Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Never Trump movement - Wikipedia

The Never Trump movement, also called the #nevertrump, Stop Trump, anti-Trump, or Dump Trump movement, began as an effort on the part of a group of Republicans and other prominent conservatives (known as Never Trump Republicans) to prevent Republican front-runner and now President of the United States Donald Trump from obtaining the Republican Party presidential nomination and following his nomination the presidency for the 2016 United States presidential election.

Trump's Narcissistic Delusion is Destroying our Democracy ...
Jan 30, 2020 · — Bandy Lee, in Salon’s Trump’s Mental Health Is Now A National And Global Emergency He’s a Fucking Narcissist! The concept that mentally ill people can and do co-opt those around them into their delusional interpretation of the world is on clear display in the impeachment trial of the Ol’ Pussy Grabber.
Trump's Narcissistic Delusion is Destroying our Democracy ...
Jan 30, 2020 · — Bandy Lee, in Salon’s Trump’s Mental Health Is Now A National And Global Emergency He’s a Fucking Narcissist! The concept that mentally ill people can and do co-opt those around them into their delusional interpretation of the world is on clear display in the impeachment trial of the Ol’ Pussy Grabber.

What's that got to do with schiff not getting a warrant to listen to calls
Never Trump movement - Wikipedia

The Never Trump movement, also called the #nevertrump, Stop Trump, anti-Trump, or Dump Trump movement, began as an effort on the part of a group of Republicans and other prominent conservatives (known as Never Trump Republicans) to prevent Republican front-runner and now President of the United States Donald Trump from obtaining the Republican Party presidential nomination and following his nomination the presidency for the 2016 United States presidential election.

facts....and what the WORLD believes...….unless you are a trumptard...immune to such things such as reality

I watch CNN all the time - it would take being a complete imbecile NOT to recognize the blatant bias and prejudice being aired against our President - I watch it for as long as I can stand it so I can see for myself how BAD the media is treating him - there is absofuckinglutely no fairness - total Dem bias broadcasted 24/7 - guess people like you just eat it up - good thing more people watch reruns of the Cartoon Network than CNN :}
Never Trump movement - Wikipedia

The Never Trump movement, also called the #nevertrump, Stop Trump, anti-Trump, or Dump Trump movement, began as an effort on the part of a group of Republicans and other prominent conservatives (known as Never Trump Republicans) to prevent Republican front-runner and now President of the United States Donald Trump from obtaining the Republican Party presidential nomination and following his nomination the presidency for the 2016 United States presidential election.

Worked out really well for them - dinna it ;}
I watch CNN all the time - it would take being a complete imbecile NOT to recognize the blatant bias and prejudice being aired against our President - I watch it for as long as I can stand it so I can see for myself how BAD the media is treating him - there is absofuckinglutely no fairness - total Dem bias broadcasted 24/7 - guess people like you just eat it up - good thing more people watch reruns of the Cartoon Network than CNN :}

the mind is a terrible thing to waste
I watch CNN all the time - it would take being a complete imbecile NOT to recognize the blatant bias and prejudice being aired against our President - I watch it for as long as I can stand it so I can see for myself how BAD the media is treating him - there is absofuckinglutely no fairness - total Dem bias broadcasted 24/7 - guess people like you just eat it up - good thing more people watch reruns of the Cartoon Network than CNN :}

they speak for the majority of americans!

Majority of People Do Not Want Trump to Run for Re ...
Unsurprisingly, a vast majority of Democrats do not want to see a Trump 2020 bid, with just 16 percent backing a run for a second term for the incumbent president.
2020 election: 60% of Americans do not want Donald Trump ...
Nov 14, 2018 · Nearly 60 per cent of Americans do not want to see Donald Trump re-elected in the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll. While 36 per cent of those surveyed supported a second term for the president, 59 per cent do not, according to the report by Monmouth University.

A Majority Of Americans Want Trump Convicted And Removed
While Trump is trying to get Senate trial canceled, a majority of Americans believe that he is guilty on both articles of impeachment. More Republicans want new witnesses than do not.

Majority of Americans refuse to vote for Trump in 2020 ...
Apr 29, 2019 · A poll conducted by ABC suggests the majority of Americans are unwilling to support President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, with healthcare and …

A majority of Americans already want Trump out, but will ...
A majority in America wants impeachment fulfilled and Trump out of office. The seminal political question of 2020 is whether the Democrats can crystallise that sentiment with their nominee, and win. The prospects are in doubt. Bruce Wolpe is a senior fellow at the United States Studies Centre at the

Sorry, Trump. Most Americans don’t like you. - The ...
Jan 02, 2020 · Unlike Trump, who is convinced Ukraine meddled in our election, only 21 percent of Americans think so. As for climate change, Trump does not have much support