Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Really? So you are in the inner circle so you know it is Trumps Fault, what do you expect him to do? Can you do better? I think Not.
You could not have forgotten he is the president, right? The buck stops with him. Or doesn't it? Whose responsible then, if not the president? Is he only responsible for "good stuff" but not the "bad stuff"?
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You could not have forgotten he is the president, right? The buck stops with hiim. Or doesn't it? Whose responsible then, if not the president? Is he only responsible for "good stuff" but not the "bad stuff"?
It is not Trump, all he can do is assign others to deal with the medical aspects of the virus, which he has done before one death in America. President Trump is using his head to contain the virus through stopping travel in and out of our country, he can't control this virus in any other part of the world. You laugh all the time because you never contribute anything positive or worthwhile to these threads. Laugh all you want, I can simply take it from the source.
It is not Trump, all he can do is assign others to deal with the medical aspects of the virus, which he has done before one death in America. President Trump is using his head to contain the virus through stopping travel in and out of our country, he can't control this virus in any other part of the world. You laugh all the time because you never contribute anything positive or worthwhile to these threads. Laugh all you want, I can simply take it from the source.
I would have to spend all my time trying to set you cult members straight. Easier to just laugh at your stupidity.

Trump was saying as recently as Tuesday that COVID 19 was no big deal and would go away when it warmed up. You may of had a lucid point if Trump would have not opened is big yap but we all know he wants to be the smartest guy in the room no matter the topic and just can help himself from spouting pure stupidity, i.e. "Windmills cause cancer".
Fox News even says they're more of an "entertainment" source than a "news" source these days.
Still waiting for you Mac to give us proof that "Fox News even says they're more of an "entertainment" source than a "news" source these days."
Oh of course....just another documented lie from MacNLies.....have to start counting, you may have more actual "documented lies" than Trump.
It is not Trump, all he can do is assign others to deal with the medical aspects of the virus, which he has done before one death in America. President Trump is using his head to contain the virus through stopping travel in and out of our country, he can't control this virus in any other part of the world. You laugh all the time because you never contribute anything positive or worthwhile to these threads. Laugh all you want, I can simply take it from the source.

well when you cut funding and staff...…..leaves only so much people can do...…..but I'm sure the wall was far more important than the CDC......the only nice thing about this...if there is will probably cost trump his job....a lot more republicans travel more than democrats....and those travelors are not happy with the treatment and the speech's from the pumpkin
So, what do you say, Trumptards? Has this little virus BLOWN OVER enough for you folks?
No Details ... No Plan ... No Leadership ... the Republican way ... President Orange Man doesn't address specifics, lets a public health crisis become an economic issue. All the ORANGE MAN can do "now" is call it a Foreign Virus to aim the blame away from HIM ... so typical of the LOSER!
And we haven't seen the WORST of this by far. Its now out of containment.
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the cure is in their health care package
Yeah it’s all President Trump’s fault - sooooooooooooooooooo lame.

Dems salivating over the market tanking - panic - pandemic - their hope to finally get him - what a bunch of unpatriotic pathetic sore LOSERS !!!!

I trump you want to blame Obama......but all those republicans out on those cruise ships don't see it that way!
Really? So you are in the inner circle so you know it is Trumps Fault, what do you expect him to do? Can you do better? I think Not.

of course it one of his speech's on it...…..pretty evident he is a bumbling fucking idiot...…...Oh wait....he was that before the I guess he just continues to mutate into the walking brain dead...….very similar to you I might add
No, Kneeling is a 1st amendment right that Kap has and as a matter of fact

He has political right to free speech. However, all employers (such as the NFL) regularly limit the speech of employees for the good of the company. His employer can exercise the right to regulate his on field behavior. Limiting end-zone celebrations is one example of regulating players speech.

In normal employment for instance, try disparaging trans-women (or any other minority) in a company e-mail -- and see what happens. You won't make it to the end of the day. When your words are leaked to the public, your company will be harassed and you will be followed to your next job by an army of the offended.

I mean NONE! You LACK that RIGHT anyway to respond to anything that relates to a Black matter, period!

By the rules of your identity politics then, you have no authority to criticize how white people conduct their business. See how stupid that is? No, you probably don't. :rolleyes:

As I keep stating so many times, you are on "the OUTSIDE looking in"!

I've been a sissy since 12. I share my university dorm suite with 4 Black men. I cook, clean and keep my Black men very happy. At my job in the islands, I am still a Black squad girl. Sweetie, I've got more Black DNA pumped into my body than you are made of. :LOL:

I also interact everyday with masculine Black men, who handle their affairs as men do, and protect me when I need it. They don't cry to a white sissy about how people are mean to them. I care though. If you can't get past this weak mindset, I can help you find some panties, skirts and heels in your size.
He has political right to free speech. However, all employers (such as the NFL) regularly limit the speech of employees for the good of the company. His employer can exercise the right to regulate his on field behavior. Limiting end-zone celebrations is one example of regulating players speech.

In normal employment for instance, try disparaging trans-women (or any other minority) in a company e-mail -- and see what happens. You won't make it to the end of the day. When your words are leaked to the public, your company will be harassed and you will be followed to your next job by an army of the offended.

By the rules of your identity politics then, you have no authority to criticize how white people conduct their business. See how stupid that is? No, you probably don't. :rolleyes:

I've been a sissy since 12. I share my university dorm suite with 4 Black men. I cook, clean and keep my Black men very happy. At my job in the islands, I am still a Black squad girl. Sweetie, I've got more Black DNA pumped into my body than you are made of. :LOL:

I also interact everyday with masculine Black men, who handle their affairs as men do, and protect me when I need it. They don't cry to a white sissy about how people are mean to them. I care though. If you can't get past this weak mindset, I can help you find some panties, skirts and heels in your size.
But, his Kneeling wasn't done in a normal employment setting though, so your argument isn't VALID, okay? Lets get something straight and as I stated, do you even know the reason why he was kneeling and does it not matter to you AT ALL? Hmmm, I can see that you DON'T, not surprising! This kneeling thing isn't politics based! See, you're already talking BULLSHIT because you DON'T even know the reason why he did what he did! Like I keep saying, you LACK the authority to speak your opinion when it relates to Black folks because you're not Black! So, STOP dipping talking about ******* that you KNOW NOTHING about! I can see where that WENT over your head because you're STILL putting your two cents in!

I don't give a damn what you are or whom you have served! Lmao, @ Black DNA that you WISH you had! Black men handle their affairs in various ways and the ones that want to stir up a conversation about what has been going on to Black guys for years is commended! Numerous Blacks feel the EXACT same way regarding what I have just said, judging by the STATS! As I have stated also, nobody cares what your opinion is, PERIOD! "Cry to a white sissy"? You're dipping in MY conversation as always, smh! You need stop that bullshit that comes out of your mouth because you make yourself sound UNINFORMED every time you respond to my post, which happens every time! Gay weak men wear that *******, which I am neither! Plus, you talking about keeping GAY MEN happy, which NONE LIVE in my neighborhood which is a good thing! Now, have I seen ALOT of gay or sissy guys killed in my neighborhood, yes, I have! None of them have been arrested though because have to abide by that STREET CODE, shawty! In the neighborhood where I was from, you had no choice but to be tough to survive trying to prevent from getting SHOT at because most, where I'm from, didn't live past the age of 17! As Mobb Deep said in one of their lyrics (which describes you a lot), "You trying to be in the game when you were NEVER ever a PLAYER"!
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