Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Take care - believe it or not - I’d miss ya !!!

President Trump said today in a news conference that this might take til August to wash out - stock market instantly started tanking even worse than it was :|


I think it is a given the stock market going to tank....and we will go into a major recession...….whole lot of people who live paycheck to paycheck....can NOT get by.....looking a lot like ….food lines again?

and with your party never concerned about the deficit....well doesn't really matter now who......but we are already more than broke and borrowing money...a lot of countries rely on our economy to make theirs go......if we tank...they snowballs

if they can't come up with something...and quick...we have problems....Gov Cuomo...has a lot of valid issues that require a serious beds....and etc...…..and now I see a lot of hospitals running out of regular supplies

wrong…...well I don't agree...some who have nothing and can not manage money or expenses.....will just go out and hoard food and etc...then can't pay for other....would rather see something weekly from unemployment or something....similar to a weekly check only smaller

I think it is a given the stock market going to tank....and we will go into a major recession...….whole lot of people who live paycheck to paycheck....can NOT get by.....looking a lot like ….food lines again?

and with your party never concerned about the deficit....well doesn't really matter now who......but we are already more than broke and borrowing money...a lot of countries rely on our economy to make theirs go......if we tank...they snowballs

if they can't come up with something...and quick...we have problems....Gov Cuomo...has a lot of valid issues that require a serious beds....and etc...…..and now I see a lot of hospitals running out of regular supplies

Yup - no doubt - we’re in the midst of a real shite show - no one is sure wtf :|
Toilet paper would be fitting as much ******* as the government spreads

well got to admit...….and this is a first...…...trump has actually made a fairly accurate speech.....still patts himself on the back.....but not bullshitting about the virus being nothing and having it under control....2 days in a row now.....think someone must have told him the lies are not cutting it on this!
Prolly be better if they just sent us toilet paper - or at least ole Subhub - he’s wiping his arse with the quicker picker upper - no wonder he’s so grouchy ;}

well thought about those big wipes I have in the shop.....they come in a nice white tub......already have some kind of cleaner on them.....although my asshole may not be as "seasoned: as my hands....but they clean my hands real good
I might spend my government check on ammo

naw….need a new chrome grill for this 55 chev I'm working on....and what the hell if it's free money could use a nice chrome radiator support...………..……………..

thought I had plenty to do out there...enough to last me several weeks...….but just ran out of primer!!….that sucks.....guess it's time to switch to those gas lines and transmission lines...….luckily I bought them all steel braided at one time
well got to admit...….and this is a first...…...trump has actually made a fairly accurate speech.....still patts himself on the back.....but not bullshitting about the virus being nothing and having it under control....2 days in a row now.....think someone must have told him the lies are not cutting it on this!
Even you have to admit it @subhub174014 : The coronavirus is all on the Chinese unless you suspect Trump both mutually mastered Chinese and became an expert virologist to weaponize Covid-19? All while being POTUS? 🇺🇸