump described the law as "one of the largest reforms to the VA in its history"[9]), which expanded protections for VA whistleblowers, gave the VA the authority to end bonuses to convicted employees, made quicker and easier the process for firing, suspending, and demoting employees.[10]
  • August 12, 2017—President Trump signed a bill which, in addition to extending the department's Choice Program for an additional six months, authorized $1.8 billion so the VA could lease and open 28 medical facilities and so it could implement a new hiring program.[11]
  • August 16, 2017—President Trump signed a bill into law expanding GI benefits for veterans, including removing a 15-year time limit on using GI benefits and giving veterans additional payments for science, engineering, and technology courses at universities, among other provisions.[12]
  • August 23, 2017—President Trump signed a bill into law streamlining and making more convenient the process for veterans to appeal disability benefit claims.[13]
Executive actions, 2017
  • April 27, 2017—President Trump signed an executive order creating an office in the Department of Veterans Affairs to investigate obstacles preventing the VA from firing incompetent employees, and to protect those who reveal cases of incompetence in the department.[14]
  • June 5, 2017—The Department of Veterans Affairs announced it would adopt the same medical records system as the Defense Department in order to bring better care for veterans.[15][16]
  • July 7, 2017—The Department of Veterans Affairs made public its disciplinary actions against its employees,[17] and it reported that day having fired over 500 employees since January 2017 and suspending nearly 200.[18]
  • August 3, 2017—The Trump Administration added several new services to the VA's telehealth program, making it easier for veterans to obtain health care services such as through letting them conduct medical examinations remotely and giving them the ability to schedule appointments electronically.[19]
Other achievements, 2017
While the following achievements were not official United States government policy actions by the Trump Administration, they were closely related to the Trump Administration and its policies:

  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate of U.S. military veterans in October 2017 had fallen to a record low of 2.7%, mirroring the decreasing unemployment rate under President Trump.[20]
In 2018, President Trump and his administration continued working to help veterans.[21]

Legislation signed, 2018
  • June 6, 2018—President Trump signed the VA Mission Act into law, a major reform of the department which expanded veterans' access to private healthcare, created new healthcare programs, and reorganized existing programs for efficiency.[22]
Executive actions, 2018
  • January 9, 2017—President Trump signed an executive order directing the federal government to expand mental health services for veterans in order to reduce the number of veteran suicides.[23]
  • September 2018—The VA announced it had exceeded its goal of delivering 81,000 appeals decisions in Fiscal Year 2018 – a 52% increase from Fiscal Year 2017 – on claims for disability benefits two weeks earlier than expected.[24]
  • September 18, 2018—The VA announced that five of its hospitals were removed from its list of high-risk facilities because of improving conditions.[25]
  • November 8, 2018—The VA announced it would end the practice of "official time" for its medical employees, where they get paid for working for their unions rather than for what they were hired to do.[26]
Other achievements, 2018
While the following achievements were not official United States government policy actions by the Trump Administration, they were closely related to the Trump Administration and its policies:

  • The Trump Administration continued working to reduce the number of homeless veterans, and the number fell over 5% between 2017 and 2018 and stood at half the level in 2009, with female veteran homelessness falling 10% between 2017 and 2018.[27]
  • In 2018, U.S. veteran unemployment fell to 3.5%, the lowest level since 2001, and the unemployment rate for post-9/11 veterans fell to the lowest level on record.[28]
The Trump Administration continued working to improve the Department of Veterans Affairs.[29] The VA increased its reliance on private healthcare and saw service improve as a result.[30] President Trump received significantly stronger support from veterans than from the overall U.S. population.[31]

Legislation signed, 2019
  • June 25, 2019—President Trump signed a bill into law that fast-tracked benefits for Vietnam veterans likely exposed to Agent Orange.[32]
Executive actions, 2019
  • January 31, 2019—The VA announced new rules expanding private healthcare services for veterans, allowing them to see a private doctor if they live over 30 minutes away from a VA clinic or have to wait over 20 days for service.[33]
  • February 26, 2019—VA Secretary Robert Wilkie announced his department would prioritize Purple Heart recipients for veterans' benefits claims.[34]
  • March 4, 2019—President Trump signed an executive order to help veterans and active-duty servicemembers easily join the U.S. Merchant Marine.[35]
  • March 5, 2019—President Trump signed an order creating a task ******* to combat and reduce veteran suicides.[36]
I suspect veteran's issues might appeal to you @subhub174014 as they served your nation bravely deserving benefits they richly should receive for putting their life on the line for your country. Here are the accomplishments thus far just for American veterans....

Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin stated on June 7, 2017, that improving the Department of Veterans Affairs was a "top priority" for the Trump Administration.[1][2] Shulkin, a holdover from the Obama Administration, admitted that the Trump Administration was "quicker" and "more decisive" than the previous one,[3] and he moved to modernize the department during his tenure.[4] The Trump Administration worked aggressively and effectively to improve the VA, and Shulkin received bipartian support.[5]

Legislation signed, 2017
  • April 19, 2017—President Trump signed an extension of the Veterans Choice Act of 2014, which allowed veterans to seek medical care outside the VA system due to serious VA problems.[6][7]
  • June 2, 2017—President Trump signed a bill into law giving preference in federal grants to "federal and state law enforcement agencies that hire and train veterans".[8]
  • June 23, 2017—President Trump signed the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act into law (Trump described the law as "one of the largest reforms to the VA in its history"[9]), which expanded protections for VA whistleblowers, gave the VA the authority to end bonuses to convicted employees, made quicker and easier the process for firing, suspending, and demoting employees.[10]
  • August 12, 2017—President Trump signed a bill which, in addition to extending the department's Choice Program for an additional six months, authorized $1.8 billion so the VA could lease and open 28 medical facilities and so it could implement a new hiring program.[11]
  • August 16, 2017—President Trump signed a bill into law expanding GI benefits for veterans, including removing a 15-year time limit on using GI benefits and giving veterans additional payments for science, engineering, and technology courses at universities, among other provisions.[12]
  • August 23, 2017—President Trump signed a bill into law streamlining and making more convenient the process for veterans to appeal disability benefit claims.[13]
Executive actions, 2017
  • April 27, 2017—President Trump signed an executive order creating an office in the Department of Veterans Affairs to investigate obstacles preventing the VA from firing incompetent employees, and to protect those who reveal cases of incompetence in the department.[14]
  • June 5, 2017—The Department of Veterans Affairs announced it would adopt the same medical records system as the Defense Department in order to bring better care for veterans.[15][16]
  • July 7, 2017—The Department of Veterans Affairs made public its disciplinary actions against its employees,[17] and it reported that day having fired over 500 employees since January 2017 and suspending nearly 200.[18]
  • August 3, 2017—The Trump Administration added several new services to the VA's telehealth program, making it easier for veterans to obtain health care services such as through letting them conduct medical examinations remotely and giving them the ability to schedule appointments electronically.[19]
Other achievements, 2017
While the following achievements were not official United States government policy actions by the Trump Administration, they were closely related to the Trump Administration and its policies:

  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate of U.S. military veterans in October 2017 had fallen to a record low of 2.7%, mirroring the decreasing unemployment rate under President Trump.[20]
In 2018, President Trump and his administration continued working to help veterans.[21]

Legislation signed, 2018
  • June 6, 2018—President Trump signed the VA Mission Act into law, a major reform of the department which expanded veterans' access to private healthcare, created new healthcare programs, and reorganized existing programs for efficiency.[22]
Executive actions, 2018
  • January 9, 2017—President Trump signed an executive order directing the federal government to expand mental health services for veterans in order to reduce the number of veteran suicides.[23]
  • September 2018—The VA announced it had exceeded its goal of delivering 81,000 appeals decisions in Fiscal Year 2018 – a 52% increase from Fiscal Year 2017 – on claims for disability benefits two weeks earlier than expected.[24]
  • September 18, 2018—The VA announced that five of its hospitals were removed from its list of high-risk facilities because of improving conditions.[25]
  • November 8, 2018—The VA announced it would end the practice of "official time" for its medical employees, where they get paid for working for their unions rather than for what they were hired to do.[26]
Other achievements, 2018
While the following achievements were not official United States government policy actions by the Trump Administration, they were closely related to the Trump Administration and its policies:

  • The Trump Administration continued working to reduce the number of homeless veterans, and the number fell over 5% between 2017 and 2018 and stood at half the level in 2009, with female veteran homelessness falling 10% between 2017 and 2018.[27]
  • In 2018, U.S. veteran unemployment fell to 3.5%, the lowest level since 2001, and the unemployment rate for post-9/11 veterans fell to the lowest level on record.[28]
The Trump Administration continued working to improve the Department of Veterans Affairs.[29] The VA increased its reliance on private healthcare and saw service improve as a result.[30] President Trump received significantly stronger support from veterans than from the overall U.S. population.[31]

Legislation signed, 2019
  • June 25, 2019—President Trump signed a bill into law that fast-tracked benefits for Vietnam veterans likely exposed to Agent Orange.[32]
Executive actions, 2019
  • January 31, 2019—The VA announced new rules expanding private healthcare services for veterans, allowing them to see a private doctor if they live over 30 minutes away from a VA clinic or have to wait over 20 days for service.[33]
  • February 26, 2019—VA Secretary Robert Wilkie announced his department would prioritize Purple Heart recipients for veterans' benefits claims.[34]
  • March 4, 2019—President Trump signed an executive order to help veterans and active-duty servicemembers easily join the U.S. Merchant Marine.[35]
  • March 5, 2019—President Trump signed an order creating a task ******* to combat and reduce veteran suicides.[36]

now you have really hit a sore point with me!....cpt bonespurs had rallies with the money supposedly going to the VA to begin with that somehow didn't make it

you left off the part covering how much he is probably skiming off the top

Three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Are Secretly Running ...
Aug 08, 2018 · Three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Are Secretly Running the V.A. According to ProPublica, Bruce Moskowitz, a Palm Beach doctor; Ike Perlmutter, the chairman of Marvel Entertainment; and Marc Sherman, an attorney, have essentially been calling the shots at the Department of Veterans Affairs since Trump was inaugurated.

Are Trump's Mar-a-Lago Cronies Secretly Running the VA ...
Moskowitz is a Palm Beach doctor who helps wealthy people obtain high-service “concierge” medical care. More to the point, he is one-third of an informal council that is exerting sweeping influence on the VA from Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump handed off the VA to three Mar-a-Lago fat cats who ...
As a Propublica investigation has discovered, Donald Trump handed off control of the Department of Veterans Affairs to three members of his Mar-a-Lago golf resort. These three have been issuing ...

Watchdog office to probe Mar-a-Lago members' influence at VA
Nov 26, 2018 · The Government Accountability Office will investigate whether members of Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, Florida, improperly influenced the Department of ...

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago cronies are secretly running the VA
Aug 08, 2018 · Home National Trump's Mar-a-Lago cronies are secretly running the VA President Donald Trump gives the thumbs-up as he walks from Marine One to board Air ******* One at Morristown Municipal Airport, in Morristown, N.J., Saturday, Aug. 4, 2018, en route to a rally in Lewis Center, Ohio.

Are Mar-a-Lago cronies running VA? Secretary Robert Wilkie ...
Dec 19, 2018 · Are Mar-a-Lago cronies running VA? Secretary Robert Wilkie owes answers to veterans, voters. VA has refused to come clean about the Mar-a-Lago

The VA is apparently being secretly run by a Mar-a-Lago ...
Aug 08, 2018 · The VA is apparently being secretly run by a Mar-a-Lago shadow triumvirate ... The real power at the VA resides at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump's ... and essentially ****** out

Meet 'The Shadow Rulers Of The VA': 3 Nonvet Mar-a-Lago ...
Meet ‘The Shadow Rulers Of The VA’: 3 Nonvet Mar-a-Lago Members. The troika is led by Ike Perlmutter, the reclusive chairman of Marvel Entertainment, who is a longtime acquaintance of President Trump’s. The third member is a lawyer named Marc Sherman. None of them has ever served in the U.S. military or government.

all of the above can't be wrong! and or fake news!

you are just digging your hole deeper on how corrupt this man is!
Quora: How Russia and Putin Benefit From a Trump Presidency
Russia certainly got their money's worth with Donald J. Trump. How does Russia benefit from a Trump presidency? originally appeared on Quora—the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering .

How does Russia benefit from a Trump presidency? - Quora
Russia benefits from the Trump presidency in any number of ways—at least 20 by my count. They would also unquestionably benefit even more if the hubbub caused by their interference with the American presidential election on Trump’s behalf hadn’t cast such a spotlight on the issue,...
Trump campaign guts GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine ...
Jul 18, 2016 · The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view ...

July 18, 2016: Trump Campaign Guts Anti-Russia Language in ...
advisor J.D. Gordon successfully lobbies the GOP platform committee to drop anti-Russia language regarding Ukraine from the party platform. This is a vast departure from decades of establishment Republican foreign policy. Gordon claims to have made these changes at Trump’s request. Trump later denies that his involvement in platform change.

2016 RNC Delegate: Trump Directed Change To Party Platform ...
Dec 04, 2017 · 2016 RNC Delegate: Trump Directed Change To Party Platform On Ukraine Support A Republican delegate to the convention says a Trump campaign aide claimed Trump had directed him to weaken support ...
now you have really hit a sore point with me!....cpt bonespurs had rallies with the money supposedly going to the VA to begin with that somehow didn't make it

you left off the part covering how much he is probably skiming off the top

Three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Are Secretly Running ...
Aug 08, 2018 · Three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Are Secretly Running the V.A. According to ProPublica, Bruce Moskowitz, a Palm Beach doctor; Ike Perlmutter, the chairman of Marvel Entertainment; and Marc Sherman, an attorney, have essentially been calling the shots at the Department of Veterans Affairs since Trump was inaugurated.

Are Trump's Mar-a-Lago Cronies Secretly Running the VA ...
Moskowitz is a Palm Beach doctor who helps wealthy people obtain high-service “concierge” medical care. More to the point, he is one-third of an informal council that is exerting sweeping influence on the VA from Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump handed off the VA to three Mar-a-Lago fat cats who ...
As a Propublica investigation has discovered, Donald Trump handed off control of the Department of Veterans Affairs to three members of his Mar-a-Lago golf resort. These three have been issuing ...

Watchdog office to probe Mar-a-Lago members' influence at VA
Nov 26, 2018 · The Government Accountability Office will investigate whether members of Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, Florida, improperly influenced the Department of ...

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago cronies are secretly running the VA
Aug 08, 2018 · Home National Trump's Mar-a-Lago cronies are secretly running the VA President Donald Trump gives the thumbs-up as he walks from Marine One to board Air ******* One at Morristown Municipal Airport, in Morristown, N.J., Saturday, Aug. 4, 2018, en route to a rally in Lewis Center, Ohio.

Are Mar-a-Lago cronies running VA? Secretary Robert Wilkie ...
Dec 19, 2018 · Are Mar-a-Lago cronies running VA? Secretary Robert Wilkie owes answers to veterans, voters. VA has refused to come clean about the Mar-a-Lago

The VA is apparently being secretly run by a Mar-a-Lago ...
Aug 08, 2018 · The VA is apparently being secretly run by a Mar-a-Lago shadow triumvirate ... The real power at the VA resides at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump's ... and essentially ****** out

Meet 'The Shadow Rulers Of The VA': 3 Nonvet Mar-a-Lago ...
Meet ‘The Shadow Rulers Of The VA’: 3 Nonvet Mar-a-Lago Members. The troika is led by Ike Perlmutter, the reclusive chairman of Marvel Entertainment, who is a longtime acquaintance of President Trump’s. The third member is a lawyer named Marc Sherman. None of them has ever served in the U.S. military or government.

all of the above can't be wrong! and or fake news!

you are just digging your hole deeper on how corrupt this man is!
After reading through one of your articles @subhub174014 , "", Trump is already made a change with th VA from July of 2018 as it states:

"At that point, Perlmutter’s endorsement cleared the way for Trump to nominate Wilkie.

Wilkie, who was sworn in on July 30, now faces a choice between asserting his own authority over the VA or taking cues from the Mar-a-Lago Crowd. Wilkie reportedly wants to sideline O’Rourke and Sandoval and restock the agency leadership with his own people. "

So changes are being made ideally for the better. Similarly you cannot dismiss the accomplishments as was stated here as well @subhub174014 :
After reading through one of your articles @subhub174014 , "", Trump is already made a change with th VA from July of 2018 as it states:

"At that point, Perlmutter’s endorsement cleared the way for Trump to nominate Wilkie.

Wilkie, who was sworn in on July 30, now faces a choice between asserting his own authority over the VA or taking cues from the Mar-a-Lago Crowd. Wilkie reportedly wants to sideline O’Rourke and Sandoval and restock the agency leadership with his own people. "

So changes are being made ideally for the better. Similarly you cannot dismiss the accomplishments as was stated here as well @subhub174014 :

no matter who he puts in he is not going to take it away from his buddies at mar lago

I'm betting they are all drawing a HUGE wage from the VA...and trump takes care of his pals!

what is really odd is the number of vets that don't know....or don't care!
if you remember right he was going to make improvements to the VA....what did he do>

his answer was to close almost 80 different facilities......he said to give better care at the others......has been no improvements there...and now you have people having to go long distances to get care
he has really screwed with veterans

Veterans Sustain Two Serious Defeats From Trump And The ...
Jun 08, 2018 · Veterans face two separate challenges to the VA that have come to a boil this week – one from Trump, one from the Republican House. One concerns Trump
  • Author: Charles Tiefer

Fact-checking Trump's claims about an improved Department ...
Jul 28, 2017 · WASHINGTON-- President Donald Trump paints a rosy picture of an improved Department of Veterans Affairs under his watch where accessing electronic medical records is "so easy and so good" and ...

claimed we would get to see a regular Dr if VA busy...….and va still says that will happen.....when?
what is really odd is the number of vets that don't know....or don't care!
if you remember right he was going to make improvements to the VA....what did he do>

his answer was to close almost 80 different facilities......he said to give better care at the others......has been no improvements there...and now you have people having to go long distances to get care
he has really screwed with veterans

Veterans Sustain Two Serious Defeats From Trump And The ...
Jun 08, 2018 · Veterans face two separate challenges to the VA that have come to a boil this week – one from Trump, one from the Republican House. One concerns Trump
  • Author: Charles Tiefer

Fact-checking Trump's claims about an improved Department ...
Jul 28, 2017 · WASHINGTON-- President Donald Trump paints a rosy picture of an improved Department of Veterans Affairs under his watch where accessing electronic medical records is "so easy and so good" and ...

claimed we would get to see a regular Dr if VA busy...….and va still says that will happen.....when?
I'm not saying that Trump's appointment of Perlmutter, Moskowitz and Sherman was the wisest chess move on Trump's part but sometimes the most efficient thing to do is to shutdown and condemn buildings especially if the repair value exceeds the price such buildings could be sold for on the open market? Such decisions are beyond my pay grade so Trump might have initially thought that Perlmutter, Moskowitz and Sherman could have made a difference running the VA as they are business guys making those kinds of decisions all the time with their own businesses @subhub174014 ? Once the they are condemned and rebuilt one would have more efficient newer buildings to service the veterans?
I'm not saying that Trump's appointment of Perlmutter, Moskowitz and Sherman was the wisest chess move on Trump's part but sometimes the most efficient thing to do is to shutdown and condemn buildings especially if the repair value exceeds the price such buildings could be sold for on the open market? Such decisions are beyond my pay grade so Trump might have initially thought that Perlmutter, Moskowitz and Sherman could have made a difference running the VA as they are business guys making those kinds of decisions all the time with their own businesses @subhub174014 ? Once the they are condemned and rebuilt one would have more efficient newer buildings to service the veterans?

running the VA is a job for a who knows what is going on in the system
running the VA is a job for a who knows what is going on in the system
Working with the veterans yes, making business decisions as to what buildings to knock down? Allocation of resources? Operations Research with a limited number of resources you have how to maximize what you can produce is a complicated science unto itself @subhub174014 as seen here
.( ).

If such a veteran has such skills let him/her do everything, but if not maybe hire an actuary to do the number crunching and maximize the resources the VA can work with as technically it is a business ( albeit a non-profit ) and decide the business decisions, whereas the veteran is the figurehead that meets with the veterans and oversees their needs.
Working with the veterans yes, making business decisions as to what buildings to knock down? Allocation of resources? Operations Research with a limited number of resources you have how to maximize what you can produce is a complicated science unto itself @subhub174014 as seen here
.( ).

If such a veteran has such skills let him/her do everything, but if not maybe hire an actuary to do the number crunching and maximize the resources the VA can work with as technically it is a business ( albeit a non-profit ) and decide the business decisions, whereas the veteran is the figurehead that meets with the veterans and oversees their needs.

It has always been handled by a vet....who has concerns for other vets......he is taught the ropes of the va by other vets there....not some biz man stepping in and figuring out who gets what money and being well paid to make that decision